Thank you to the families for coming to last night's movie night. Once again, it was really a fun time together. All funds raised will go to our extra-curricular clubs and events (i.e. buying games for the grade one games clubs).
I'd like to thank the Seeds of Hope Club for their terrific fundraising efforts this week to support the building of a school! It's times like this that you make us proud of LKS!
Seeds of Hope! |
I'd also like to thank Mr. Bracht and all the teachers and parents who took our grade 6,7 and 8 classes skiing on Wednesday. What a fantastic field trip! Everyone had a great time and the weather was outstanding. A few of the students even improved their skiing levels throughout the day.
Another special thanks goes to Mr. Samotowka for taking our grade 7 band to the Kiwanis Festival this week. Our grade 8 orchestra and grade 6 band and strings will be attending the Festival over the next couple of weeks also.
We completed registering the majority of our new kindergarten students for September. I'd like to thank the parent volunteers, Mrs. Stefanowicz, Mrs. Shakespeare, Mrs. Iafrate, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Tyndall and Mrs. Norton for working through this process. I 'd like to welcome our new families to LKS.
Now that report cards and interviews are completed, staff will continue to meet with me and Mrs. Norton to review children with whom teachers have concerns to ensure that we are providing the best possible program. It is important that we continue to track all of our students and share best practices with each other to give the students, especially our young ones, a solid foundation.
On the note of best practices, I was in Mr. Kuru's room yesterday watching some grade 7s work their way through an IXL lesson. IXL is an on-line math program that the students can use in the classroom and at home. We introduced the program a couple of years back in our grade 4 classes and now have purchased a license for all the students in grade one through eight to use at home. We are finding it to be an invaluable teaching tool, especially at the middle school level. Mr. Kuru was explaining to the kids the direct correlation he is finding between the amount of time each class is using the program and the final unit test results; namely the classes that are spending the most time on the program are receiving higher test averages. Based on these observations alone, we strongly encourage the students to continue using the program at home.
Finally, in the next couple of weeks you will see construction begin in one of our kindergarten classes as a new restroom is being installed. The construction should be complete in a couple of months.
In closing, I'd like to thank you for your co-operation in the parking lot this week. The Kiss and Ride is much safer now that the pylons are staying in place and people are not parking illegally. Thank you to all the parents for helping out with this.
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 8 Orchestra @ Kiwanis; Hockey West Semi-Finals
25th-Safety Rep meeting @ lunch
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO; Eco-Club "Walking Wednesday"
27th-1-3 Sharing Assembly; Hockey West Conference Finals
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Grade 6 Band @ Kiwanis; Grade 3-8 Yoga @ lunch
3rd-Grade 4-8 Sharing Assembly
4th-Eco-Club Meeting at lunch
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8-Eric Walters
24th-Parent Council
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; School Wide Film Festival
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class
3rd-Film Festival Evening Gala (for filmmakers, friends and family)
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
23rd-Grade 8 Grad Photo Retake
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)