Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30, 2015

This week, we've had the opportunity to begin looking at some year end statistics. First, we are so please to have reduced the number of students that we monitor for academic or social concerns by about 10%. As an educator, that is significant as our goal is to see student improvement and it is evident that the partnership between staff and home is an integral part of this growth. I applaud everyone in this celebration. 

Also, we received a report showing our average absenteeism rate for 2013-2014. It looks like our average absenteeism rate is 9 days/school year. This is slightly below our Family of Schools and TDSB. I want to stress the importance of being at school as research shows that high absenteeism has a negative impact on a student's individual academic performance, a school's overall morale, and a teacher's overall performance as they continue to deal with disruptions and paperwork. 

We also find that children are being picked up early from school. Parents are coming into the office and asking for their children to be called down to leave for the day. Again, this is extremely disruptive to the class. We understand that appointments, especially with specialists, are hard to reschedule, but please make arrangements for your child to leave the classroom ahead of time. We've asked the office not to interrupt the classes unless it is for an emergency. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Parent Council and the vast numbers of volunteers who will be working Springfest this weekend. Your efforts are truly appreciated. Let's hope for sunshine!

May 2015

4th-Grade 7 Band to Humber Valley; Aussie X (to the 8th); Grade 2/3 to Black Creek; Jr Girl's Soccer Tourney  
5th-Grade 3/4 (3s) to Black Creek; Huddle Up Committee to Conference 
7th-Grade 6 Scientist in the school (and the 8th) 
8th-Grade 6 Soccer Tourney; Grade 8 Shale Pit Clean Up 
14th-Celebration Lunch for Forest of Reading (grade 3-8) 
15th-Author Hazel Hutchinson visits; Grade 7 Shale Pit Clean Up; Sr Frisbee Tourney 
18-Victoria Day
19th-Book Fair until the 22nd; Sr Boy's Soccer Tournament  
20-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Harbourfront visit (Ms. Wilson, Ms. Kim, Ms. Mandel, Ms. Zapp i (grade 2) Ms. Hoffman (grade 2); Grade 7 Vaccines; Sr Girl's Soccer Tourney  
21st-Harbourfront visit: Ms. Gibson, Ms. Younger, Ms. Olson; Artist visits Ms. Tyndall; Jr Frisbee Tournament 
22-Grade 7 Shale Pit Clean Up  
25th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m
26th-Scientists visits Ms. Hall 
27th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
29th-Pizza Lunch 

June 2015
June 1-4-Dental Screening; Frisbee Conference Finals 
2nd-Grade 6-8 Middle School Concert 
3rd-Track and Field Conference Finals 
5-PA Day
8-Frisbee City Finals 
9-City Track and Field Finals 
10-Grade 4 to Medieval Times; Grade 7 and 8 to Jay's Game  
12-Grade 8 Graduation; Grade 6 Shale Pit Clean Up 
15-19-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
17-Kindie Sharing Assembly
19-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly; Grade 6 Shale Pit Clean Up 
24-Report Cards Go Home
25-Student Assembly; Lunch on Lawn; Last Day of School 

August 2015
31-Office opens 

September 2015
8-School Begins
15-Curriculum Night at 7:00 p.m.