Last week I shared our literacy and math goals that form our School Improvement Plan. This week, I will be sharing our goals in the last two areas; namely Pathways and Community, Culture and Caring.
LKS Pathway Goals
-Full Implementation of Full Day Kindergarten and Early Learning Strategies
-Supportive transition for our grade 8 students moving to Secondary Schools
-Staff will continue to focus on learning skills (as outlined on report card)
Community, Culture and Caring (Safe School Goals)
-Working with our community liaison officer, continue to develop safety awareness at each grade level
-Continue to develop a Bully-free culture in partnership with the Toronto Argonauts and student leaders
-Through the Peer Mediation program, empower students to become problem-solvers and reflective thinkers
-Continue to promote a community spirit through the TRIBES Agreements and TDSB Character Traits
-Continue to contribute to the Global Community through the work of Parent Council, LIVE, ECO-Club and Seeds of Hope initiatives
-Through the work of the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee, increase an awareness of mental health concerns and provide support to those needing assistance
As you can see from our School Improvement Plan, schools are required to accomplish or at least set out to accomplish a myriad of initiatives. Although it looks like a lot, the staff at LKS will continue to set priorities as the year continues focusing on student learning!
Just a reminder that report cards go home next Monday. We will see you next week during interviews.
Have a great weekend!
November 2014
LKS Pathway Goals
-Full Implementation of Full Day Kindergarten and Early Learning Strategies
-Supportive transition for our grade 8 students moving to Secondary Schools
-Staff will continue to focus on learning skills (as outlined on report card)
Community, Culture and Caring (Safe School Goals)
-Working with our community liaison officer, continue to develop safety awareness at each grade level
-Continue to develop a Bully-free culture in partnership with the Toronto Argonauts and student leaders
-Through the Peer Mediation program, empower students to become problem-solvers and reflective thinkers
-Continue to promote a community spirit through the TRIBES Agreements and TDSB Character Traits
-Continue to contribute to the Global Community through the work of Parent Council, LIVE, ECO-Club and Seeds of Hope initiatives
-Through the work of the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee, increase an awareness of mental health concerns and provide support to those needing assistance
As you can see from our School Improvement Plan, schools are required to accomplish or at least set out to accomplish a myriad of initiatives. Although it looks like a lot, the staff at LKS will continue to set priorities as the year continues focusing on student learning!
Just a reminder that report cards go home next Monday. We will see you next week during interviews.
Have a great weekend!
November 2014
6-Parent Interview Booking Closed
10-Report Cards Go Home
11-Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 a.m.
12-“Grow Assembly”
14-PA Day
17th-Officer Rich visits Grade 5 and 6
18th-Scientist in the School visits Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Kim and Mrs. Younger
19th-Scientist in the School visits Mrs. Olson
17th-Officer Rich visits Grade 5 and 6
18th-Scientist in the School visits Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Kim and Mrs. Younger
19th-Scientist in the School visits Mrs. Olson
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Sr Boys Volleyball @ LKS and Sr Girls BBall @ Rockcliffe
24-Parent Council Meeting
25-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
26-Scientist in School visits Mrs. Tyndall
28th-Pizza Lunch; Sr Boys Vball at John English
30-Grade 4-6 classes sing "O Canada' at Marlies Game
26-Scientist in School visits Mrs. Tyndall
28th-Pizza Lunch; Sr Boys Vball at John English
30-Grade 4-6 classes sing "O Canada' at Marlies Game
December 2014
1-Jr Boys Vball at LKS
2-Grade 1-3 visit Young People's Theatre
3-Kindergarten Trip
5-PA Day
9-Grade 5 Queens Park
10-Grade 1-3 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
11-Grade 6-8 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
2-Grade 1-3 visit Young People's Theatre
3-Kindergarten Trip
5-PA Day
9-Grade 5 Queens Park
10-Grade 1-3 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
11-Grade 6-8 Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
12-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
15-Grade 8 Girls sing "O Canada" at Raptors Game
15-Grade 8 Girls sing "O Canada" at Raptors Game
16-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Skills Ontario presentation for grade 7 & 8
22-Holidays Begin
January 2015
5-School Begins
9-Grade 7 & 8 Madd Presentation
9-Grade 7 & 8 Madd Presentation
19-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m; Grade 6-8 Science Fair
22nd-Scientist in School visits Grade 2 (Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Zappi, Mrs. Hoffman)
22nd-Scientist in School visits Grade 2 (Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Zappi, Mrs. Hoffman)
23-PA Day
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
28-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Seeds of Hope Field Trip to Daily Food Bank
29-Parent On-Line Interview Bookings Open
30th-Pizza Lunch
30th-Pizza Lunch
February 2015
5-Parent On-Line Booking Closed
9-Report Cards Go Home
10 and 11-Kindergarten Registration
13-PA Day
16-Family Day
19-Kindie Sharing Assembly
20-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
23-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
March 2015
16-20-March Break
24-Kindie Sharing Assembly
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
April 2015
3 and 6-Good Friday and Easter Monday
20-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
28-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
May 2015
18-Victoria Day
20-Kindie Sharing Assembly
25-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
June 2015
5-PA Day
12-Grade 8 Graduation
15-19-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
17-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
24-Report Cards Go Home
25-Day 0; Student Assembly; Lunch on Lawn