Welcome back to the beginning of third term. I do hope you all had a great break! This week seemed to pass by so quickly as we all got back into the swing of things. I hope the remainder of the year doesn't go by so fast!
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the swim meet on Thursday. We are looking forward to the City Finals in a couple of weeks.
We've had a very productive week for staff development. Ms. Moser and Mrs. Shklar both attended a Family of School Workshop where they had the opportunity to share the good things the grade 3 and 6 teachers have been working on in literacy with their students. The focus in writing has been on writing 'summaries'. This was a great opportunity to network with other teachers and to participate in extended professional development. Ms. Moser, Mr. Ourique, Mr. Littlejohn and Mrs. Iafrate also had the opportunity to work with our assigned math instructional leader to develop more opportunities for using manipulatives in the classroom. It proved to be a practical experience as the teachers were able to use some of the suggestions already. Our primary math reps (Mrs. Olson, Mr. Ross, Ms. Kim, Ms. vanSchoor and Mrs. Hall) were also given time to explore more math lessons using the Smart Board and new math resources on the market. Finally, Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. MacPherson also worked with our instructional leader to further introduce more hands-on practical experiences with the kindergarten students.
Mr. Samotowka would like to remind you that applications for the Toronto Summer Music Camp at Albion Hills and Mono Cliffs were handed out just before March Break. The camp is open to any grade 5-8 band or strings student in the TDSB.
Camp 1 – July 3rd – July 11th
(Band Camp at Albion Hills & Orchestra Camp at Mono Cliffs)
Camp 2 – July 13th – July 18th
(Band Camp at Albion Hills & Orchestra Camp at Mono Cliffs)
Camp 3 – July 20th – July 25th
(Orchestra Camp at Mono Cliffs)
For more information, go to : www.tdsbsummercamps.ca or contact Mr. Samotowka directly at: toronto_summer_music_camp@yahoo.ca
Have a great weekend!
P.S. The amazing shot of the stingray was taken from Christian (Grade 8) on his family vacation!
Dates to Remember
March 29th-Sharing Assemblies
2nd & 5th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
8th and 9th-Grade 5 Badminton and Grade 7 Badminton
12th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 in Library; Beauty and Beast Dress Rehearsal
13th-Beauty and Beast Matinee and Evening Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
14th- Beauty and Beast Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
17th-Parent Council Gala
19th-Grade 5 classes visit Queen's Park; Earth Week Assembly @ 9:00
20th-Grade 8 Badminton
22nd-Earth Day
26th-Sharing Assemblies
4 and 5th-SW1 Equity Conference (for some junior and intermediate students)
10th-Parent Council Meeting in Library @ 7:00 p.m.
11th-Puppet Show for K-6
14th-Mr. Blais and Ms. Caddel at photography exhibition with students at AGO
17th-Safety Rep Meeting at lunch
25th-Book Fair Begins
26th-Safety Officer visits Grade 4 and Grade 5
27th-Sharing Assemblies
31st-June 11-Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO tentative dates
Dental Screening throughout June
3rd-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
9th-Grade 4 White Elephant Sale
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
25th-Grade 8 Grad
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly