Report Cards will be sent home on November 11, 2013. If you would like an opportunity to speak to your child's teacher, please make sure you book your interview on-line. The link to the website will be sent to you through this week's grade parent email.
This week I had the opportunity to meet with our Film Club. It is the first time that I've run this type of club and the grade 6-8 students are so enthusiastic. We will be making a short film on "Friendship" that will be shown at the AGO in the Spring, along with entries from other schools in our neighbourhood. I am looking for any parents with expertise in this area to run a workshop with the kids; I think they would get a kick out of seeing a professional at work. If you would be willing to share or know someone who might be, can you call me at the school (416-394-7890). Thanks so much.
I'd like to thank Mr. Kuru and Ms. Chandra for taking our grade 7 students on their annual Outdoor Ed trip next week. Hopefully, the weather co-operates for the group!
Have a great Hallowe'en tonight. Be safe!
4th-Parent Book Interviews On-line until Friday
5th-Terry Fox Celebration Assembly
11th-Remembrance Day Assemblies; Report Cards Go Home
15th-PA/Interview Day
18th-Scientist in School-Grade 1
19th-Author Ted Staunton visits Grade 4-8; Scientist in the School-Grade 1
20th- Officer Rich visits Grade 8 and 4; K-3 Author Visit
22nd-Pizza Day
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
26th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
27th-Grade 5 to City Hall/Queens Park
30th-Choir sings "O Canada" at Marlie's Game
December-Kindness and Caring
11th-Scientist in the School-Grade 8
16th-Grade 6-8 Middle School Concert
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
20th-Holidays Begin
24th-PA Day
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
31st-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)