Friday, September 18, 2015

September 19, 2015

This week, many students participated in try-outs for softball and football. We also started cross-country for our grade 1-8 students. I'd like to thank Mr. Kuru, Mr. Bracht, Mr. Ross, Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Kim, Mr. Littlejohn and Mrs. Hall for volunteering their time to coach. I'd also like to thank Mrs. Copeland as she is coaching our little ones in cross-country. 

I'd also like to thank the following parents who have graciously volunteered to run our pizza lunches this year; namely Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. Kansee and Mrs. Copeland. Don't forget to order your pizza using the friendly on-line payment system. 

Next week, at our staff leadership meeting, we will be finalizing our budget. As Chairs, Mr. Ross, Mr. Kuru and Ms. Kimm will be working with staff to set priorities for the year. We were allocated $101, 532 to purchase everything we need for our programs, excluding most facility items and salaries. Items that come out of our school budget are photocopier rentals, telephone, supply teachers  (i.e. not for personal sickness, but to cover a class  for professional development, taking students to an activity etc. ), furniture, textbooks, consumables, computers (hardware and repairs) musical instruments (including repairs), physical education equipment and items for French and Special Education. 

At the end of last year, Parent Council also created their 2015-2016 budget. The Operating Budget supports items like administrative costs, awards, grade 8 graduation, JK Registration, staff recognition, physical education, library, music, community events, environmental initiatives and guest speakers for parent information nights. The Capital budget supports proposals based on staff requests. For the upcoming year, the following items will be supported based on the amount of funds raised: music instruments, IPADS for the kindergarten and music classes, class set of netbooks and cart to be used by the primary teams and any STEM initiatives across the grades (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). 

Finally, two other donation requests will be sent home shortly for the Classroom Fund (funds used by individual classroom teachers) and the Grade 6-8 Instrumental Program Fund (funds used to repair instruments). Although we greatly appreciate all the financial support, families are under no obligation to donate.  

As you can see, it takes a lot of money to support the many programs and initiatives that are offered to provide an enriching experience for all the students at LKS. We truly thank you for your support. 

Just a reminder to please be cognizant of the illegal parking areas and the designated staff parking. The lots get full in the morning because of sports drop-offs, so everyone needs to be mindful of each other. We encourage you to walk to school. 

Finally, yesterday we had quite a few parents drop off forgotten lunches and sporting equipment to the office. Those items can be dropped off in the office and your child can pick them up in the office. The office does not call into the classrooms. On that note, please write a note to your child's classroom teacher to dismiss him/her for appointments. The office cannot call into the classrooms to remind your child. Yesterday, one classroom was interrupted five times and quite frankly that is unacceptable. Although not always possible, we ask that you schedule medical appointments outside of school hours. 

September 2015
28th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m.; Primary Sharing Assembly 
29-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly 
30th-Terry Fox National Run Day; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly  

October 2015
1-Picture Day 
2-Pizza Lunch 
5-Officer Rich visits Grade 2 and 6 
15-Cross Country Semi-Finals
23-Primary Sharing Assembly
27-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
31-Hallowe'en Parade 

November 2015
2-Officer Rich visits grade 4 and 5
 3-Picture Retakes 
4-"Grow" Presentation (Kindie and Primary) 
5-"Grow" Presentation (Primary/Junior) 
6-Report Cards go home; "Grow" Presentation (Jr/Intermediate) 
9-Remembrance Day Assembly 
13-PA Day 
16-Bullying Awareness Day 
26-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
27-Kindie Sharing Assembly: Pizza Lunch 
30-Parent Council; Primary Sharing Assembly 

December 2015
 10-Special Education (Grade 8) Annual Reviews
11-Pizza Lunch
14-Primary and Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
15-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
Dec 21-Jan 1, 2016-School Holidays 

January 2016
 4-School Begins 
11-Officer Rich visits grade 1 and 8 
18-Primary Sharing Assembly
21-Junior/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
22-PA Day
29-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

February 2016
5-Report Cards go home 
9 and 10-Kindergarten Registration 
12-PA Day
15-Family Day 
18-Special Education Annual Reviews 
22-Parent Council 
23-Primary Sharing Assembly
24-Jr and Intermediate Sharing Assembly
26-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch 

March 2016
14-18-March Break 
25-28-Good Friday/Easter Monday 

May 2016
 23-Victoria Day 

June 2016
10-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students