On Friday, most of the IEPs (Individual Education Plans) will be sent home. Some may be sent home after Friday depending upon completion. Due to the Work to Rule, the completion has been delayed in some cases. Please connect with your child's teacher to discuss your child's program and progress thus far.
Report Cards are to be sent home on Friday, November 6th. Due to the Work To Rule, this might be delayed. I am waiting for further direction from TDSB.

A big thank you to Allison Needham, Sara Beveridge, Kerry Collings, Maxine Williams, Susie Raymond, Julie Riach, Tina Gazoza, Joanna Sharp, Regina Buecker, Sue Moorehead and Kristin Kidd for volunteering and organizing the Fall Fair. Although the weather wasn't so great, the kids still had a great time at the petting zoo, face painting and eating some delicious cupcakes. Thanks also goes to Paul Nusca for donating the pumpkins and to Ms. Drewnawski for the cupcakes!
See you at the Parade next week. Please join us outside as the parade begins right after morning announcements.
October 2015
26-Primary Sharing Assembly; Jr Girls' Football; Parent Council at 7:00-Library; Terry Fox Assembly at 2:00
27-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
28-Haunted House
31-Hallowe'en Parade and Middle School Parade
November 2015
2-Officer Rich visits grade 4 and 5
3-Picture Retakes
4-"Grow" Presentation (Kindie and Primary)
5-"Grow" Presentation (Primary/Junior)
6-Report Cards go home; "Grow" Presentation (Jr/Intermediate)
11-Remembrance Day Assembly
13-PA Day
16-Bullying Awareness Day
17-Scientist in the School visits Ms. Kim
26-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
27-Kindie Sharing Assembly: Pizza Lunch
30-Parent Council; Primary Sharing Assembly
December 2015
10-Special Education (Grade 8) Annual Reviews
11-Pizza Lunch
14-Primary and Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
15-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
Dec 21-Jan 1, 2016-School Holidays
January 2016
4-School Begins
11-Officer Rich visits grade 1 and 8
18-Primary Sharing Assembly
21-Junior/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
22-PA Day
29-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
February 2016
5-Report Cards go home
9 and 10-Kindergarten Registration
12-PA Day
15-Family Day
18-Special Education Annual Reviews
22-Parent Council
23-Primary Sharing Assembly
24-Jr and Intermediate Sharing Assembly
26-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch
March 2016
14-18-March Break
25-28-Good Friday/Easter Monday
May 2016
23-Victoria Day
June 2016
10-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students