Today, we held our Remembrance Day Assembly in the gym for all the students, staff and community. I'd like to thank you for attending as the kids see Remembrance Day as a community event; something to be shared together, and honoured. I'd like to thank Ms. Moser, Ms. Hoffman and Ms. McGee for organizing this event today; it was a beautiful ceremony. Again, thank you to the families who donated items to our community display in the front hall, and to Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Wolfer (Alumni Parents) who created such a beautiful collage of memories. The students who performed today should also be recognized; your performances were beautifully done. Excellent job to Kaitlyn and Paul.
On Monday, Progress Reports will be going home and we will begin our week of interviews. My "report card" letter will be attached with this week's grade parent letter. I'm also sending along this link for you as it is a good article on how to talk to your child about report cards: http://school.familyeducation.com/report-cards/parents-and-school/38368.html.
I'd also like to thank our Kindergarten Parents for completing our on-line Literacy Survey. The kindergarten team will be looking at the collected data to help form the basis of an upcoming workshop. We are grateful for your support.
Congratulations to Mrs. Shklar, our grade two/three teacher, on the birth of her first baby. Best wishes to your new family.
14th-Report Cards Go Home; Scientists in the School visit Mrs. Younger and Mrs. Olson; Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
14th-18th-Parent Teacher Interviews
15th-Scientist in the School visit Mrs. Gibson/Mrs. Hall
18th-Professional Development Day-End of Parent/Teacher Interviews
22nd-Parent Information Night @ 6:00 p.m. (Topic: Children's Eating Disorders)
25th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies; Parent Social: Earth @ 7:30 p.m.
28th-Grade 2 classes to Lorraine Kimsa (p.m.) and Kindergarten in the morn
29th-Junior and Intermediate Sharing Assemblies; Kindergarten classes to Lorraine Kimsa in the afternoon
30th-Seeds of Hope "Vow of Silence"
2nd-Pizza Lunch
7th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
9th-PA Day
13th-Kindergarten Concert
14th-Grade 1-5 Concert
15th-Grade 6-8 Concert
21st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
22nd-Junior and Intermediate Sharing Assemblies
23rd-Last Day of School
9th-School Begins; Police Visits for Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Hall, Ms. Mandel, Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Shklar
11th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
13th-Pizza Lunch
16th-Police visit Mrs. Seitz, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Iafrate, Ms. Walker, Mrs. Young; Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
27th-PA Day
8th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Kindergarten Registration
9th-Kindergarten Registration
10th-Pizza Lunch
13th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
14th-Happy Valentine's Day
17th-PA Day
20th-Family Day
7th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
12th-16th-March Break
6th and 8th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
16th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
20th-Pizza Lunch
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting
11th-Pizza Lunch
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
21st-Victoria Day
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
8th-Pizza Lunch
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn