On Monday night, Mrs. Norton and I had the pleasure of meeting with our existing junior kindergarten parents to answer questions surrounding our full-day kindergarten program that is coming in September 2014. LKS is part of the final phase of the Ministry of Ontario's implementation process. After our new kindergarten register in February, we will have a better sense of the student numbers, although we will get our final projections in March, along with the other grade 1-8 students. Currently, we have approximately 650 students.
In order to accommodate the potential 4 full-day kindergarten classes, the Board will be installing a washroom in Mrs. Burn's room this year; hopefully closer to the end of the year. During the renovation, we will move the existing class to room 176. It will be a relief to have the renovations completed before September.
Each kindergarten class will also have a full-time ECE (Early Childhood Educator) working with the classroom teacher. In addition, we have been allocated 4 lunchroom supervisors. In the spring, we will begin the hiring process as outlined by our Board.
It's been quite fun planning for the new program already. Anticipating the new program, we have purchased and installed new Smart Boards in our kindergarten classes and the teachers and students are already using them to extend their learning. It is a great opportunity having this type of technology in the classroom.
On that note, Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Kuru presented an overview of the Smart Board technology at the Parent Council meeting on Monday. They showed a variety of lessons that are being used in the primary, junior and intermediate lessons and answered many questions. Their presentation showed how the Smart Board engages both students and teachers. Staff are thankful to the community for supporting these purchases financially by monies raised through Pizza Lunches and Springfest. As previously stated, we are hoping to have all the classrooms outfitted with a Smart Board before the end of 2016.
We had another proud moment on Tuesday night at Counselor Peter Milczyn's community meeting regarding Lambton Park, or the Shale Pit. As many of you know, Mrs. Clarke, an LKS parent, and others have asked the City to renovate the park as it is looking a bit "tired". In the fall, our Eco-Club got on board and started redesigning the Shale Pit with the hopes that the city would consider their perspective in the process. During the last few months, Mr. Blais and myself worked with the group to brainstorm ideas and draw up plans. The final initiative was to gather suggestions from the whole school to incorporate into the design.
On Tuesday night, three members in grade 4 and 5, namely Heather, Daria and Angelina presented the group's work at the city meeting. They were articulate, mature and dynamic. Mr. Milczyn and the city planner, Eric, were so impressed with the quality of work and the effort the club put forth into the project. At one point, Eric told the girls he was a little afraid of losing his job to them! We are so proud of the girls and furthermore the whole Eco-Club for taking such a strong lead to complete this project. We are looking forward to planning our next project-Earth Week!
Finally, tomorrow is a Professional Activity Day. Teachers will be completing final evaluations and report cards. Our on-line interview schedule will open up on Friday for those parents needing to book an interview. The code and website will be in this week's grade parent email. Please remember that second term interviews are generally for teachers needing to discuss a child's progress with a parent. Teachers have been asked to contact parents if he/she will be requiring an interview.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
In order to accommodate the potential 4 full-day kindergarten classes, the Board will be installing a washroom in Mrs. Burn's room this year; hopefully closer to the end of the year. During the renovation, we will move the existing class to room 176. It will be a relief to have the renovations completed before September.
Each kindergarten class will also have a full-time ECE (Early Childhood Educator) working with the classroom teacher. In addition, we have been allocated 4 lunchroom supervisors. In the spring, we will begin the hiring process as outlined by our Board.
It's been quite fun planning for the new program already. Anticipating the new program, we have purchased and installed new Smart Boards in our kindergarten classes and the teachers and students are already using them to extend their learning. It is a great opportunity having this type of technology in the classroom.
On that note, Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Kuru presented an overview of the Smart Board technology at the Parent Council meeting on Monday. They showed a variety of lessons that are being used in the primary, junior and intermediate lessons and answered many questions. Their presentation showed how the Smart Board engages both students and teachers. Staff are thankful to the community for supporting these purchases financially by monies raised through Pizza Lunches and Springfest. As previously stated, we are hoping to have all the classrooms outfitted with a Smart Board before the end of 2016.
We had another proud moment on Tuesday night at Counselor Peter Milczyn's community meeting regarding Lambton Park, or the Shale Pit. As many of you know, Mrs. Clarke, an LKS parent, and others have asked the City to renovate the park as it is looking a bit "tired". In the fall, our Eco-Club got on board and started redesigning the Shale Pit with the hopes that the city would consider their perspective in the process. During the last few months, Mr. Blais and myself worked with the group to brainstorm ideas and draw up plans. The final initiative was to gather suggestions from the whole school to incorporate into the design.
On Tuesday night, three members in grade 4 and 5, namely Heather, Daria and Angelina presented the group's work at the city meeting. They were articulate, mature and dynamic. Mr. Milczyn and the city planner, Eric, were so impressed with the quality of work and the effort the club put forth into the project. At one point, Eric told the girls he was a little afraid of losing his job to them! We are so proud of the girls and furthermore the whole Eco-Club for taking such a strong lead to complete this project. We are looking forward to planning our next project-Earth Week!
Mr. Milczyn and Eco-Club |
Thanks Mrs. Clarke |
Finally, tomorrow is a Professional Activity Day. Teachers will be completing final evaluations and report cards. Our on-line interview schedule will open up on Friday for those parents needing to book an interview. The code and website will be in this week's grade parent email. Please remember that second term interviews are generally for teachers needing to discuss a child's progress with a parent. Teachers have been asked to contact parents if he/she will be requiring an interview.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
24th-PA Day; Parent On-line Interview Schedule Open
28th and 29th -Scientist in School-Grade 2 and Combined Grades; Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch
29th-Scientist in the School-Grade 2/3 Combined Grades; Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Bracht skating @ Mastercard
28th and 29th -Scientist in School-Grade 2 and Combined Grades; Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch
29th-Scientist in the School-Grade 2/3 Combined Grades; Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Bracht skating @ Mastercard
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Primary Concert @ 6: 30 p.m.; Sr and Jr Hockey vs Runnymede
31st-Grade 1-3 Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Sr Boys VBall Tourney @ LKS
3rd-Grade 4-8 Sharing Assembly
4th-Sr and Jr Hockey vs Humbercrest; Parent On-line Interview Schedule Closes
5th-Grade 2 and 2/3 Skate @ Mastercard; Grade 8 Science Displays in the afternoon; Jr Boys Basketball @ Portage Trail
7th-Student Council School Olympics (weather permitting)
10th-Report Cards Go Home
11th-Kindergarten Registration; Sr Girls VBall @ LKS
12th-Kindergarten Registration
13th-Grade 7 Scientist in the School; Jr Girls VBall @ LKS; Sr Hockey vs Humber Valley
14th-Middle School Dance; Happy Valentine's Day
17th-Family Day
19th-Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Kim skate at Mastercard; Grade 6-8 Ski Trip
20th-Grade 7 Band @ Kiwanis; Jr Hockey at Humbercrest and Sr at Runnymede; LKS Movie Night @ 6:30-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 8 Orchestra @ Kiwanis; Hockey West Semi-Finals
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Hockey West Conference Finals
4th-Sr and Jr Hockey vs Humbercrest; Parent On-line Interview Schedule Closes
5th-Grade 2 and 2/3 Skate @ Mastercard; Grade 8 Science Displays in the afternoon; Jr Boys Basketball @ Portage Trail
7th-Student Council School Olympics (weather permitting)
10th-Report Cards Go Home
11th-Kindergarten Registration; Sr Girls VBall @ LKS
12th-Kindergarten Registration
13th-Grade 7 Scientist in the School; Jr Girls VBall @ LKS; Sr Hockey vs Humber Valley
14th-Middle School Dance; Happy Valentine's Day
17th-Family Day
19th-Mrs. Wilson and Ms. Kim skate at Mastercard; Grade 6-8 Ski Trip
20th-Grade 7 Band @ Kiwanis; Jr Hockey at Humbercrest and Sr at Runnymede; LKS Movie Night @ 6:30-Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
24th-Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Grade 8 Orchestra @ Kiwanis; Hockey West Semi-Finals
26th-Grade 3 and 2/3 to AGO
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; Hockey West Conference Finals
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day; Grade 6 Band @ Kiwanis
7th-PA Day
10th-14th-March Break
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8-Eric Walters
24th-Parent Council
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos
17th-Author Visit-Grade 4-8-Eric Walters
24th-Parent Council
26th-Grade 8 Graduation Photos
27th-1-8 Sharing Assembly; School Wide Film Festival
28th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
1st-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Burn's Class
3rd-Film Festival Evening Gala (for filmmakers, friends and family)
16th-Earth Ranger's Presentation
18th-Good Friday and Easter Monday
23rd-Grade 8 Grad Photo Retake
24th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
19th-Victoria Day
26th-EQAO Begins
29th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Pizza Day
6th-PA Day
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
13th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-1-8 Sharing Assembly
19th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
23rd-Report Cards Sent Home
27th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn (Last Pizza Day)