Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I had to finish my blog early this week. It's been a great week at LKS! Staff continued to work on their "inquiry" projects in teams and shared the progress with their colleagues. As many of you know, professional development is instrumental in improving teaching practices and student achievement. We will continue this good work throughout the year.

Staff also had the opportunity to learn about the IXL math program the grade 4 and 5 teachers are using with their students. It's an on-line program the students are using to supplement their math program. I observed one of the classes using the software and it is evident the kids love the program. They can practise their skills by answering questions and there are rewards and incentives also! We will continue to study the correlations between the use of the program and the students' results.

The students had the opportunity to view a short documentary on Internet safety. The grade 1-4 students were taught some simple "do's and don'ts" to follow when using the computer, and the grade 5-8 students delved into a more complex issue; namely cyberbullying. I'll refer you to the following link for more strategies if you want to follow up at home:

I hope you have a great weekend!

Dates to Remember
27th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies at 9:00ish and 12:35ish
30th-Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays

7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day

1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo

11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday

1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day

20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students