Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Long Weekend!

We hope everyone has a great weekend resting up and having fun with your friends and family. We had a very busy week...again!

Many of our sports teams had their tournaments this week, including the senior boys soccer and ultimate frisbee teams. Cricket players, be sure to look for your postponed tournament on the sports website. Thank you to all the players who tried out for a team. It takes a lot of courage and hard practice and you are commended for your commitment. Thank you to the coaches. I know you were pulled in many directions this week, spending 12 hour days, and your efforts too should be commended. Finally a big thanks to all the parents who drove back and forth. I know that many of you were driving many days this week!

Thank you to all the safety reps for helping out with our "tug of wars" at recess. They thought they would celebrate the Character Trait of "cooperation" with a friendly class tug of war! It was really fun! Remember that May's character trait is Integrity. This concept is a bit hard for the little ones to understand, but can easily be introduced with a small conversation of "right and wrong". The safety reps will be meeting next week to plan an event to cover the last two character traits of the year.

Report Cards will go home on June 22nd. Even though we are very busy at the end of the year, students are encouraged to stay focused on achieving your third term goals. We know many of you are hard at work finishing up projects and studying for final tests. We have asked all teachers to communicate with parents if any students will be transferring into the next grade (please see 2nd term report card parent letter for Promotion, Transfer and Retention processes).

A final thank you to all the students who got dropped off at Kiss and Ride today. The parents told me you were so nice today and greeted them with warm "good mornings"! Thank you for being so respectful.


18th-Victory Day!
20th-Volunteer Tea @ 3:30-Library
21st-LKS has Talent-p.m.; Junior Boys Soccer
22nd-Sharing Assemblies
25th-West Track and Field Meet @York University-Grade 2-8
26th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO
29th-Pizza Day

1st-Grade 6-8 Instrumental Concert Night
2nd-Dental Screening
3rd-Free the Children Assembly
4th-Grade 4-8 York University Conference Finals; Grade 1 Classes to the Zoo!
5th-Grade 6 Cosmic Connections; Grade 2 Classes to Harbourfront
8th-12th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
8th-Parent Council
10th-Grade 4-8 City Track Finals-U of T
22nd-Report Card Go Home!
24th-Grade 8 Graduation
25th-Last Day for Students; Year End Assembly