On Wednesday afternoon, we delivered the baskets to Stonegate. Thank you for the many donations once again. There are many families that are going to have a great 2013 because of your generosity. Thank you to all the parents who helped out including our grade parents. A special thank you to Mrs. Thorsteinson, and our Parent Council Outreach Committee including Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. Saha and Mrs. Needham.
I'd also like to thank Ms. Walker for organizing the food drive for Second Harvest. The amount of donated food was very generous.
I'd also like to thank Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Ms. Hoffman for preparing the grade 6-8 middle school concert this week and extended thanks to Mrs. Greifenberger for the decorations.
Please continue to read our blog/website and grade parent letter to keep updated on negotiations.
17th-Grade 7 and 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 and 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 and 8
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
12th and 13th-Kindergarten Registration
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students