Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week Ahead!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It certainly was hard getting to cross-country today! I'm sure we will be back into routine tomorrow. We've got a few things happening of interest this week:

-Welcome to Jim Spyropoulos, our superintendent. He visited Ms. Malobabic's class to see the comic book workshop
-Our semi-finalists in cross country had their final run before tomorrow's meet at Centennial
-Mr. Kuru and the Senior Boys' Football team are at a tournament for the day
-The grade 6 classes are enjoying the nature trip right now

-Acorn Day!-All classes will be participating in our card making fundraising activity
-We have Bus Safety Presentations for our primary classes
-The Senior Girls have a football tournament

-Our Junior Girls have a football tournamnet
-Our first Sharing Assemblies throughout the day

Just a reminder of our Parent Council Meeting next Monday!