Once again, we'd like to thank all the children who have wanted to contribute to the people in Haiti. The students in the Seeds of Hope Club, will be hosting an assembly on February 18th. The day of the assembly, they are asking the children to bring in a small donation to their teacher to help contribute to Haiti. All donations will be given to both the Red Cross and Feed the Children.
Thank you to all the parents on the Parent Council Literacy Committee, who along side Mrs. McGee, our librarian, brought in a favourite author of the students, Cheryl Thorton. Mrs. Thorton helped us celebrate Family Literacy Day at LKS with her lively storytelling.
As many of you know, the two grade 8 classes have been separated into single-gender classes for the month of January. The grade 8 staff, myself included (being the art teacher), with the ongoing support of the parents, have really appreciated this past month as it has given us the opportunity to explore our instructional strategies and further develop our own professional development. Throughout our in-house action research project, we have gathered some data from staff, parents and the students. We are in the final stages of collection and will be ready to share our insights in the next couple of months to the grade 8 parents and at a parent council meeting.
The Character Trait for February is "Fairness". We will be discussing this in the classrooms and encourage you to do the same at home. Thank you.
1st-Grade 8 Career Day at Lakeshore
2nd-Small group of grade 7 students attend Dare To Dream Conference
3rd-EcoWarrior Meeting and Walking Wednesday; Jr Girls Vball @ LKS
4th-Jr Hockey at Bell
5th-Grade 6 visits from artist and Scientist in School
8th-Parent Council @ 7:00-Library; Sr Hockey game
9th-Special Education Reviews
10th-11th-Kindergarten Registration-Please call 416-394-7890 after Jan 14th!; Jr Hockey at Mastercard; 10th-Sr Girls Vball @ Islington; 11th-Jr Hockey @ Mastercard; One Hundredth Day!; Middle School Dance in the afternoon
15th-Grade 8 Secondary School Course Selection Sheets due
16th-Parent Teacher Interview Letters to go home; Middle School Orchestra to Kiwanis @ John English
23rd-Grade 7 Band to Kiwanis at York Memorial; Artist visit to Mrs. Young's class
25th-Grade 4 to Medieval Times; Sharing Assemblies; Grade 5 to AGO
26th-Artist visit to Mrs. Iafrate's class
1st-Report Cards go Home!
3rd-Eco-Warriors lunch meeting and Walking Wednesday; Artist visit to Ms. Walker
4th-Pizza Lunch
5th-Parent/Teacher Interview Day
8th-Grade 1 & 2 Classes to Theatre;A few classes participating in SW1 Arts Festival
15th-19th-Happy March Break!
22nd-Student Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch
26th-Pizza Lunch
29th-Sharing Assemblies
2nd & 5th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
12th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 in Library; Beauty and Beast Dress Rehearsal
13th-Beauty and Beast Matinee and Evening Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
14th- Beauty and Beast Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
17th-Parent Council Dinner Dance
22nd-Earth Day
26th-Sharing Assemblies
4 and 5th-SW1 Equity Conference (for some junior and intermediate students)
10th-Parent Council Meeting in Library @ 7:00 p.m.
14th-Mr. Blais and Ms. Caddel at photography exhibition with students at AGO
17th-Safety Rep Meeting at lunch
27th-Sharing Assemblies
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
25th-Grade 8 Grad
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly