Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week End- April 12, 2013

Thank You!
 Look at the amount of clothes we are sending to are sister school, Second Street. Thanks to Mrs. Saha and Mrs. Kim for organizing this caring initiative. Mr. McLean, the current Principal of Second Street (and our past VP) very much appreciates the effort of our community!

Thank you to Kim DeLonghi and her committee for organizing the Social next Friday. Looking forward to a great night. 

I've attached a few photos of some spectacular art pieces. Our grade 8 students completed a culminating activity under the direction of Mr. Ourique. They students were studying Surrealism in Native art.


15th-Parent Council Meeting at 7:30 in the library; Seeds of Hope penny collection (until the 18th)
18th-Seeds of Hope "WE ARE SILENT" campaign(students are encouraged to wear black)
19th-Parent Council Parent Social at Earth
23rd- Grade 3 to Black Creek
24th-Grad Re-Photo; Grade 8 Badminton
25th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies; Artist in Room 159; Forest of Reading Voting Breakfast
26th-Pizza Day; Grade 5 to ROM
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies; Grade 5 Badminton

1st-Badminton Conference Finals @ LKS
6th-Artist Visit to Mrs. Tyndall
7th-Artist Visit to Mrs. Iafrate
9th-Artist Visit to Mrs. Mendrinos
10th-K-2 Storyteller
13th-Parent Council Meeting
17th-Forest of Reading Lunch
20th-Victoria Day
21st-24th-Book Fair
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day

4th-Middle School Concert
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students