Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Kim and I would like to congratulate all the grade 1-8 cross-country runners who participated in yesterday's meet. The grade 3 and 4 runners who placed in the top 50 should be at practice tomorrow with Ms.Caddel and the grade 5-8 top 50, will practise with Mr. Ellerker on Thursday. We will get the "official" list of the students moving on in the next couple of days. The West Conference is scheduled for the 15th.

Today, at recess, Thomas, Sean and Evan, grade 8 students, running the Robotics Club met with the grade 4-6 students who signed up for a brief meeting. We've added additional club dates as we had a great response to the club. If your child signed up already, they will be coming in October or November. Please check with your child. I will post both groups on my office door.

Have a great day.