Friday, March 27, 2009


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful parents who volunteered their time today to help out Mrs. Ayer with our Pizza Lunch. The students really enjoy Pizza Days; it makes school fun!

Thank you to all the ECO WARRIORS as they continue to remind us to be conscientious of our surroundings. Today we turned off our lights in the afternoon to recognize Earth Hour tomorrow night! Thank you to all the staff and parents on our committee.

Ms. Armin and Mr. Samotowka distributed the Toronto Summer Music Camps brochure to students in Grade 6-8. The camp is at Mono Cliffs and runs at various times in July. The applications are due by April 23rd.

Good luck to Avery, Ian, Lucas and Imaan at the Math Olympics event tomorrow!

As most of you know, we are in the process of rebuilding a new field. The Board selected the school to be a recipient of a new playing field, including artificial turf. The Board is working with landscape architects and they have completed the conceptual drawings. We will post this on the front office window for you to see and we'll show it at the April Parent Council meeting. We will work with the Board over the next few months as they work through the next steps. The construction will hopefully begin in the Fall.

We received our staffing numbers for the school year 2009/2010. We are fortunate to maintain our 36.5 teaching staff, office staff and lunchroom staff. We have lost .5 of an Education Assistant and now will work with 1 next year. We will receive our Special Needs Assistant numbers at a later date, along with our caretaking numbers.

Finally, report cards go home on Monday and Interviews are on Thursday night and Friday. These interviews are usually reserved for any concerns from both teachers and parents; academically and/or socially. We look forward to seeing some of you over the next week or so. We also included in the report card an envelope explaining the PTR (Promotion, Transfer and Retention) process. Hopefully this info will give you some background knowledge for the end of year.

30th- Report Cards Go Home; Junior Swim Team Meet
31st-Sr. Swim Team Meet

1st-Intermediate and Junior Sharing Assemblies
2nd-Grade 5 classes to ROM
3rd-Parent Teacher Interviews
6th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:30 p.m.-library
7th-Grade 2 to Reptilia
8th-Swim Finals @ Riverdale; Grade 5 Olympics
9th-Grade 1/2/Kindergarten Special Education Reviews
10th and 13th-Good Friday/Easter Monday
15th-Grade 7 & 8 Presentation in the gym
16th-South West Student Equity Conference Conference-Mr. Elias and select Grade 7 & 8 students
20th-Earth Week Begins; Eco Assemblies
21st-WOZ (Wizard of OZ) full dress rehearsal-afternoon
22nd-Author Kenneth Oppel visits
24th-Sharing Assemblies-may be postponed due to WOZ; Grade 6 Presentation-Cosmic Connections; WOZ Full Dress Rehearsal
27th-School performance of WOZ-afternoon
28th-Parent Matinee of OZ
29th & 30th-Wizard of OZ-Evening Performances

1st-Pizza Lunch
13th-Red Maple Trip to Harbourfront-Mrs. McGee and select Grade 7 & 8 students
14th-Grade 4/5 Students attend World Energy Festival
15th-Forest of Reading Lunch-Grade 3-8 in the Library
18th-Victory Day!
22nd-Sharing Assemblies
25th-West Track and Field Meet @York University-Grade 2-8
26th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Break

On Tuesday, the students in Mr. Blais class, along with Mrs. Zappi's and Mrs. Taylor's classes participated in our SW1 FOS Arts Festival at Islington P.S. The students performed beautifully and the pieces chosen by Ms. Hoffman were quite amazing. Overall, it was a great experience for the kids as we were able to see different schools sing and dance. We are looking forward to next year's event.

On the same day, some of our grade 7 & 8 students attended an ECOSCHOOLS Conference with Ms. Perry and Mr. Mclean. The students participated in some interactive workshops and apparently got some great ideas that could be implemented at LKS next year!

We did get official notification that the 2009-2010 calendar has been approved. The first day of school will be Sept 8th for all students. Sept 2nd and 3rd will be Professional Activity Days for staff.

Finally, we hope everyone enjoys their holiday. Looking forward to seeing you all back on the 23rd.

16th-20th-March Break
23rd-Eco-Warriors Lunch-Room 123; Swim Practice; K-3 Hand washing Workshop
25th-Swim Practice
26th-Swim Practice
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Pizza Lunch; Student Council Battle of the Bands
30th- Report Cards Go Home; Junior Swim Team Meet
31st-Sr. Swim Team Meet

3rd-Parent Teacher Interviews
7th-Grade 2 to Reptilia
8th-Swim Finals @ Riverdale; Grade 5 Olympics
10th and 13th-Good Friday/Easter Monday
16th-South West Student Equity Conference Conference-Mr. Elias and select Grade 7 & 8 students
20th-Earth Week Begins; Eco Assemblies
22nd-Author Kenneth Oppel visits
24th-Sharing Assemblies; Grade 6 Presentation-Cosmic Connections
29th & 30th-Wizard of OZ

1st-Pizza Lunch
13th-Red Maple Trip to Harbourfront-Mrs. McGee and select Grade 7 & 8 students
14th-Grade 4/5 Students attend World Energy Festival
15th-Forest of Reading Lunch-Grade 3-8 in the Library
18th-Victory Day!
22nd-Sharing Assemblies
26th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The Eco-Warriors asked me to relay the following information to you...

All TDSB schools will shut off their lights from 2-3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27th. We are also encouraging students to promote the Global Earth Hour on Saturday, March 28th @ 8:30 p.m. Any discussion you can incorporate into the days leading up to this event would certainly help students understand the impact they can have on slowing global warming. Please feel free to add our Eco Warrior Blog link to your pages (listed to the right); this is where we post "Eco Stuff" including the latest Energy Reductions @ LKS. Earth Week Activities (April 20th-24th) will be announced shortly and will also be posted on our Eco Warrior Blog ( and the LKS Website (listed to the right).

Just a reminder to please inform the office, as soon as possible, if you know that your child will not be attending LKS next year. This is important information to know as we plan classes. Another reminder to those parents who have moved from our area, to register your child in your new home school for September. The sooner the new school knows, the better they can place your child. Reminder letters will be sent home shortly.

9th-Swim Practice; Interview Letters go Home!
10th-Grade 7 Hep B #2/Grade 8 Girls HPV #3; Middle School EcoSchools Conference
11th-Swim Practice
16th-20th-March Break
23rd-Eco-Warriors Lunch-Room 123; Swim Practice; K-3 Handwashing Workshop
25th-Swim Practice
26th-Parent Council Family Night; Swim Practice
27th-Sharing Assemblies; Pizza Lunch; Student Council Battle of the Bands
30th- Report Cards Go Home; Junior Swim Team Meet
31st-Sr. Swim Team Meet

3rd-Parent Teacher Interviews
7th-Grade 2 to Reptilia
8th-Swim Finals @ Riverdale; Grade 5 Olympics
10th and 13th-Good Friday/Easter Monday
16th-South West Student Equity Conference Conference-Mr. Elias and select Grade 7 & 8 students
20th-Earth Week Begins; Eco Assemblies
22nd-Author Kenneth Oppel visits
24th-Sharing Assemblies; Grade 6 Presentation-Cosmic Connections
29th & 30th-Wizard of OZ

1st-Pizza Lunch
13th-Red Maple Trip to Harbourfront-Mrs. McGee and select Grade 7 & 8 students
14th-Grade 4/5 Students attend World Energy Festival
15th-Forest of Reading Lunch-Grade 3-8 in the Library
18th-Victory Day!
22nd-Sharing Assemblies
26th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO