Welcome back to our grade eight students and Mr. Kuru, Mrs. Dacyshyn, Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Chandra and Ms. Hoffman! We hope you had a great time in Quebec!
This week, we had the opportunity to watch a play that was written by Nicole, one of our grade 5 students, and performed by our very own LKS students. The students put in hours of practice and their effort is appreciated. The play was well written and acted! Thanks to Mr. Blais for acting as staff advisor and directing, and to Ms. Entin and Mrs. Al-Joundi, our parent volunteers for sets and backstage direction.
Next week you will receive your child's report card indicating the 2013-2014 teacher. The following is the overall school model. As you can see, we are lucky to be in such a large school giving teachers an opportunity to team teach and plan as much as possible.
Kindergarten-Mrs. Burns (formerly Raymond), Mrs. Iafrate, Mrs. Tyndall
One-Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Gibson
One/Two-Ms. Kim, Mrs. Wilson
Two/Three-Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Sunde
Two-Mrs. Mandel
Three-Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. Shklar, Mrs. Hoffman
Four-Mrs. Zappi, Mr. Littlejohn
Five-Mr. Ross, Mrs. Caligiuri, Mrs. Walker
Six-Mr. Bracht, Mrs. Taylor
Seven-Mr. Kuru, Ms. Moser
Eight-Mr. Ellerker, Mrs. Chandra
Special Education-Mrs. MacPherson, Mrs. Dacyshyn, Mr. Blais
Physical Education-Mr. Blais, Mr. Ourique
Library-Mrs. McGee
French-Mme Pagnotta, Mme Freitas
Music-Dr Grant
Support Staff-Mrs. Irvin, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Whale, Mrs. Najder
Office-Mrs. Stefanowicz and Mrs. Shakespeare
Lunchroom Supervisors and Caretaking-TBA
As school comes to an end, we are in the process of collecting year end student achievement data. We are so proud of our students accomplishments and successes. At LKS, our grade 3-8 students write the Canadian Test of Basic Skills (CTBS). It provides a snapshot of the students skill level in reading, language and math. The following displays are year results. The first number indicates the grade level in the fall and the second number indicates the grade level in the Spring. Overall, our students scored very high grade equivalents (Grade Equivalent Example: A 4-4 score is what you might expect a child in grade 4, 4th month to achieve.)
Grade 3-Reading (4-3, 5-5), Language (4-8, 5-8), Math (4-4, 5-5)
Grade 4-Reading (5-8, 6-9), Language (6-4, 7-3), Math (6-3,7-6)
Grade 5-Reading (7-2, 8-6), Language (7-5, 9-3), Math (7-4, 8-5)
Grade 6-Reading (7-5, 8-3), Language (9-6, 10-8), Math (8-4, 10-7)
Grade 7-Reading (9-0, 10-0), Language (10-2, 11-9), Math (10-2, 11-6)
Grade 8-Reading (10-7, 12-0), Language (11-8, 12-3), Math (12-0, 13-1)
Finally, I 'd like to share a great poem that one of our grade 4 students wrote and successfully published in the TDSB "Urban Voices". Thank you to Paige.
Hope and Peace
Hope is waiting for your Dad to come home from work.
Peace is the first snowflake that falls from the sky on a winter day.
Hope is being in South Africa and seeing the first raindrop fall from the sky.
Peace is a firefly's first light.
Hope is piece for the world.
Peace is your father's kiss goodnight.
Hope is enough food to feed the poor.
Peace is being in your soft cozy bed.
Hope is one day everyone will follow the golden rule.
Peace is knowing you have a family that loves you.
Peace is your mom's hug goodnight.
24th-Mrs. Raymond's SK Graduation
25th-Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:30 in the library
26th-Report Cards Go Home; Mrs. Tyndall's and Mrs. Mendrinos SK Graduation
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students; Mrs. Iafrate's Graduation
3rd-School Begins and Kindergarten Open House
6th-All kindergartens present
9th-Terry Fox Kick Off Assembly
10th-Curriculum Night
11th-Student Safety Assemblies
13th-Cyber Busters Performance
26th-Terry Fox Walk (27th Rain Date)
27th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
30th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
11th-PA Day
15th-IEPs sent home
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
28th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
26th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
December-Kindness and Caring
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
31st-1-8 Sharing Assembly
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
6th-PA Day
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn
Friday, June 21, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
I'd like to congratulate all of our soccer, frisbee and cricket teams as they finished off their seasons this week. Thanks to Mr. Kuru, Mr. Littlejohn, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Ellerker, Mr. Ourique and Mr. Lanis for coaching this year.
Tonight we host our Grade 8 Graduation and we are so excited. Our parent committee has been decorating over the last couple of days and the lunchroom and gym have been transformed into a really special place for the big celebration. I'd like to congratulate all of our wonderful graduates as they move forward to the next phase of their lives. They have worked hard to achieve their goals and they deserve a great night! Have fun on the Quebec Trip!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to our dads.
June 2013
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindie Sharing Assembly (17th)
18th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Time for Time Play (Gr 1-5 audience)
24th-Mrs. Raymond's SK Graduation
25th-Volunteer Breakfast
26th-Report Cards Go Home; Mrs. Tyndall's SK Graduation
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students; Mrs. Iafrate's Graduation
3rd-School Begins and Kindergarten Open House
6th-All kindergartens present
9th-Terry Fox Kick Off Assembly
10th-Curriculum Night
11th-Student Safety Assemblies
13th-Cyber Busters Performance
26th-Terry Fox Walk (27th Rain Date)
11th-PA Day
15th-IEPs sent home
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
December-Kindness and Caring
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
6th-PA Day
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn
Tonight we host our Grade 8 Graduation and we are so excited. Our parent committee has been decorating over the last couple of days and the lunchroom and gym have been transformed into a really special place for the big celebration. I'd like to congratulate all of our wonderful graduates as they move forward to the next phase of their lives. They have worked hard to achieve their goals and they deserve a great night! Have fun on the Quebec Trip!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Father's Day to our dads.
June 2013
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindie Sharing Assembly (17th)
18th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Time for Time Play (Gr 1-5 audience)
24th-Mrs. Raymond's SK Graduation
25th-Volunteer Breakfast
26th-Report Cards Go Home; Mrs. Tyndall's SK Graduation
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students; Mrs. Iafrate's Graduation
3rd-School Begins and Kindergarten Open House
6th-All kindergartens present
9th-Terry Fox Kick Off Assembly
10th-Curriculum Night
11th-Student Safety Assemblies
13th-Cyber Busters Performance
26th-Terry Fox Walk (27th Rain Date)
11th-PA Day
15th-IEPs sent home
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
December-Kindness and Caring
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
6th-PA Day
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
I'd like to thank everyone who attended our concerts this week. It was a nice way to say goodbye to Spring and welcome the Summer. Both nights provided a nice evening of entertainment and the students should be proud of their efforts and talent. Thank you to Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg, Ms. Hoffman and Mrs. McGee for providing leadership within our music program.
As the school year comes to an end, it is time for us to say goodbye to some staff members.
First, I'd like to say thank you and goodbye to both Mr. Loncar and Mr. Gosling, our caretakers. Both will be retiring at the end of the school year. Mr. Gosling has only been with us for a year, but his presence will be missed. He has worked diligently to keep our school clean and organized as our day Head Caretaker. We wish him much success and relaxation. Mr. Loncar will be leaving us after working for close to 40 years of his adult life. He has cleaned, opened many locks, and worked many Springfests since being at LKS. We will miss him dearly. We wish George all the best with his family, especially the grandchildren!
I'd like to thank both our guidance counselor, Rebecca Forte, and our ESL teacher, Catherine Wong, for working with our student body over the last few years. Mrs. Forte has worked mainly with our intermediate staff and students transitioning our grade 8s to secondary school and Mrs. Wong has worked with our newcomer students across all the grades. I wish both much success as they will be working in other areas within the board.
I'd also like to thank Mrs. Mendrinos who taught kindergarten this year. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mendrinos was declared surplus to the school and has accepted another position. Her little ones, staff and parents are going to miss her dearly!
Mrs. Dias was also declared surplus to the school and has accepted another position. Mrs. Dias has taught at LKS for a few years now and will be greatly missed by her students, colleagues and parents. We wish her much success in her new school.
Mrs. VanSchoor has also accepted another teaching position. As many of you know, Mrs. VanSchoor has been at LKS for a number of years and has taught many of our students in the primary grades as she began her career with the kindergarten team. She has been involved with many extra-curricular activities and took on a leadership position on staff with a three year tenure as Chair. I thank her for her contributions to the LKS community.
In closing, Mrs. Adiar will be retiring at the end of the year. Over the years, Mrs. Adiar has made a tremendous impact on the lives of our students. She has delivered a quality program focusing on reflection and revision. She knows the importance of teaching the "whole child" and nurturing global citizens. Her contributions to the Seeds of Hope Club over the last few years has positively influenced the student body and community at large. Furthermore, she has spent many hours coaching students in our school-wide plays. As a staff member, Mrs. Adair has been a mentor to her colleagues and she has continued to reflect upon her own program to best serve her students. I want to thank Mrs. Adiar for her professionalism and thoughtfulness throughout the years.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
June 2013
10th-Frisbee City Finals
11th-City Track Meet; Grade 3 classes visit Kortright
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindie Sharing Assembly (17th)
18th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
24th-Mrs. Raymond's SK Graduation
25th-Volunteer Breakfast
26th-Report Cards Go Home; Mrs. Tyndall's SK Graduation
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
3rd-School Begins and Kindergarten Open House
6th-All kindergartens present
9th-Terry Fox Kick Off Assembly
10th-Curriculum Night
11th-Student Safety Assemblies
13th-Cyber Busters Performance
26th-Terry Fox Walk (27th Rain Date)
11th-PA Day
15th-IEPs sent home
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
December-Kindness and Caring
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
6th-PA Day
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn
As the school year comes to an end, it is time for us to say goodbye to some staff members.
First, I'd like to say thank you and goodbye to both Mr. Loncar and Mr. Gosling, our caretakers. Both will be retiring at the end of the school year. Mr. Gosling has only been with us for a year, but his presence will be missed. He has worked diligently to keep our school clean and organized as our day Head Caretaker. We wish him much success and relaxation. Mr. Loncar will be leaving us after working for close to 40 years of his adult life. He has cleaned, opened many locks, and worked many Springfests since being at LKS. We will miss him dearly. We wish George all the best with his family, especially the grandchildren!
I'd like to thank both our guidance counselor, Rebecca Forte, and our ESL teacher, Catherine Wong, for working with our student body over the last few years. Mrs. Forte has worked mainly with our intermediate staff and students transitioning our grade 8s to secondary school and Mrs. Wong has worked with our newcomer students across all the grades. I wish both much success as they will be working in other areas within the board.
I'd also like to thank Mrs. Mendrinos who taught kindergarten this year. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mendrinos was declared surplus to the school and has accepted another position. Her little ones, staff and parents are going to miss her dearly!
Mrs. Dias was also declared surplus to the school and has accepted another position. Mrs. Dias has taught at LKS for a few years now and will be greatly missed by her students, colleagues and parents. We wish her much success in her new school.
Mrs. VanSchoor has also accepted another teaching position. As many of you know, Mrs. VanSchoor has been at LKS for a number of years and has taught many of our students in the primary grades as she began her career with the kindergarten team. She has been involved with many extra-curricular activities and took on a leadership position on staff with a three year tenure as Chair. I thank her for her contributions to the LKS community.
In closing, Mrs. Adiar will be retiring at the end of the year. Over the years, Mrs. Adiar has made a tremendous impact on the lives of our students. She has delivered a quality program focusing on reflection and revision. She knows the importance of teaching the "whole child" and nurturing global citizens. Her contributions to the Seeds of Hope Club over the last few years has positively influenced the student body and community at large. Furthermore, she has spent many hours coaching students in our school-wide plays. As a staff member, Mrs. Adair has been a mentor to her colleagues and she has continued to reflect upon her own program to best serve her students. I want to thank Mrs. Adiar for her professionalism and thoughtfulness throughout the years.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
June 2013
10th-Frisbee City Finals
11th-City Track Meet; Grade 3 classes visit Kortright
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindie Sharing Assembly (17th)
18th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
24th-Mrs. Raymond's SK Graduation
25th-Volunteer Breakfast
26th-Report Cards Go Home; Mrs. Tyndall's SK Graduation
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
3rd-School Begins and Kindergarten Open House
6th-All kindergartens present
9th-Terry Fox Kick Off Assembly
10th-Curriculum Night
11th-Student Safety Assemblies
13th-Cyber Busters Performance
26th-Terry Fox Walk (27th Rain Date)
11th-PA Day
15th-IEPs sent home
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
December-Kindness and Caring
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
6th-PA Day
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn
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