Recently, we received our schools projected enrolment numbers for next year. We are projected to have 642 students, down a bit from our current number. We have also been allocated 34.5 staff members. Over the next few weeks, our staff committee and staff will be working on a school organizational model to be approved by our superintendent. I will speak more to this at the Parent Council meeting on Monday.
At our staff meeting, we had the pleasure of watching the film "How Difficult Can this Be?". The film depicts a staff completing a variety of exercises that a teacher would typically ask students to complete in class. But, the speaker presented the activities to the staff in a way that simulated what it would be like to be a student with a learning disability. It was a great reminder to all of us in the room that all of our students learn differently and we have to be so mindful of our practices when working with students who do have a learning disability.
Last week, our Mental Health Committee, consisting of Ms. Dacyshyn, Mrs. Militano, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Ellerker and myself had the opportunity to create an action plan to compliment our Board's Mental Health Strategy. As many of you know, all school must now have a Mental Health Committee and plan in place to help address students' mental health issues. Today, Ms. Dacyshyn and myself attended a Family of Schools meeting to help create a plan for the area of schools under the superintendent's direction.
We will continue to share our plans at future Parent Council Meetings, but generally we will continue to focus on fostering a healthy well-being in our students; increase an awareness of mental health issues to the students, staff and the community and finally empower students by giving them a "voice".
Hope to see you at our Parent Council on Monday night. The focus will be on "Springfest". If you would like to get involved, please meet in the library.
Have a terrific weekend.
At our staff meeting, we had the pleasure of watching the film "How Difficult Can this Be?". The film depicts a staff completing a variety of exercises that a teacher would typically ask students to complete in class. But, the speaker presented the activities to the staff in a way that simulated what it would be like to be a student with a learning disability. It was a great reminder to all of us in the room that all of our students learn differently and we have to be so mindful of our practices when working with students who do have a learning disability.
Last week, our Mental Health Committee, consisting of Ms. Dacyshyn, Mrs. Militano, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Ellerker and myself had the opportunity to create an action plan to compliment our Board's Mental Health Strategy. As many of you know, all school must now have a Mental Health Committee and plan in place to help address students' mental health issues. Today, Ms. Dacyshyn and myself attended a Family of Schools meeting to help create a plan for the area of schools under the superintendent's direction.
We will continue to share our plans at future Parent Council Meetings, but generally we will continue to focus on fostering a healthy well-being in our students; increase an awareness of mental health issues to the students, staff and the community and finally empower students by giving them a "voice".
Hope to see you at our Parent Council on Monday night. The focus will be on "Springfest". If you would like to get involved, please meet in the library.
Have a terrific weekend.
31st-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.; Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Parent Information Night @ 6:00 p.m.; New JK Parent Information Night @ 6:15 p.m.
1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class; Grade 5 Badminton Tournament
2nd-Walking Wednesday
2nd-Walking Wednesday
3rd- Sr Coed Volleyball Tournament
4th-LKS Social at the Old Mill
8th-Grade 6 Badminton Tournament
9th-Grade 5s to ROM; Walking Wednesday
10th-Film Festival Evening Gala (for filmmakers, friends and family); Grade 8 Badminton Tournament
4th-LKS Social at the Old Mill
8th-Grade 6 Badminton Tournament
9th-Grade 5s to ROM; Walking Wednesday
10th-Film Festival Evening Gala (for filmmakers, friends and family); Grade 8 Badminton Tournament
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation; Walking Wednesday
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
22nd-Earth Day-Wear Green
22nd-Earth Day-Wear Green
23rd-Grade 8 Grad Photo Retake; Walking Wednesday; Yard/Shale Pit Clean Up
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-LKS Earth Hour @ 2:00 p.m.
25th-LKS Earth Hour @ 2:00 p.m.
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
30th-Walking Wednesday
30th-Walking Wednesday
5th-Humber College Jazz Presentation-Grade 4-8
6th-First Track Meet @ Centennial
19th-Victoria Day
6th-First Track Meet @ Centennial
19th-Victoria Day
26th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO Begins
28th-Conference Final Track Meet
28th-Conference Final Track Meet
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly;
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
10th-City Finals Track 12th-Grade One and Combined 1/2 to Zoo
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)