It's been a busy week at LKS! The construction in Mrs. Burn's class is almost complete and we are hoping to move the class back in a week or so. The LKS Before and After Program is busy planning with the Board to open a program in September for our kindergarten students next year.
As you may know, our school staffing committee has completed our class organization for next year. The following is a summary of the organization: Kindergarten (4 classes), Grade One (3 classes), One/Two Combined (1 class), Grade 2 (2 classes), Two/Three Combined (2 classes), Grade 3 (2 Classes), Three/Four Combined (1 class), Grade 4 (2), Grade 5 (2 classes), Grade Six (3 classes), Grade 7 (2 classes), Grade 8 (2 classes). We have also been allocated 2.5 special education teachers (cut by .5 staff) and a .5 ESL teacher.
Continuing with our planning, we have also posted our 2014/2015 Day Schedule on the website. We have not received the School Calendar yet, but we will post it upon arrival.
This week we practiced our Spring Lockdown. Just a reminder that if we ever were in a real "Evacuation", we would go to Lambton-Kingsway church. We'd send an email through our grade parent network for pick up details etc.
We've had a great week of learning. Here are a few pics demonstrating the students' work!
As you may know, our school staffing committee has completed our class organization for next year. The following is a summary of the organization: Kindergarten (4 classes), Grade One (3 classes), One/Two Combined (1 class), Grade 2 (2 classes), Two/Three Combined (2 classes), Grade 3 (2 Classes), Three/Four Combined (1 class), Grade 4 (2), Grade 5 (2 classes), Grade Six (3 classes), Grade 7 (2 classes), Grade 8 (2 classes). We have also been allocated 2.5 special education teachers (cut by .5 staff) and a .5 ESL teacher.
Continuing with our planning, we have also posted our 2014/2015 Day Schedule on the website. We have not received the School Calendar yet, but we will post it upon arrival.
This week we practiced our Spring Lockdown. Just a reminder that if we ever were in a real "Evacuation", we would go to Lambton-Kingsway church. We'd send an email through our grade parent network for pick up details etc.
We've had a great week of learning. Here are a few pics demonstrating the students' work!
Grade 1 Fractions Unit |
Grade 2 Money Unit! |
Kindergarten Artist in School |
5th-Humber College Jazz Presentation-Grade 4-8
6th-First Track Meet @ Centennial; Dental Screening (to the 13th)
7th-Grade 3s visit Pioneer Village
8th-Film Club visits TIFF
9th-Firefighter visits kindergartens
14th-Officer Rich visits Kindergarten
16th-Forest of Reading Lunch
19th-Victoria Day
20th-Book Fair Begins until the 20th
21st-Grade 4 to High Park (and the 22nd)
26th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Begins
28th-Conference Final Track Meet
28th-Conference Final Track Meet
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly;
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
10th-City Finals Track 12th-Grade One and Combined 1/2 to Zoo
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
16th-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
25th-Lunch on the Lawn
26th-Reports Go Home
26th-Reports Go Home
27th-Last Day for Students