Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the new school year everyone! I hope you had a terrific summer. I had a great time visiting with lots of family and friends, and I finally got to see Boston. What a great city!  I am really looking forward to a great year. Staff are getting ready for the children to arrive and are finalizing next week's programs.

Over the summer, we had a few staff changes. We'd like to welcome Mr. Goslings, our new head caretaker. The caretakers have worked hard over the last two months to get the building in shape for the school opening.  We'd also like to thank Mrs. Perrin who will be taking over for Mrs. VanSchoor as she completes her maternity leave. Mrs. Perrin is an experienced primary teacher and is thrilled to be at LKS! 

School begins on the 4th; only a few days away. Feel free to arrive on the playground between 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. The children can stand behind the chair indicating the teacher's name. If you are new to the school, and are unsure of the teacher, please come directly to the office. Teachers will collect the students and you will have a chance to say goodbye. Just a reminder, the day schedule and yearly calendar are on our website. Unfortunately, all school websites had "maintenance" during the summer by a central department and they are busy retrieving lost information. Hopefully, ours will be complete soon. 

On the website, you will also find our September forms to read. A short letter will arrive home the first day including a signature page for you to sign again. Please return the forms by the due date as we need to collate the information as quickly as possible.  Gym shirts will be sold again this year. 

By now, some of you have probably gone shopping, but it might be wise to wait until your child's teacher sends home a list of items that may be beneficial to your child. We don't want you spending a lot of money on start up supplies.  I understand the children want their own things like pencil cases etc, but we will supply materials also.  

Finally, as we draw nearer to the first day, we know that most of the kids are so happy to come back (even the middle school kids-mostly to see friends), but some may have a little anxiety upon returning. The best thing to do is really listen and validate their concerns; something we all want to happen when we feel anxious. Let the teacher know as he/she can keep watch also. Generally, things tend to settle as routines and expectations are established again. 

I will blog every Friday to keep you posted of the great things happening at LKS! Have a great long weekend. 

4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
7th-All Kindergarten students present
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m; September Forms returned from home
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date

1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade

16th-PA Day

7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays