Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Yesterday was a lovely day for Lunch on the Lawn; the rain actually held out for us. Thank you to Mrs. Teti and Mrs. Hodgson for organizing such a big order of pizza-job well done! I'm sure you don't want to see anymore pizza slices for a while.

Yesterday, we hosted our Extra-Curricular Assembly for the students. The students who participated in any extra-curricular club or sport were recognized. It's really important for the students to be recognized for their efforts and it gives the younger students a chance to get excited about clubs or sports that they may want to try in an upper grade.

Although it's the last week, the kids still have lots to share. Last Friday, the grade 4 students presented their Medieval projects in the lunchroom for the classes to tour. The projects were outstanding. The projects were inquiry based giving the students an opportunity to explore a topic of their choice about the Medieval times. I saw projects on art, religion, weapons and war formations to name a few. It was evident the student's really expanded their learning.

Yesterday, the Game Design Club, under the direction of Mr. Kuru, Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Ross, presented their games to many of the classes in the school. The students had the opportunity to play each other's games. I gave a few of the games a try and they were so much fun. This club has been such a hit with the students and it has taught them so many skills. The teachers are hoping to expand it to accommodate more students next year.

Grade 4 Medieval Projects

Game Design Club 

As you know, report cards will go home today. Yesterday, I included my June year-end report in the Grade Parent email, so if you get the chance, please read it as it contains valuable information for next year. Also, in the email is an anti-spam consent form that you'll need to complete if you want to continue to receive any information from the school regarding fundraising events held at the school (i.e. Springfest, Grade 8 Yearbooks, Gym T-shirts, Terry Fox information, etc.).  It is vital that you complete this form as new legislation regarding anti-spam takes effect on July 1st. The link to the consent form is:

I'd like to end my last blog of the year with a photo of  a piece of artwork produced from one of our grade 7 girls. This multi-media piece represents a quote that truly embodies what we should all strive to live by and one that we continue to instill in the children....

Grade 7 Inspiration 
 You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore-Winston Churchill 

I hope you all have a great summer!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

It's the second last week of school and the kids keep learning. I saw some terrific presentations this week. Mr. Ross's class entertained the Kingsway residents with their Greek plays and all the Grade 3 classes participated in a variety of activities to end their  Pioneer unit. They had a great time on Wednesday afternoon. 

I'd also like to thank Mrs. Young, Ms. Plumley and Mrs. Taylor for taking many of our grade six students to the Convention Center last Friday to participate in workshops that focused on current Aboriginal issues; the excursion tied in with what the kids have been learning this year in their social studies lessons. 

I'd like to extend my congratulations to Ms. Plumley as she has accepted a full-time position at another school. Ms. Plumley was hired in October and has taught language classes to our two grade 6 classes and with our special education team. We will miss her and wish her the best of luck in her career. 

We are going to have a terrific end to the school year. I hope to see you at the Lunch on the Lawn. Have a great weekend! 
Final Eco-Club Meeting! Packing Seeds!

Grade 3 Pioneer School 

Grade 6 Conference 

Grade 5 Class entertains Kingsway Residents 

June 2014 
23rd -Mrs. Burn's Graduation; Grade 8 BBQ 
24th-Mrs. I's Graduation; Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:10-library  
25th-Lunch on the Lawn; Mrs. Tyndall's Graduation; Athletic Assembly-afternoon; Game Design Showcase-lunchroom in the afternoon   
26th-Reports Go Home 
27th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly @ 9:00 a.m. 

August 2014

25th-Office Opens

September 2014

2nd- School Begins 
8th-Terry Fox Assembly
9th-Curriculum Night
24th-Terry Fox Walk
25th-Terry Fox Rain Date
29th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
30th-School Photos

October 2014

1st-School Photos
27th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
28th-Photo Retakes 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First, let me start by thanking all the staff and parents who have worked so hard over the last few weeks and months preparing for our Grade 8 Graduation that will take place tomorrow night. Our gym and lunchroom are being transformed as I write this for the festivities. The grade 8 students should be so proud of their accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom. We depend upon their leadership throughout their middle school years to help run many of the community activities including the Haunted House, Springfest and Play Days. We wish them the best of luck as they enter the next phase of their schooling. I'm sure they are going to have a great time in Quebec next week. 

This week, I had the opportunity to visit Ms. Walker's class and saw some students present their projects on the Environment. Ms. Walker asked the students to pick a topic of interest and research answers to three self-directed questions. It was evident the kids really enjoyed the topics and presented detailed presentations. I might have to get solar panels for my house now! 

Just a reminder that report cards will go home on the 26th. If you are not here that day, the report cards will be left in the office. You can pick them up the first week of July or the last week of August. You can also get someone to pick them up from the teacher on the last day. Please confirm with the teacher. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Father's Day!
Grade 5 Science Inquiry Projects!

Grade 5 Eco-Home!

16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
17th-3B to movies-Winners of Springfest contest 
18th-1-7 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd -Mrs. Burn's Graduation; Grade 8 BBQ 
24th-Mrs. I's Graduation; Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:10-library  
25th-Lunch on the Lawn; Mrs. Tyndall's Graduation  
26th-Reports Go Home 
27th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly 

August 2014
25th-Office Opens

September 2014
2nd- School Begins 
8th-Terry Fox Assembly
9th-Curriculum Night
24th-Terry Fox Walk
25th-Terry Fox Rain Date
29th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
30th-School Photos

October 2014
1st-School Photos
27th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
28th-Photo Retakes 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I'd like to thank Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Dr Grant for hosting our concert on Monday night. We heard a variety of pieces from the intermediate Strings and Band classes, Grade 3/4 Recorder Ensemble and the Grove Machine Club. We all know the importance of music education and we are very proud of the music events that took place at the school this year, including: 

-Grade 6 Jump Start Music Camp-October 5th
-O'Canada performance at the Marlie's game on November 30th
-Middle School Concert on December 16th
-Primary/Junior Concert on January 30th
-Grade 6 to 8 Kiwanis Music Festival in February 2014
-Humber College Jazz Performance on May 5th
-Spring Concert on June 2nd
-Toronto Summer Music Camp

I'd also like to thank Student Council for organizing the school-wide Amazing Race yesterday. The grade 1-8 students had a great time finishing their activities. It was a great community builder! Thanks to Mr. Ross, Ms. Chandra and Mr. Littlejohn for being the staff advisors.

I'd also like to thank Mrs. Hall for being my dance partner over the last few months. We had the pleasure of taking our Folk Dance Club to a Folk Dance Festival on Tuesday night. The club performed 13 songs and they should be very proud of their efforts!

Remember, tomorrow is a PA Day and there is no school. Teachers will be marking and completing report cards.

Completing Amazing Race! 

Dressing Up at Amazing Race!

Grade 2 and 3 Folkdance Club! 

June 2014
9th-Cricket Semi-Finals;Last day for students to return library books please  
10th-City Finals Track 
11th-Grade 6 classes to Blue Jay Game; Junior Soccer City Finals 
12th-Grade One and Combined 1/2 to Zoo; Cricket Finals 
13th-Grade 8 Graduation @ 6:30 p.m. 
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
17th-3B to movies-Winners of Springfest contest 
18th-1-7 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd -Mrs. Burn's Graduation; Grade 8 BBQ 
24th-Mrs. I's Graduation; Volunteer Breakfast @ 8:10-library  
25th-Lunch on the Lawn; Mrs. Tyndall's Graduation  
26th-Reports Go Home 
27th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly 

August 2014
25th-Office Opens

September 2014
2nd- School Begins 
8th-Terry Fox Assembly
9th-Curriculum Night
24th-Terry Fox Walk
25th-Terry Fox Rain Date
29th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
30th-School Photos

October 2014
1st-School Photos
27th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m. 
28th-Photo Retakes