I've been working with staff to finalize our school's budget. This year, we were allocated approximately $105, 000 to operate the school. This does not include staff salaries and facilities expenses. The following is a breakdown of the budget:
-our spending priority continues to be curriculum items (i.e. textbooks, manipulatives etc); approximately 70% of the budget has been allocated in this area
-15 % has been set aside for professional development
-approximately 15% will be spent on photocopiers, telephone, office supplies, furniture and a "cushion" for emergencies
At LKS, staff work together in teams to prioritize their needs and then spend accordingly. Appointed staff are responsible for each budget line. In addition to our own school budget, we work closely with Parent Council to prioritize capital budgets.
As many of you know, the Parent Council allocated $18, 550 on a variety of projects including purchasing 4 more Smart Boards, IPADS and 2 trumpets for the music program, a sister school donation and a picnic table for the kindergarten play area. The remaining $38, 700 has been allocated on their operating budget which includes administration and permit fees, banking charges, student awards (i.e. graduation/end of year), student activities (i.e. play days), Grade 8 Graduation, JK Registration, Staff Recognition, Physical Education, Literacy/Library (i.e. author visits), Classroom Enrichment (i.e. Scientists/Artist in the School), Music, Community Outreach, Environment, Parent Education (i.e. Guest Speakers) and a Student Emergency Fund (i.e. subsidize trips etc).
We are very fortunate to have such a large budget to be working with and we will continue to work together to enhance our students' school experiences.
EQAO Results
This week, EQAO results were released to the public. We are very proud of our students' progress thus far. The data indicated that 91% of our grade 3 students scored at Level 3 or 4 in reading, writing and mathematics along with 84%, 89% and 78% of our grade 6 students. Individual results will be sent to the school next week and we will get them home shortly after. In the next few weeks, staff will be looking at the scores along with our CTBS and early classroom diagnostics to help form our goals for our School Improvement Plan. We will share the SIP at Parent Council in October.
We'd like to welcome Ms. Perrin to LKS. Ms.Perrin has taught at the school in a long-term position in the past and she will now be working at the school on a permanent basis. She has accepted our half-time morning position teaching some primary classes in computers and health.
Important Dates to Remember
September 2014
22nd-Grade 7 Trip until the 24th; Officer Rich visits Grade 8s and 4s
22nd-Grade 7 Trip until the 24th; Officer Rich visits Grade 8s and 4s
24-Terry Fox Walk
25-Terry Fox Walk Rain Date; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Sr Boys Football @ Deer Park
26-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch; Whole School Lice Check
29-Parent Council
30-School Photos
October 2014
1-School Photos
2nd-First Cross-Country Race
2nd-First Cross-Country Race
4-Grade 6 Instrumental Music Camp
9-IEPs go home
14-Book Fair Begins
16-Parent Council Welcome Wagon-4:00-7:00
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
24-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
27-Parent Council
28-Photo Retakes
30-Parent Interview Bookings Begin
31-Hallowe’en Parade
November 2014
6-Parent Interview Booking Closed
10-Report Cards Go Home
11-Remembrance Day Assembly
12-“Grow Assembly”
14-PA Day
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
24-Parent Council Meeting
25-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
December 2014
5-PA Day
12-Kindie Sharing Assembly
16-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
22-Holidays Begin
January 2015
5-School Begins
19-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m
23-PA Day
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
28-Kindie Sharing Assembly
29-Parent On-Line Interview Bookings Open
February 2015
5-Parent On-Line Booking Closed
9-Report Cards Go Home
10 and 11-Kindergarten Registration
13-PA Day
16-Family Day
19-Kindie Sharing Assembly
20-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
23-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
March 2015
16-20-March Break
24-Kindie Sharing Assembly
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
April 2015
3 and 6-Good Friday and Easter Monday
20-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
28-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
May 2015
18-Victoria Day
20-Kindie Sharing Assembly
25-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
June 2015
5-PA Day
12-Grade 8 Graduation
15-19-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
17-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
24-Report Cards Go Home
25-Day 0; Student Assembly; Lunch on Lawn