Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Our grade 7 students had a great time on their outdoor trip to Albion this year. They left Monday and returned on Wednesday. Thanks to Mr. Kuru and Mrs. Caligiuri who supervised the experience!

I'd also like to thank Mrs. McGee and Mrs. Dawson, and the volunteers, who held a very successful Book Fair! This is a great initiative to encourage literacy and it also helps put more resources back into the library.

Next Thursday, we will be hosting around 10 visitors who will implementing a District Review in our school. Every school goes through this process. The teams will be visiting the classrooms and seeing all the great things that our children are learning. After the visit, the team will provide feedback on different things our staff can do in the future to make programs even better for our students.

Fire Station 431, 308 Prince Edward Drive, will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, October 11, 2012 between 5:00 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. There will be lots of fun activities for the little ones!

A very supportive dad!
Jessie Munro, a Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School graduate, is one of the top 7 contenders for the role of Dorothy in the CBC ‘Over the Rainbow’ reality TV show. The winner will play Dorothy in the Mirvish/Andrew Lloyd Webber production of the “Wizard of OZ”. She needs the help (meaning votes!) of the community to get behind her. Other girls have their communities firmly behind them. Let's do the same for Jessie, the only Toronto (Etobicoke) Dorothy.

Here’s how you can help:
- Go to, register and “like” Jessie
- Answer Feature Challenges to build votes that can be exercised Sun. night from 9 pm to Monday at noon
- Vote by phone 1-888-889-5989 – 10 times or more if you can
- Comment on Facebook
- Twitter at @jessieleith

We'd like to say goodbye to Ms. Moser, our grade 7 teacher, as she will be having her baby soon! We wish her and her family all the best. Mr. Harrison will be replacing Ms. Moser until the end of the school year.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you on Tuesday.

16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade

9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays

7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day

11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day

11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday

1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day

24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students