Friday, April 18, 2008

Earth Week

Thank you to Mr. Mclean, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Cooper (Parent Council Environmental Rep), and the many parent volunteers for all their help organizing all the events that will take place next week. Our Kick-Off Assembly starts on Monday, followed by Green Day on Tuesday, the evening presentation on Wednesday, Litterless Lunch on Thursday and the final clean-up of the grounds on Friday. It should prove to be a great success. A special thank you goes out to the student Environmental Warriors! You've done a great job so far encouraging all of us to be more conscientious of our environment.

This week we met with the City and the Board to finalize plans for expanding our playground into the property next to the pool. The plan is to have the work complete for September. Also, the windows in Mr. Bracht's room are to be replaced with ones that open; we are hoping the work gets done sooner than later.

This week we had an entertaining play, Robin Hood, for the primary and grades 4-5 classes this week. Thank you to Parent Council for organizing this great event. We do love hosting performances for the kids as they allow another learning opportunity for storytelling.

Our grade 6 and 3 teachers having been working with our math consultant to help plan for EQAO. The students have been practising sample questions in preparation. The kids really get a chance to see where they can improve their skill level as they take the questions up together. If you would like more information on EQAO, please feel free to visit the Ministry website.

May Dates
8th-Dr. de Braga and a few grade 8 scientists attend Hydraulics workshop
9th-Sharing Assemblies
12th-Senior Girls' Soccer all day and Parent Council Meeting @ 7:30 p.m.
13th-Mrs. Caddel & Mr. Blais take grade 6 & 8 students to an Equity Conference
15th-Author Veronika Charles visits and Jr.Girls' Soccer
16th-Senior Boys' Soccer all day; Free the Children Assembly
20th-Forest of Reading Celebration @ Harbourfront for some grade 6-8 students
22nd-Celebration Lunch for Forest of Reading; Junior Boys Soccer all day; Kindergarten Spring Concert
23rd-Track & Field
26th-EQAO Begins for grade 3 & 6