I'd like to thank everyone who came to our grade 6-8 Science Fair Open House on Monday night. It was a terrific turnout and we really appreciate the student support. A big congratulations goes to the finalists who will be moving on to the Toronto Science Fair: Callum and Sam (grade 8), Charlie and Brendan (grade 7) and Nolan and Nicklaus (grade 6).
As you may know, the roof replacement began this week. At times it's been a bit noisy for the upper classes, but overall the crew is working hard to get the job done. We do have additional spaces for teachers to bring the classes to if the noise is an obstacle. The roof should take about a month depending on the weather.
Grade 1-3 House league finishes next week. A big thank you to Nick, Dawson, Damon and Douglas, our grade 6 helpers.
Please remember that Friday is a PA day and there is no school. Teachers will be working on final evaluations and report writing.
January 2015
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Sr and Jr Hockey games; Sr Boys BB vs Deer Park; Ms. Taylor and Mr. Littlejohn skating; Grade 1 House league
As you may know, the roof replacement began this week. At times it's been a bit noisy for the upper classes, but overall the crew is working hard to get the job done. We do have additional spaces for teachers to bring the classes to if the noise is an obstacle. The roof should take about a month depending on the weather.
Grade 1-3 House league finishes next week. A big thank you to Nick, Dawson, Damon and Douglas, our grade 6 helpers.
Please remember that Friday is a PA day and there is no school. Teachers will be working on final evaluations and report writing.
January 2015
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Sr and Jr Hockey games; Sr Boys BB vs Deer Park; Ms. Taylor and Mr. Littlejohn skating; Grade 1 House league
28-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Seeds of Hope Field Trip to Daily Food Bank; Grade 2 Houseleague
29-Parent On-Line Interview Bookings Open-Grade 3 House league
30th-Pizza Lunch; Jr Girl's Vball at James S. Bell
30th-Pizza Lunch; Jr Girl's Vball at James S. Bell
February 2015
3-Grade 7 and 8 Skating Trip
5-Parent On-Line Booking Closed; Grade 4-8 Movie from 3:30-6:00
5-Parent On-Line Booking Closed; Grade 4-8 Movie from 3:30-6:00
9-Report Cards Go Home
10-Kindergarten Registration; Sr Girl's VBall at Bell
11-Kindergarten Registration; Jr/Sr Hockey game
12-Middle School Dance
11-Kindergarten Registration; Jr/Sr Hockey game
12-Middle School Dance
13-PA Day; Optional Attendance Deadline
16-Family Day
19-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Sr Girl's Vball at English
20-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
23-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
24-Grade 6-8 Ski Trip
25th-K-3 Assembly; Grade 8 and Grade 7 Strings at Kiwanis
27th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6 Band at Kiwanis
24-Grade 6-8 Ski Trip
25th-K-3 Assembly; Grade 8 and Grade 7 Strings at Kiwanis
27th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6 Band at Kiwanis
March 2015
2-Ms. Kimm at Outdoor Ed
6th-Grade 6 Band at Kiwanis
16-20-March Break
6th-Grade 6 Band at Kiwanis
16-20-March Break
24-Kindie Sharing Assembly
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos; Huddle Up at lunch
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos; Huddle Up at lunch
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30-Parent Council meeting @ 7:00 p.m.; Huddle Up at lunch
April 2015
3 and 6-Good Friday and Easter Monday
20-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
21-Kindie Sharing Assembly
28-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
May 2015
18-Victoria Day
20-Kindie Sharing Assembly
25-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
27-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
June 2015
5-PA Day
12-Grade 8 Graduation
15-19-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
17-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
24-Report Cards Go Home
25-Day 0; Student Assembly; Lunch on Lawn