Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thank you to those who were able to attend the Parent Council meeting on Monday night. We wish all the best to Kristen Kidd who has resigned from her Chair position. Kristen will continue to be a valuable member of the LKS school working in other capacities as they evolve. Congratulations to this year's Executive; Kerry Collings  and Allison Needham (Co-Chair), Julie Riach (Treasurer),  Madeleine Frick (Grade Parent Co-ordinator) and Marsha Chechik (Secretary).  We look forward on many collaborations this year. 

As many of you know, we are looking to turf the playground by the portable. The Board has approved the project and we are able to move forward. Please see me if you would like to be on the committee.  We will let you know how things are going as the project evolves. 

Also, as you may know, the Board approved a motion asking that all schools begin their day by acknowledging the Traditional Territories/Ancestral Lands of Aboriginal peoples. We have talked to the students, parents and staff regarding this new announcement so we will begin on Monday. You can find more information about this initiative at:

Please remember that next Friday, October 7th is a Professional Development Day. The teachers will be participating in two sessions including School Improvement Planning and Teacher Resources, in addition to completing Mandatory Compliance Training. School will resume on Tuesday, October 11th as Monday is Thanksgiving. 

Have a great Terry Fox Run tomorrow. 

October 2016
5-Grade 1-8 Cross Country Meet at Centennial 
7-PA Day
12-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly 
14-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Jr Girls' Football at John English 
17-Jr Boys' Football at Smithfield; Scare Hunger Food Drive Begins   
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
19-West Cross Country Meet at Centennial 
20-Whole School Well-Being Activity 
21-Sr Boys' Football at Parklawn 
24-Sr Girls' Football at Swansea
25-Officer Rich visits Grade 6 and 4; Grade 3 and 5 go to Young People's Theatre 
26-Football Finals 
 27– Picture Retakes; Cross Country Finals at Centennial 
28-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00; Scare Hunger Food Drive Ends  

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line; Bus Safety Presentations  
7-Bus Safety Presentations 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30
 13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day13-18-Bullying Awareness Week
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3
 30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students

Friday, September 23, 2016

This week our students participated in our first wellness activity as part of our Well-Being initiative. All the classes made a Positive Train. Each student wrote on a slip of paper something that they were grateful for or that they were good at. Each slip will be stapled together to form an LKS chain train.The lesson was a moment of reflection for students and staff. It gave us all an opportunity to think about and share what is important in our lives; something we should probably be doing more often. 

Mrs. Norton and myself attended our first administrators meeting with members of TDSB senior team. We learned the focus of our School Improvement Plan will be in the areas of Equity, Student Achievement and Well Being. The Board has a new organizational model and there have been many changes and things are still evolving. We are part of Learning Center 4, Learning Network 27. Our superintendent is Tracy Hayhurst. 

As the year progresses, we will share with you the work that we are doing in those areas. 

Congratulations to our grade 3 and 6 students on their wonderful EQAO successes. The results in percentages are as follows in reading, writing and mathematics respectfully: 94, 92, 90 (grade 3) and 87, 90, 73. All scores are above Board and Provincial results. Individual results will be sent home when they are sent to the school in the next couple of weeks. Staff will analyze data to see the areas in which we can continue to improve upon. 

The Board has also implemented a new Grade 3 Gifted Screening. All grade 3 students, with parental consent, will write the Canadian Abilities Test. Some will move on to the next phase depending upon their score. 

Last year, I started to add useful links to educational websites on the LKS Website. I will continue to do that this year. Feel free to take a look throughout the year. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

September 2016

26 – Picture Day; Grade 3 Gifted Screening Begins; Grade 7 classes  to Camp 
27-Officer Rich visits grade 8 and 1 
29– Terry Fox Run

October 2016
5-Grade 1-8 Cross Country Meet 
7-PA Day
12-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly 
14-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
25-Officer Rich visits grade 6 and 4 
27– Picture Retakes
28-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
31-Hallowe'en Parade at 9:00 

November 2016
1-Parents Book Interviews on-line 
11-Remembrance Day at 10:30 
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week 
14-Report Cards Go Home 
18-PA Day
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week
29-Officer Rich visits grade 5 , 2 and 3 
30-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

December 2016
2-PA Day
14-Grade 1-5 Concert
15-Grade 6-8 Concert
16-Grade 7 and 8 MADD presentation
22-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
23-Last Day to Work Before Holidays

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students

Monday, September 19, 2016

Thank you

A big thank you for those able to make our Curriculum Night last Thursday.  It's a busy time of the year, but we know it is important to share the important work that is happening in the classrooms and the school at large. 

We had our grade 6-8 Student Council speeches today. Students are running for a variety of positions. Council is a very important part of the school as it is the voice of the student body and the committee plans great events that bring the community together. 

If you didn't get the insurance pamphlet, please look online at for valuable information. Grade 8 and 7 parents are encouraged to purchase insurance through them for the class overnight trips. 

This week we will practice one more fire drill and our fall lock down. 

September 2016
22-Whole School Well Being Activity: Positivity Train 
26 – Picture Day; Grade 7s go to Camp Manitou 
27-Officer Rich visits grade 8 and 129– Terry Fox Run
30-Grade 7 and 8 writing workshop with author, Edward Kay; Pizza Lunch; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly  
October 2016
7-PA Day
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
27– Picture Retakes

November 2016
11-Remembrance Day
18-PA Day
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week

December 2016
2-PA Day
23-Last Day to Work Before Holidays

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students

Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday, September 9, 2016

It's been a great week at school. We continue to iron out any bugs in our timetable and/or routines, but I think we are getting there. I always like to get through a complete 5 day cycle before taking a breath. 

We are actually changing our lunch routines with some of our older students eating the second half as we have more and more children eating at school now. The change will will make the lunchroom less crowded and it will create a more pleasant environment to eat. 

If your child stays for lunch, but will be away a day, please make sure you write a note to the teacher as we take attendance and we want to account for everyone. 

Please call 416-394-7890 if your child will be absent. If you don't tell the office, you will get a phone call from an automated system. 

Please make sure we have your email on file in the office as the automated system will email if there is an emergency. Speaking of safety, we will practise our three required fire drills and lock down during the month of September. 

Please join us at our first Parent Council meeting on the 26th (not the 19th). 

Looking forward to seeing you next Thursday for Curriculum Night. 

September 2016
15-Curriculum Night 
26 – Picture Day
29– Terry Fox Run

October 2016
7-PA Day
18– Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
27– Picture Retakes

November 2016
11-Remembrance Day
18-PA Day
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week

December 2016
2-PA Day
23-Last Day to Work Before Holidays

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cross Country

OOPS! Cross Country will start on Tuesday next week. The letter said Thursday-ignore that! Practices are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Sorry.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Wednesday, September 6, 2016

As you know, it was very hot today, both outside and inside the school. Unfortunately, our air-conditioning is still not operating throughout  the whole school. The work has been approved and we are waiting for the first pre-construction meeting. It was tendered out due to the high cost of the project.

Meanwhile, it would be great if you can assist by bringing in extra fans into the classrooms. It is supposed to be hot for the next couple of days and into next.

Also, the Parent Council meeting has been changed from the 19th to the 26th.

Your support is appreciated.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First Day

Welcome back to the first day of school everyone. The children are in and learning their new class routines and catching up with friends.

Today, a package of letters will come home. Please make sure they are returned by next Monday. Also, if the office doesn't have your email, please make sure you call Mrs. Stefanowicz or Mrs. Shakespeare at 394-7890. It is important that we have it on file as the automated system will email you in case of emergency.