What a terrific week of warm weather; hopefully Spring is around the corner.
This week, I've noticed quite a few students walking down the middle of roads comings to and from school. Please remind the children to use the sidewalks when available. Also, please remind them to cross with our crossing guards. Students should not be on scooters or bikes when crossing at the cross walks.
A neighbour called to tell us she saw another coyote this morning walking down Government, closer to Prince Edward. Please be mindful of the wild animals!
Finally, we've had a lot of sickness in the school. If your child is sick, we ask that you keep them home to avoid spreading the germs.
I hope everyone has a great March Break. We will see you on the 21st.
March 2016
25-28-Good Friday/Easter Monday
29-Junior Assembly
30-Primary Assembly
31-Kindergarten Assembly; Grade 6-8 House Event; Grade 8 Grad Photos
April 2016
4-Parent Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.; New Kindergarten Parent Night
8-Pizza Day
17-PA Day-No School
26-Primary Assembly
27-Junior Assembly
28-Kindergarten Assembly
29-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event
May 2016
5-Folk Dance Club
12-Folk Dance Club
23-Victoria Day
26-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Folk Dance; Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event
30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council
31-Primary Sharing Assembly
June 2016
1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Raindate)
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assemby
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
27-Report Cards Go Home!
29-Pizza Lunch
29-Last Day for Students