Thursday, October 15, 2009



FedEx Express Canada and Safe Kids Canada have launched the second annual Crossing Guard contest. We are proud to support and nominate our crossing guard, Bob Shelton. Mr. Shelton is a wonderful addition to our community as he is a very conscientious person whose main focus is to keep our children safe. In addition, he knows the importance of a warm greeting first thing in the morning! If you would like to nominate Bob, please visit for more information.

What a great week for learning at LKS! We were pleased to have Debbie Gordon from Mediacs present to our grade 6 classes on current issues, including safety, around the "Wild Wild Web"! and to our grade 8 classes on self image and the web. Each year, Debbie brings current and valuable information with the hopes of building media savvy children. We thank Parent Council for contributing funds to these very important initiatives.

Debbie's presentation is one of many that we have incorporated into the school's safety plan. Each year, our Safety Committee creates a safety plan as part of our school improvement plan. One of our goals is to present topics that are relevant to each grade. All grade teams/committees will be completing the final plan at the end of October and we will again be presenting it to Parent Council either at the November or December meeting.

If you have any used books (JK - Grade 8) or winter clothing that you're clearing from your home, please consider donating them -- the LKS Literacy and Community Outreach Committees are collecting them for our sister school, 20th Street (some books will go to LKS). Used books and clothing may be dropped off in collection bags / bins by the south-west stairs until November 6th.

A big congratulations to our Cross Country Team. Thirty runners will be moving on to the City Finals on the 22nd. A special congratulations is extended to the grade 2 girls and boys who placed 1st, and to the grade 6 boys and grade 7 girls who placed 3rd!

Another congratulations goes out to our Junior/Senior Boys' and Girls' Softball teams and Senior Boys' and Girls' Football Teams as they too are heading to the Finals over the next two weeks! Good Luck!

We are very pleased to update you on our playground renovation. The architects have almost completed the drawings and the project has gone out for quotes. The Board is fully committed to this project and we couldn't be happier. Initial work will likely begin in late fall/early winter.

19th-Class Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch; Jr Girls Football @ English
20th-IEPs sent home
21st-Eric Walters visits the grade 2-8 classes
22nd-Cross Country Meet @ Centennial
23rd-Ms. Van Schoor, Ms. Buksner and Ms. Mandel off to Outdoor Ed Centre; Pizza Lunch
27th-Sharing Assemblies
28th-Grade 8 High School Night; Terry Fox Final Assembly @ 2:45 p.m.; Gr 1 Classes to Farm
29th-Mrs. Olson & Mrs. Bradshaw's class to Outdoor Ed Centre
30th-Hallowe'en Parade; Grade 6-8 Dance-afternoon; ACORN ART ORDERS DUE!

4th-Eco-Warriors Lunch Meeting; Artists visit Mr. Ross and Mrs. Zappi
5th-Photo Retakes; Artists visit to Mrs. Adair and Mrs. Shklar
9th-Parent Council
10th-Artist visit to Mr. Littlejohn
11th-Remembrance Day Assembly-If you would like to come, a good time would be at 10:50
13th-No school-PA Day!
16th-Parent/Teacher Interview Letters Go Home!
17th-Artist visit to Mrs. Gibson
20th-Sharing Assemblies
23-Class Safety Rep Meeting
24th-Artist to visit Mrs. Taylor
27th-Pizza Lunch
30th-Report Cards Go Home (Only SK Reports-Jr Kindies' get a report second term)

December 3-Interview Day(the 2nd at night)
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert
9th-Grade 6-8 Concert
14th-Parent Council