Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25, 2016

Last night at the Parent Council meeting, I had the opportunity to go over the school budget. This year, approximately $200,000 in our school and parent council budgets has been allocated in a variety of areas to provide resources within the classroom, and enrichment activities. Funds go towards consumables, textbooks, furniture, office supplies, hardware/software, technology repairs, music (both vocal and instrumental), library resources, professional development, author visits, physical education and sports teams, Artist and Scientists in the School, Grade 8 Graduation, clubs, and reading/math, copyright and technology licenses. As you can see, it takes an awful lot of funds to provide the best programs that we can at the school. Some is provided through the Ministry, but almost half has been raised by the community. We are blessed that we live in a community that works together to provide a solid foundation for learning. 

This week, staff will receive their annual training on Child Abuse and Neglect. Under the Child and Family Services Act, members of the public and professionals who work with children must report any suspicions that a child is or may be in need of protection to a Children's Aid Society. 

Ms. Norton and I will also be attending our second Network (formerly Family of Schools) meeting on Thursday. We will learn more about the three foci of the Board: Student Achievement, Mental Health and Equity. A parent asked me what the Board means by "Equity". You can learn more about the  TDSB Integrated Equity Framework Action Plan by logging onto the TDSB website homepage.

At the school level, staff have created Equity goals for our School Improvement Plan. The following is a brief summary: 

-to implement the new Ministry Kindergarten Program and Growing Success Document (used for assessment and Evaluation 
-complete the new Ministry (first and second term) Kindergarten Communication of Learning 
-transitions to secondary school is supported 
-staff will continue to focus on learning skills to develop 21st Century Skills 
-students, staff and community will gain an awareness to understand, identify, address, and eliminate the biases, barriers, and power dynamics that limit student' prospects for learning, growing and fully contributing to society 

In the next few blogs, I will blog our goals in Student Achievement in literacy, math, and science and Mental Health. 

The end of week should prove to be fun with the Grade 8 Haunted House and Pizza Lunch. 

October 2016 
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00; Scare Hunger Food Drive Ends  

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line; Bus Safety Presentations  
2-Grade 8 Parent Night 
7-Bus Safety Presentations 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30
 13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day
25-Parent Council Parent Social 
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3
 30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017

13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day

Development Consultation Meeting

It has just come to our attention of a consultation meeting tonight regarding a development on Dundas. Here is the information if you are interested.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A big congratulations to all of our sports teams, coaches and parent drivers. We have many runners heading to the City Cross Country Finals next week, along with our Jr Boys' Softball team. Also,our Jr Girls and Boys Football teams will head to a second tournament.

I had the pleasure of watching Mr. Iceton's grade 4 class demonstrate their learning in science today. The students have been learning about pulley systems and the students worked in groups to create a skit to show what they have learned thus far. It was a good example to show how a teacher uses a variety of different assessment methods; it doesn't always have to be a paper and pencil test.

It was also exciting to observe the learning in Mrs. Zappi's grade 2 students use their screwdrivers to screw a whole lot of screws into a plank.  Again, it's one thing to learn using traditional paper and pen, but a deeper understanding of the screw as a simple machine evolves when the students' see and physically manipulate the material.

A big thanks to you and Parent Council as we purchased a class set of IPADS and accessories through fundraising. The IPADS will come in handy when we begin our coding lessons.

We have begun work on our School Improvement Plan. Our initiatives will reflect the Board's work in the areas of Student Achievement, Mental Health and Equity. I will blog our initiatives over the next couple of blogs.

A little excerpt from Gloria Steinem’s My Life on the Road. I thought it was a good reminder for me, so I thought I’d pass it on:

If you want people to listen to you, you have to listen to them.
If you hope people will change how they live, you have to know how they live.
If you want people to see you, you have to sit down with them eye-to eye. 

Have a great weekend. 

October 2016 
24-Sr Girls' Football at Swansea
25-Officer Rich visits Grade 6 and 4; Grade 3 and 5 go to Young People's Theatre; Parent Council Fall Fair after school  
26-Football Finals 
 27– Picture Retakes; Cross Country Finals at Centennial 
28-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00; Scare Hunger Food Drive Ends  

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line; Bus Safety Presentations  
2-Grade 8 Parent Night 
7-Bus Safety Presentations 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30
 13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day
25-Parent Council Parent Social 
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3
 30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017

9-PA Day

Thursday, October 13, 2016

We hosted our first grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies this week. It is always a pleasure watching the recipients receive their certificates. The teachers recognize those students who display an outstanding character trait. This year, we are asking the teachers to choose any character trait they want; not necessarily the monthly ones set by TDSB. We've done that for many years now, and it was time for a change. We are hoping the new change will make the experience meaningful and authentic for each student. We know the importance of recognizing those deserving students. 

Ms. Barry and her Stomp group performed for each assembly. Ms. Barry has introduced "courses" that students can sign up for throughout the year. It is a wonderful, fresh idea! The middle school performers were amazing. Their practice sessions have paid off for sure! 

We hope the beginning of the year is a positive, smooth transition for all of the students; but we know this isn't always the reality. If you are hearing that your child is struggling to find new friends or doesn't know how to handle conflict at recess or lunch, please make sure you also let the teacher know as it is imperative we know what is happening.  It's important that we work together to help alleviate the stress your child is feeling. 

Although we know the results from our Climate Surveys show that our students overwhelming feel safe in our classrooms, inside the building and outside, we still need to be vigilant in maintaining a safe environment. We have many of our initiatives starting soon that will also guide us in safety discussions with the students over the next month. The Huddle Up Committee will begin planning our strategies to create a positive climate and reduce bullying and the Grade 6 Peer Mediators will be trained on helping our little ones resolve conflict at recess and lunch. We are also looking forward to our Power of One Assembly next week that will focus on anti-bullying strategies. 

Many of you know that the doors in the building are locked and you need to buzz the office to enter after nine in the morning. The Before and After Program now has a buzzer. It is located on the left hand side of the front doors. The buzzer is to be used only for parents of the program. The B & A staff will not let anyone in the building other than the parents/children in the program. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Good luck to all of our sports teams as they begin their tournaments. Please support our Scare Hunger Food Drive! 

17-Jr Boys' Football at Smithfield; Scare Hunger Food Drive Begins   
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
19-West Cross Country Meet at Centennial 
20-Whole School Well-Being Activity 
21-Sr Boys' Football at Park Lawn 
24-Sr Girls' Football at Swansea
25-Officer Rich visits Grade 6 and 4; Grade 3 and 5 go to Young People's Theatre; Parent Council Fall Fair after school  
26-Football Finals 
 27– Picture Retakes; Cross Country Finals at Centennial 
28-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00; Scare Hunger Food Drive Ends  

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line; Bus Safety Presentations  
7-Bus Safety Presentations 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30
 13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day
25-Parent Council Parent Social 
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3
 30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday, October 7, 2016

Mrs. Stefanowicz and I had the pleasure of receiving our first Cashless School Training this week. Going cashless is going to provide an opportunity for the community to pay for LKS items (i.e. agendas, field trips etc) on-line. Direct payments will be sent directly into our TDSB account so Mrs. Stefanowicz can pay the bills. We are so excited because it is less work for teachers (therefore spending more time on instruction) and Mrs. Stefanowicz (she doesn't have to count thousands of dollars of cash) and the ultimate reason is increased security. Students will no longer be bringing money in their knapsacks and we don't have the cash at the school location.  We will be sending more information home on how to register, but you can visit https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ to learn about the system in advance.

Kiss and Ride is a very important part of the morning. It is imperative that it runs safely and efficiently.  Please pull up to the front of the line, drop your child/dren off and continue driving. It is important that no one parks or idles and do not let your children out of the vehicle so they have to walk through the Kiss and Ride line through the parking lot. This is extremely dangerous. It is important that everyone follow these routines for the safety of our children.

As you may know, John Malloy is the new director of TDSB. He is passionate about connecting with parents and has sent a link to a video for you to view:


This video has been created as a tool to help explain the role that parents/guardians play in supporting student achievement and well-being and emphasizes the importance of parent engagement across our system.

Please remember that this Friday is a Professional Development Day. Staff will be working on our School Improvement Plan and analyzing the resources that are currently being used in the classroom for embedded higher level thinking.

I hope everyone enjoys Thanksgiving and we will see you on Tuesday. 
12-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly 
14-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Jr Girls' Football at John English 
17-Jr Boys' Football at Smithfield; Scare Hunger Food Drive Begins   
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
19-West Cross Country Meet at Centennial 
20-Whole School Well-Being Activity 
21-Sr Boys' Football at Parklawn 
24-Sr Girls' Football at Swansea
25-Officer Rich visits Grade 6 and 4; Grade 3 and 5 go to Young People's Theatre 
26-Football Finals 
 27– Picture Retakes; Cross Country Finals at Centennial 
28-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00; Scare Hunger Food Drive Ends  

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line; Bus Safety Presentations  
7-Bus Safety Presentations 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30
 13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day13-18-Bullying Awareness Week
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3
 30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students