On Wednesday, we heard the sad news from Ottawa as you all did. We sent home a letter through the grade parents on behalf of the Director. It indicated ways in which you could speak to your children about the events. These tips were also shared with staff who no doubt will be answering questions, especially in the older grades. Please let us know if we can support you as more news unfolds.
I've heard about some incidents regarding "strangers" in nearby neighbourhoods stopping some kids. Nothing has come from police services, but I encourage you to have those discussions at home around street proofing-again tips can be found on our website.
Our flood is getting cleaned up. A big thank you to our caretaking staff. The library has been open for classes, but we've had to take down some books waiting for the drywall to dry. The computer room has been closed and classes rescheduled, again waiting for material to dry out. We also have to have another safety report back (i.e. mould growth) before letting classes resume. New computers have been ordered to replace damaged ones. We are hoping this gets cleared up in the next week. LKS is now scheduled to have roof replacement for November.
During a recent conversation at the school, a comment was made that all of our LKS students will continue their post-secondary education at the university level. I thought I would comment on this because as educators we know that this is simply not true. We have very high expectations of our students and we want them to be successful at whatever level of education they and their families choose once leaving high school. As educators, we know that all students learn at different rates and they all have different passions and styles of learning-university will not be for everyone. The aforementioned ideology undermines what we as educators have worked hard to achieve for a long time; that all kids should be supported at whatever level they are working at in order to achieve academic successes. Obviously, educators and the system at large still have some work to do in this area of communication and I hope I've helped clear up some misconceptions. Thank you.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
October 2014
I've heard about some incidents regarding "strangers" in nearby neighbourhoods stopping some kids. Nothing has come from police services, but I encourage you to have those discussions at home around street proofing-again tips can be found on our website.
Our flood is getting cleaned up. A big thank you to our caretaking staff. The library has been open for classes, but we've had to take down some books waiting for the drywall to dry. The computer room has been closed and classes rescheduled, again waiting for material to dry out. We also have to have another safety report back (i.e. mould growth) before letting classes resume. New computers have been ordered to replace damaged ones. We are hoping this gets cleared up in the next week. LKS is now scheduled to have roof replacement for November.
During a recent conversation at the school, a comment was made that all of our LKS students will continue their post-secondary education at the university level. I thought I would comment on this because as educators we know that this is simply not true. We have very high expectations of our students and we want them to be successful at whatever level of education they and their families choose once leaving high school. As educators, we know that all students learn at different rates and they all have different passions and styles of learning-university will not be for everyone. The aforementioned ideology undermines what we as educators have worked hard to achieve for a long time; that all kids should be supported at whatever level they are working at in order to achieve academic successes. Obviously, educators and the system at large still have some work to do in this area of communication and I hope I've helped clear up some misconceptions. Thank you.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
October 2014
27-Parent Council; Cross-Country City Finals; Elections in the gym
28-Photo Retakes
29th-Terry Fox Celebration Assembly; ESA open house for grade 8s
29th-Terry Fox Celebration Assembly; ESA open house for grade 8s
30-Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Gibson visit Outdoor Ed Centre; Grade 8 Haunted House
31-Hallowe’en Parade; Parent Interview Bookings Begin
November 2014
6-Parent Interview Booking Closed
10-Report Cards Go Home
11-Remembrance Day Assembly
12-“Grow Assembly”
14-PA Day
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
24-Parent Council Meeting
25-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
December 2014
5-PA Day
12-Kindie Sharing Assembly
16-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
22-Holidays Begin
January 2015
5-School Begins
19-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m
23-PA Day
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
28-Kindie Sharing Assembly
29-Parent On-Line Interview Bookings Open
February 2015
5-Parent On-Line Booking Closed
9-Report Cards Go Home
10 and 11-Kindergarten Registration
13-PA Day
16-Family Day
19-Kindie Sharing Assembly
20-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
23-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
March 2015
16-20-March Break
24-Kindie Sharing Assembly
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
April 2015
3 and 6-Good Friday and Easter Monday
20-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
28-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
May 2015
18-Victoria Day
20-Kindie Sharing Assembly
25-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
June 2015
5-PA Day
12-Grade 8 Graduation
15-19-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
17-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
24-Report Cards Go Home
25-Day 0; Student Assembly; Lunch on Lawn