We had such a great time at Springfest. I'd like to take this time to acknowledge the parents who were on the committees:
LKS Springfest 2012 Committee Members : Silent Auction: Stephen Montano, Alexa Murphy, Dee Shepherd, Jessica Nash, Karen Dockrill, Lisa Jones, Pearse DolanSara Beveridge: Games: Greg Albrecht (co-chair), Greg Cunningham (co-chair), David James, Jeanette Gallagher; Tombola: Jody Greifenberger (chair), Dianne Quintal, Jenn Abbott, Joan Dawson, Jocelyne Johnston, Kristi Karens, Nori Ayer; Food: Leslie Thomas (chair), Barb Busch, Bernadette Saumur, Jill Whelan, Kathryn Owen, Milena Forte; Communication: Sheryl Macdonald; Volunteers: Sarah Olynick (please let me know if I missed anyone)!
Mr. Samotowka would like to remind you of our Grade 6-8 Concert that will be held on Monday, June 4th at 7 p.m. Students are to arrive for warm up and tuning at 6:15 p.m. The students are to dress in "concert dress"; white dress tops and black dress bottoms - no jeans or t-shirts. Thank you.
Our teachers are wrapping up some third term assessments. We have just completed our grade 3-8 Canadian Test of Basic Skills and some reading assessments from K-8. These assessments are one piece that we look at when analyzing our students' achievements. Our grade 3 and 6 students will be writing the Provincial EQAO assessment in a couple of weeks.
We have finalized our year calendar for 2012/2013 indicating the days of the cycle and the grade 6-8 instrumental days. It is on our website (located on the sidebar).
Have a relaxing long weekend!
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th- Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn