Over the next two months, we will be placing students into next year's classes. If your child is not going to be at LKS, please let the office and homeroom teacher know as soon as possible.
Also, please do not hesitate to have a conversation with your child's teacher if you have concerns or questions about next year. Teachers have a really good idea of your child's needs and will work with their colleagues to place the students accordingly. Staff work collaboratively to create balanced classes taking into account Ministry caps, gender and social and academic needs. Next year's class and teacher will be indicated on the June report card.
The Science Committee consisting of Ms. Chandra, Mr. Littlejohn, Mr. Iceton and myself began planning next year's grade 6-8 Science Fair. We will also be hosting a Family of School Fair in February 2016.
Staff also worked collaboratively to generate a draft "wish list" to consider when allocating funds raised at the school. We will continue to focus on technology and "coding" resources.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. Keep well.
April 2016
4-Parent Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.; New Kindergarten Parent Night at 6:15 p.m (lunchroom) and Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Parent Night at 6:15 p.m. in the library
5-Scientists in School visit Mrs. Burn and all grade 8 classes
8-Pizza Day
17-PA Day-No School
26-Primary Assembly
27-Junior Assembly
28-Kindergarten Assembly
29-Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event
May 2016
5-Folk Dance Club
12-Folk Dance Club
23-Victoria Day
26-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Folk Dance; Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event
30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council
31-Primary Sharing Assembly
June 2016
1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Raindate)
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assemby
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
27-Report Cards Go Home!
29-Pizza Lunch
29-Last Day for Students