Welcome back to school everyone! I am so excited to begin the new school year and to see all the kids on Tuesday. I hope you had a great summer with your family and friends. The weather was fantastic for the most part!
I'd like to welcome Walter Wozniak, our new head caretaker, and Andrew Robbie, our new evening caretaker who replaced George. They've done a fantastic job getting the school ready for Tuesday. In addition to the "normal" clean up, they also had to deal with the flooding of the library and computer lab.
As some of you know, both rooms are still closed as work is being completed to ensure a safe environment for staff and students. We are in the process of working with the Board to complete this process including getting quotes for new computers, carpet and furniture. I'll update you on the process next Friday.
I will continue to update the LKS community by blogging every Friday. I'm in the process of updating teacher blogs/websites this week.
I hope you have a great long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday. We will meet in front of the school as usual with the primary students lining up by the field, the grade 4-6 grades by the front door and the intermediates will meet their teachers at the north end.