Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Lanis for all that he has accomplished at LKS over the last four years. He has worked hard to support staff on programming and spent hours as an advisor for extra-curricular activities. We wish him the best of luck at his new school and in his new role as Principal. 

I'd like to thank the community for a great first term. The students have accomplished so much both inside and outside the classroom, with staff and parent support. I'm really looking forward to next term as we begin registering  little ones for kindergarten. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with their friends and family. We will see you on January 6th. 

 6th-School Begins
9th-Author Visit
14th-Special Education Grade 8 Reviews 
15th-Officer Rich visits Grade 1 and 2 
17th-Pizza Lunch  
20th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.; 6:15-Question/Answer Period for LKS JK Parents (FDK); Primary Concert @ 6:30 p.m.  
21st-Grade 1-7 Special Education Reviews 
24th-PA Day
28th and 29th -Scientist in School-Grade 2 and Combined Grades 
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Primary Concert @ 6: 30 p.m. 
31st-Grade 1-3 Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

3rd-Grade 4-8 Sharing Assembly 
10th-Report Cards Go Home 
11th and 12th-Kindergarten Registration 
13th-Grade 7 Scientist in the School 
17th-Family Day 
19th-Officer Rich visits Grade 5 and 6 
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m. 
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO 
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8 
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class 
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation 
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday 
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

6th-PA Day
12th-Grade 8 Graduation 
16th-Grade 9 Graduation Trip 
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home

27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)