Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's been a busy week with team tryouts, grade 4-6 girl's houseleague, student council meetings and of course, the middle school Valentine's dance.
This week, report cards went home and we finished parent-teacher interviews. We also registered around 40 new kindergarten students for September 2013. This group will be the first group to experience full-day kindergarten as SKs in 2014.
We've had some concerns over the garbage in the Shale Pit and at the rink. We've talked to all the grade 6-8 students as many eat their lunch at both locations. We've reminded the kids to clean up after themselves, to use both the recycling and garbage bins and we also talked about the importance of showing respect. We ask that you reiterate this to the kids at home. Thank you in advance.
I'd also like to remind you to only bring nut-safe Valentine's treats to school. I'm sure there will be lots of chocolate.
TDSB has begun the staffing procedures this year. We will get our projected enrolment numbers soon, but we do know that we are closed to any registrations to those not living in our catchment area. This has been the case for years.
Thank you to all the parents who came to the Parent Council meeting on Monday night. I'd like to share with you all the wonderful programs that our student body has experienced because of the extra financial support from the community:
-Author visits for each grade
-Scientists in the School for each grade
-whole school Aussie Rules Football (grades 4-8) and Netball Workshops (grades 1-3)
-"loot bags" for new kindergarten registrations
-Forest of Reading program-Grade 4-8
-Social Media Presentation for grade 6-8 and whole school parent presentation
-Kindergarten Artist visits
-Grade 4 Clay Artist
We thank you for the opportunity to provide such enriching programs. The money raised at Springfest (May 4th) and the Social @ Earth on April 19th will help us organize more of these events next year.
I wish everyone a wonderful Family Day and we will see you on Tuesday.
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools; Grade 7 Band @ Kiwanis; Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
20th-Grade 6 Band to Kiwanis
21st-Grade 6-8 Ski Day
22nd-Pizza Day; Grade K-2 Author Visit
25th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
26th-Orchestra to Kiwanis; Grade 7 and 8 Math Contest; Grade 4 Clay Workshops
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo; Author visit
4th & 5th-Kindergarten visit Young People's Theatre
11th-15th-March Break
20th-Grade 6-8 Internet Safety Presentation, followed by presentation for parents @ 7:30 p.m.
22nd-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
15th-Parent Council Meeting
25th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
26th-Pizza Day
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
13th-Parent Council Meeting
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students