I hope everyone had a great March Break. What a wonderful week to return; the weather is outstanding!
This week one of our mom's who has a son with special needs sent along this link that I thought I'd share with you as it is a good reminder of showing empathy ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maria-lin/special-needs-parenting_b_1314348.html). I'd also like to remind you that Monday is Purple Day (http://www.purpleday.org/)to help raise awareness to Epilepsy.
Finally, as many of you know TDSB is facing a challenging time. Although we are facing some tough times ahead, especially over the next few weeks, I want you to know that your children are first priority to our staff and we will continue to provide an excellent education. There are many opportunities that come from overcoming obstacles; especially when we work together.
If you wish to learn more about these issues, I encourage you to attend Trustee Gough's Ward meeting on March 29th at Karen Kain School of the Arts at 7:00 p.m. ( 60 Berl Avenue).
Dates to Remember
27th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies and Soccer Skills Presentation
28th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
29th-Safety Rep meeting at lunch
30th-Author visit-Marina Cohen-Grade 4-8
3rd-Community Lawyer visits grade one
5th-Community Fireman visits grade one
6th and 8th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
10th-Officer Ritch visits Mrs. Tyndall's class
16th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
18th-Seeds of Hope at lunch
20th-Pizza Lunch
24th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
26th-Eco-Olympics; Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance
3rd-Annie Evening Performance
11th-Pizza Lunch
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch
21st-Victoria Day
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn