Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our spring sports teams are starting up including badminton, swimming, track and field, co-oed volleyball, cricket, soccer,and ultimate frisbee. We are so excited to see so many kids try out for these teams, but unfortunately not everyone is going to make an inter school team. We are committed to offering as many opportunities for the kids to play a sport on an inter school team. The purpose of TDSB inter school leagues is to provide opportunities to have schools compete with others schools. By providing as many sports as staff can, we are advancing skill level and promoting a healthy competitive environment stressing teamwork and fun. In the past, some parents have had concerns that the same kids make the teams. There is a reality to that scenario, but as coaches, we also work together to include as many kids as possible, always taking into consideration that these are inter school teams. That is why we offer as much house league as possible; so students can participate in team play throughout the year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff who volunteer many coaching hours.

I will also be running a grade six girls' running club over the next two months. The purpose of the club is to of course, have fun, and to get as many girls interested in running. We've noticed that many of the girls drop out of cross-country when they enter middle school, so we are hoping that some of the girls in the club join cross-country in the fall. The girls and I will be running in the first TDSB Fit for Life 5K run on June 9th. It should prove to be fun.

I'd also like to thank Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais for participating in the Contact Exhibition this year. We have participated for the last few years. This year, the students will be visiting the AGO next week, and then creating albums that will be part of an exhibition at the AGO.

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend.

April Dates

10th-Officer Rich visits Mrs. Tyndall's class
11th-Crossing Guard Bob visits grade one
12th-Mr. Blais (SK) and Mrs. Hall visit AGO; Grade 6 Badminton @ LKS
16th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.; Grade 3 & 6 EQAO Parent Info Night @ 6:30 p.m. (Library)
17th-Grade 4 and 5 Math Contest; Grade 5 Badminton @ LKS
18th-Safety Rep Meeting
19th-JK-3 Author Visit; Grade 8 Badminton @ LKS
20th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 8 Grad Retakes; JK-3 Author visit continues
24th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
26th-Eco-Olympics; Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
27th-Primary Track and Field Day

1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance
3rd-Annie Evening Performance
11th-Pizza Lunch
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch
21st-Victoria Day
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn