Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26, 2010

Our Sharing Assemblies today focused on the character trait of "empathy". It is really impressive to hear the older students present their thoughts on what empathy means to them. It can be a hard concept to understand, but the students really do begin to understand what it means to really "walk in someones shoes" as they get older. Please follow up with these discussions at home also.

One way to really understand this concept is through the act of sharing with another person who is less fortunate. The students are learning about our Community Outreach drive for the holiday season as the toys and food are coming in quickly. We will be delivering our gifts on December 10th. We thank you for your community support!

November Dates

30th-Grade 8 Parent Night @ ECI

December Dates
1st-Kindergarten to Theatre in morning; Walking Wednesday
2nd-Afternoon Kindies off to Theatre
6th-Second dose of HPV-grade 8 girls only
7th-10th-Book Fair in the Library from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
9th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
10th-Pizza Lunch; Delivery of gifts to Stonegate and Women's Shelter (grade 7/8)
13th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. ; Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.; Carols in gym @ 9:00 a.m.
15th-Middle School Dance
17th-Carols @ 1:00 p.m.
20th-31st-Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 19, 2010

On Tuesday, it was wonderful to host Philip Gray, a veteran who served as a bomber pilot in WWII. The grade 4-6 students listened intently as he shared his memories with us. Mr. Gray also wrote a book called, "Ghosts of Targets Past". If you are a history buff, you can get the book at the library. I haven't had a chance to see if you can get the book at a book store or on-line, but I'm sure we can. It looks like a good read.

Thank you for attending the parent/teacher interviews over the last couple of weeks. It was a great opportunity to see you in the school to discuss your child's progress. The intermediates interviewed in teams that took more time than usual, and we will work out those glitches for next time. It was nice to talk to those middle school parents as they waited. Lots of conversations with the grade 8 parents as they plan for high school next year.

We would like to congratulate Mrs. Zappi and her family as they recently adopted their new baby girl. Mrs. Zappi will be on a leave for the remainder of the year. We are in the process of interviewing for a new teacher. We welcome Ms. Sunde for the short term.

November Dates
24th-Senior Boy's VBall @ LKS
25 & 26 (8:15 a.m.)-Mr. Blais' class performs at mini-concert; Grade 7 & 8 presentation from Etobicoke Women's Shelter
26th-Sharing Assemblies; Jr Girl's Basketball Tourney
30th-Grade 8 Parent Night @ ECI

December Dates
1st-Kindergarten to Theatre in morning; Walking Wednesday
2nd-Afternoon Kindies off to Theatre
6th-Second dose of HPV-grade 8 girls only
7th-10th-Book Fair in the Library from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
9th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
13th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. ; Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.; Carols in gym @ 9:00 a.m.
15th-Middle School Dance
17th-Carols @ 1:00 p.m.
20th-Happy Holidays!
20th-31st-Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 8, 2010

On Wednesday, we had a follow-up assembly to present the LKS cheque to the Terry Fox Foundation. This year we raised $22, 206.94, which brings our total to $306, 995.01, over the past 10 years. This truly is amazing. A big thank-you to all the students who helped Mrs. Gibson organize this big event for us, and a special thank you to Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. D'Angelo, our parent rep, who spent hours counting funds and organizing paperwork. Your efforts are appreciated.

Our Remembrance Day Assembly is on November 11th at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to join us in the gym.

Just a reminder that we will be sending home the new Progress Reports on Monday, November 15th. We will include a letter explaining the new process, but if you want to see it earlier, see the website under Notices.

November Dates
9th-Royal Winter Fair Trip for Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Younger; Grade 4 Artist Visit-Mr. Littlejohn
11th-Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 p.m.
12th-Pizza Lunch
15th-Progress Reports Go Home; Grade 2 to Kimsa Theatre; Reports Go Home
17th-Author Visit for Grade 4-6
19th-Parent/Teacher Interview
24th-Senior Boy's VBall @ LKS
26th-Sharing Assemblies
30th-Grade 8 Parent Night @ ECI

December Dates
1st-Kindergarten to Theatre in morning
2nd-Afternoon Kindies off to Theatre
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
9th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
13th-Parent Council; Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.
20th-31st-Happy Holidays!