Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

This week, I visited Ms. Chandra's grade 6 science class. Ms. Chandra teaches science to  all of our grade 6-8 students.   The grade 6 classes are learning about electricity. The students were creating circuits. Ms. Chandra will continue to teach about specific circuits over the next few weeks. Go to for more activities that you can do at home! 

A big thank you to Mrs. Zappi, Ms. Tyndall, Ms. Young and Ms. Sunde for  volunteering to be the advisors for the Seeds of Hope Club. Under their direction, middle school students plan initiatives that teach the student body about community and global issues, with the end goal of giving back to others. "We Scare Hunger" will run from Oct 19-30. Students are asked to bring in non-perishable foods for the Daily Bread Food Bank. 

This week, we had our pre-construction meeting for the installation of the solar panels. Many TDSB schools have had panels already installed.  A TDSB letter will be sent home shortly. I found the following information regarding the project on the TDSB website: 

Immediate Repairs to Begin on 32 TDSB Rooftops

The TDSB Solar Schools Project kicks-off this fall with immediate repair and replacement work for thirty-two school roofs.

Following the receipt of 311 FIT contracts from the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) this summer and the recent finalization of an agreement with its partner, School Top Solar Limited Partnership (SSLP), plans are moving forward to immediately begin work on the roofs where repairs are needed most.

Over the course of the project, the revenue generated by installing solar panels on school roofs will be used to fund millions of square feet of school rooftop repairs and replacements. The Solar Schools Project is another example of the TDSB’s ongoing commitment to being one of the greenest school boards in Canada and operating in a way that aligns with the environmental education being taught to students. 

Quick Facts

  • Roof repairs and replacements will be completed at 32 TDSB schools beginning this fall: Albert Campbell CI, Bennington Heights MS, Brian PS, Brockton Learning Center, Cedarbrae CI, Claireville JS, Corvette JPS, Danforth Collegiate & Technical School, Daystrom PS, Dunlace PS, East York CI, Elmlea JS, Etienne Brule JS, Fairmount JPS, Hodgson MS, J R Wilcox CS, John Ross Robertson JPS, Kipling CI, L'Amoreaux CI, Maple Leaf PS, Oakdale Park MS, Oakwood CI, Ossington Old Orchard PS, Pleasant PS, Rosedale Heights School of the Arts, Sir Oliver Mowat CI, Sir Wilfred Laurier CI, The Elms JMS, Victoria Park CI, Wedgewood JS, Westview Centennial SS and West Education Office (Civic Centre Court)

  • The Solar Schools Project will roll out in phases over the next three years and will see solar panels installed on 311 TDSB roofs
  • In total, approximately 4.3 million square feet of school roofs will be repaired and/or replaced over the course of the project

“The TDSB Solar Schools Project is a leading green initiative that demonstrates the Board’s commitment to exploring new and innovative ideas to address our major infrastructure needs.”   
- Chris Bolton, Chair, TDSB

“It is exciting to see this project become a reality. We look forward to immediately starting work on our school roofs and beginning to generate green energy for the community."
- Donna Quan, Director, TDSB
Last Updated: Thursday , September 19, 2013

October 2015

19-Election Day; Officer Rich visits Grade 6 ad 2; Jr Girls' Softball 
21-Parent Council Fall Fair 
22-Scientist in the School-Grade 4 and 2; Cross Country City Finals  
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch 
26-Primary Sharing Assembly; Jr Girls' Football 
27-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
29-Haunted House 
31-Hallowe'en Parade and Middle School Parade 

November 2015
2-Officer Rich visits grade 4 and 5
 3-Picture Retakes 
4-"Grow" Presentation (Kindie and Primary) 
5-"Grow" Presentation (Primary/Junior) 
6-Report Cards go home; "Grow" Presentation (Jr/Intermediate) 
9-Remembrance Day Assembly 
13-PA Day 
16-Bullying Awareness Day 
26-Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
27-Kindie Sharing Assembly: Pizza Lunch 
30-Parent Council; Primary Sharing Assembly 

December 2015
 10-Special Education (Grade 8) Annual Reviews
11-Pizza Lunch
14-Primary and Jr/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
15-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
Dec 21-Jan 1, 2016-School Holidays 

January 2016
 4-School Begins 
11-Officer Rich visits grade 1 and 8 
18-Primary Sharing Assembly
21-Junior/Intermediate Sharing Assembly
22-PA Day
29-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 

February 2016
5-Report Cards go home 
9 and 10-Kindergarten Registration 
12-PA Day
15-Family Day 
18-Special Education Annual Reviews 
22-Parent Council 
23-Primary Sharing Assembly
24-Jr and Intermediate Sharing Assembly
26-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Pizza Lunch 

March 2016
14-18-March Break 
25-28-Good Friday/Easter Monday 

May 2016
 23-Victoria Day 

June 2016
10-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students