Next Monday, report cards will be sent home indicating first term progress. Interviews have been scheduled at different times, but mainly for the 3rd and the 4th. In kindergarten, only the Seniors will be getting a Progress Report this term. This is the second year staff have completed the report cards using our new process on the TDSB Web. It has been a success so far.
If you haven't had a chance to read the book I recommended last year (Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax), I encourage you to pick it up from the store. I was reviewing some of the chapters this week, particularly the one on video games. He states that the average teenage boy spends more than 13 hours a week playing games and then he delves into different reasons and tasks that might or might not motivate young boys. Overall, the book is a good resource to keep us thinking, questioning and evaluating our practices as educators when working with boys.
Please remember that Empathy is our focused Character Trait this month. Students were recognized at our Sharing Assemblies this week with a special braclet and certificate. Congratulations!
Finally, special thanks goes to our student reps who participated in the Vow of Silence today. The students, vowed to stay silent and refrained from communicating via the computer for 24 hours to support children around the world who are denied their basic rights. November 20 is special as it celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The student body contributed donations to this cause. If you would like to still support our student leaders, please drop off your donation in the office.
23-Class Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch; Eric Walters returns to the middle school
24th-Artist to visit Mrs. Taylor;Jr Vball @ James S. Bell
25th-Sr Girls' BB Tournament @LKS
26th-Grade Eight Special Education Review Meetings-morning(
27th-Pizza Lunch; Sr Boys' VBall @ LKS all day; Author Adrea Beck to visit K-2
30th-Report Cards Go Home (Only SK Reports-Jr Kindies get a report second term; Sr Boys' Vball at LKS
1st-3rd-Book Fair-lunch, recess and before/after school; Grade 4 Charity Bakesale-p.m.
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting and Walking Wednesday
December 4-Interview Day(the 3nd at night)
7th-City Hall trip for Grade 5 (Ms. Walker and Ms. I)
8th-Grade 1-5 Concert @ 6:30 p.m
9th-Grade 6-8 Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
10th-Author Visit Grade 3-8
11th-Athletic Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
14th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.; Kindergarten Concert @ 6:00 p.m.; City Hall Trip for Mrs. Young's class; Carols in the gym at 9:00 a.m.
18th-Carols in the gym @ 1:00 p.m.