Mrs. Hall's Class celebrates 100's Day! |
Looking ahead, the fun continues as we host our movie night next week and some classes continue to enjoy our skating program.
On a very serious note, I do need to say that many parents and staff are getting extremely frustrated with our parking lot situation, and by that I mean the parents who continue to park illegally resulting in congestion and creating unsafe situations for our youngsters. On a few occasions this week, we've actually witnessed parents removing the pylons on the south parking lot in order to park. In seven years of putting out the pylons, we've never witnessed this. The reason we have the pylons there are a reminder that it is illegal to park.
As a result of the unsafe situation, 22 Division will be visiting all next week over the course of the day to not only ticket the illegal parking, but to help devise a plan that will hopefully make drop off and pick up around the school much safer.
We all need to recognize that the parking lot and Kiss and Ride are worse in the winter because of the snow build up and more people are driving to school-this is happening in all schools. But we all need to have some common sense and courtesy over the next couple of weeks. The snow will melt, and it will get better in due time.
I hope everyone has a great holiday on Monday with your family and friends.
17th-Family Day
19th-Mrs. Wilson, Ms. Kim and Ms. Mandel are skating; Grade 6-8 Ski Trip; Kindergarten Registration in the morning; Officer Rich visits grade 5
20th-Grade 7 Band @ Kiwanis; Jr Hockey at Humbercrest and Sr at Runnymede; LKS Movie Night @ 6:30-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 8 Orchestra @ Kiwanis; Hockey West Semi-Finals
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Hockey West Conference Finals
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Grade 6 Band @ Kiwanis
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8-Eric Walters
24th-Parent Council
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8-Eric Walters
24th-Parent Council
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; School Wide Film Festival
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class
3rd-Film Festival Evening Gala (for filmmakers, friends and family)
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
23rd-Grade 8 Grad Photo Retake
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)