Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
We'd like to thank Mrs. McGee and the Parent Council Literacy Committee for another successful Book Fair. We love having Book Fairs as the students get so excited! The fairs are a great motivational tool.
Staff are finishing up completing our TDSB reading assessments with the students. The primary teachers use the Developmental Reading Assessment and the junior/intermediate staff implement the Canadian Assessment Strategies Interest. We will publish those results, along with the CTBS results in a couple of weeks. As a staff, we compare the Fall and Spring results to determine overall student growth. It gives us a "snapshot" of student achievement over the year.
We are also busy working on Long Range Plans for 2012/2013. As a staff, we had the opportunity to speak to the plans in grade teams (i.e. the kindergarten teachers collaborated with the grade one teachers). This will allow consistency across the school and provide information to next year's teachers when programming for their students. We will also be completing our School Improvement Plan with the main focus being on professional development. The teachers will continue to collaborate in moderated marking sessions; math will be the focus first term, followed by language in second term.
Good luck to the grade 3 and 6 students as they complete EQAO next week!
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO; Eco-Warriors Executive Meeting
29th- Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament; Mr. Ross goes to the movies!
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night @ 7:00 p.m.; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch; Last Day for Instrumental Music (Grade 6-8)
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals; Grade 2s to the Zoo
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)