Friday, January 17, 2014

It's been a fabulous week at LKS. The weather wasn't always accommodating, but we played outside as much as possible. Although it was icy, with lots of care from the children, we managed to have some good times outside at recess and lunch. If it is too unsafe, we will not go outside. We don't want anyone, including staff nor students, getting hurt. 

The congestion in the parking lot has improved and we are thankful for your support. As in the past, we have been putting pylons out in the no parking zones and this has helped. Our grade 6 students are helping out with this as a leadership opportunity. We are looking for one or two parents who can help us out in the morning for a few minutes. Please see me if you can help us. 

On Thursday, staff participated in a planning session. As many of you know, we are learning about "student inquiry", a TDSB and Ministry initiative, and what it means to teachers' programs. An inquiry approach to learning is providing opportunities for students to ask questions about a topic. These questions drive the learning for the remainder of the unit of study. The teachers are finding that when students are given the opportunity to ask their own questions, they tend to be more excited and motivated about their studies compared to when they study a prescribed, teacher driven curriculum. Teachers give guidance and  help develop those questions into "higher level thinking" type questions. Furthermore, the teachers have really enjoyed  watching the "creativity" that has come from the students' conversations and discussions.

Over the next couple of months, the teachers will be using a common template on generating questions and we will reconvene as a staff to dialogue about our findings. 

We are also very busy with our special education annual reviews. Every child who has gone to an IPRC (Identification, Placement, Review Committee) and has formally received an identification (i.e. Gifted, Learning Disability, etc), is entitled to an annual review to discuss progress, placement and identification. Meetings will be on-going over the next month. 

Also, we have done a mid-year review of our early primary students and identified and provided additional support to our students who just need a little more attention in their reading.  We know that by providing a "boost" now will benefit the children in later grades. If you would like to help out with our reading program, please come and talk to me. We have lots of little ones who could use your help.  

Have a great weekend!

20th-Parent Council @ 7:00 p.m -Room 235; 6:15-Question/Answer Period for LKS JK Parents (FDK)- Lunchroom 
22nd-Community Meeting in Lunchroom at 6:30 p.m. regarding Park 
24th-PA Day; Parent On-line Interview Schedule Open 
28th and 29th -Scientist in School-Grade 2 and Combined Grades 
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Primary Concert @ 6: 30 p.m.; Sr and Jr  Hockey vs Runnymede 
31st-Grade 1-3 Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Sr Boys VBall Tourney @ LKS 

3rd-Grade 4-8 Sharing Assembly 
4th-Sr and Jr Hockey vs Humbercrest; Parent On-line Interview Schedule Closes 
5th-Grade 2 and 2/3 Skate @ Mastercard; Grade 8 Science Displays in the afternoon  
10th-Report Cards Go Home 
11th-Kindergarten Registration; Sr Girls VBall @ LKS 
12th-Kindergarten Registration 
13th-Grade 7 Scientist in the School; Jr Girls VBall @ LKS; Sr Hockey vs Humber Valley 
14th-Middle School Dance  
17th-Family Day 
19th-Officer Rich visits Grade 5 and 6; Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Kim skate at Mastercard; Grade 6-8 Ski Trip  
20th-Grade 7 Band @ Kiwanis; Jr Hockey at Humbercrest and Sr at Runnymede  
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 8 Orchestra @ Kiwanis; Hockey West Semi-Finals  
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO 
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Hockey West Conference Finals 
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Grade 6 Band @ Kiwanis 

7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8 
24th-Parent Council 
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos 
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class 
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation 
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday 
23rd-Grade 8 Grad Photo Retake 
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day

6th-PA Day
13th-Grade 8 Graduation 
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)