Friday, April 16, 2010

April Events

We had a very interesting week at LKS beginning with our long awaited production of Beauty and the Beast. We congratulate all those involved including the students, staff and parent volunteers. It was so entertaining and the kids had such a great time. Thank you for supporting this very large endeavor.

Springfest is Going GREEN!!

Be sure to keep Saturday May 15th free from 10am-2pm for the annual LKS Springfest Celebration. In keeping with our eco-theme, Springfest is going green....we're aiming for less packaging, less waste, and more fun for everyone!

The Silent Auction will publish all items (including pictures!!) on an online blog instead of sending out the paper catalogue. Stay tuned for the blog address in the next few weeks.....

The ever-popular Tombola game will still be the same, we're just adding some new twists! Instead of buying all those tombola's, we are asking parents to instead purchase one or more $5 tombola leaves. Each classroom will display their leaves on a tree and the class with the most leaves will still win the traditional pizza lunch. Half of the money collected will go directly to the school, and the other half will help buy grand prizes for the game. Remember to bring your own coffee mug and tote bag to carry all your goodies, and please use the recycling bins on site.

Stay tuned for more info coming your way soon! Questions? Contact: for Springfest, and for Tombola.

Finally, as some of you may know already, some of our families in the community have suffered losses recently as close family members have passed away. Yesterday we attended a funeral for the mother of one of our students. It is during these times we really do have to lean on each other and be as supportive as we can. Our thoughts continue to be with our families who are in similar situations currently.

We are looking forward to all the earth celebrations next week. Once again our Eco Committee has done a fabulous job of bringing in activities for the kids to continue to bring awareness and education to the school community. Please look for their calendar of activities on our website.

Looking forward to seeing you at the LKS Fundraising Gala on Saturday night.

April Dates
17th-LKS Fundraising Gala 2010
19th-Grade 5 classes visit Queen's Park; Earth Week Assembly @ 9:00; Safety Rep Meeting @ Lunch (Grade 4-8)
20th-Grade 8 Badminton
21st-Grade 3 Scientist in the School
22nd-Earth Day
26th-Sharing Assemblies
27th-Musical Festival at LKS-Mr. Samotowka (grade 7 strings involved)
29th-Grade 3 to Pioneer Village
30th-Pizza Lunch

4th-Photography Exhibition (Mr. Blais, Mr. Elias, and Grade 8 students)
4 and 5th-SW1 Equity Conference (for some junior and intermediate students)
7th-Boys' Litercy Conference-some boys from Grade 5-8, Mrs. McGee and Mr. Lanis
10th-Parent Council Meeting in Library @ 7:00 p.m.
11th-Puppet Show for K-6
14th-Mr. Blais and Ms. Caddel at photography exhibition with students at AGO
17th-Safety Rep Meeting at lunch
18th-Grade 4-6 Performance-Bozo's Fortune
25th-Book Fair Begins
26th-Safety Officer visits Grade 4 and Grade 5
27th-Sharing Assemblies
31st-June 11-Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO tentative dates

Dental Screening throughout June
3rd-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
9th-Grade 4 White Elephant Sale
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
25th-Grade 8 Grad
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly