Dear Families,
I'd like to thank all the staff, parents and students of LKS for an exciting first term. We've had some challenges, and great successes. I am so proud of the students' achievements and am looking forward to 2013.
I wish you the best holiday season and a Happy New Year!
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
21st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 and 8
23rd-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 and 8
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
2nd-Author Visit-Kindergarten to Grade 2
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
12th and 13th-Kindergarten Registration
13th-Grade 7 Scientist in the School
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools; Kindie Sharing Assembly
22nd-Pizza Day
25th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
22nd-Kindie Sharing Assembly
26th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
24th-Grad Photo Retake
25th-Kindie Sharing Assembly
26th-Pizza Day
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
20th-Victoria Day
22nd-Kindie Sharing Assembly
24th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindie Sharing Assembly
18th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
On Friday, we were shocked and saddened about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. The TDSB has written a letter that we have posted on our website. Please know that safety is our number one concern at LKS, and we will continue to work together to ensure the safety of our school community. Thank you.
Friday, December 14, 2012
One-day Walkout
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The following has been placed on the TDSB web:
Elementary teachers with the TDSB have been informed by their union that a one-day walkout will take place on Tuesday, December 18, 2012.
Please visit http://tdsbweb/.
The following has been placed on the TDSB web:
Elementary teachers with the TDSB have been informed by their union that a one-day walkout will take place on Tuesday, December 18, 2012.
Please visit http://tdsbweb/.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
I'd like to thank the Student Council Reps who helped pick up our Christmas Tree. If you have items that represent how your family celebrates the season and would let us borrow them, please bring them to the office so we can continue our decorating.
On Wednesday afternoon, we delivered the baskets to Stonegate. Thank you for the many donations once again. There are many families that are going to have a great 2013 because of your generosity. Thank you to all the parents who helped out including our grade parents. A special thank you to Mrs. Thorsteinson, and our Parent Council Outreach Committee including Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. Saha and Mrs. Needham.
I'd also like to thank Ms. Walker for organizing the food drive for Second Harvest. The amount of donated food was very generous.
I'd also like to thank Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Ms. Hoffman for preparing the grade 6-8 middle school concert this week and extended thanks to Mrs. Greifenberger for the decorations.
Please continue to read our blog/website and grade parent letter to keep updated on negotiations.
17th-Grade 7 and 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 and 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 and 8
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
12th and 13th-Kindergarten Registration
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
On Wednesday afternoon, we delivered the baskets to Stonegate. Thank you for the many donations once again. There are many families that are going to have a great 2013 because of your generosity. Thank you to all the parents who helped out including our grade parents. A special thank you to Mrs. Thorsteinson, and our Parent Council Outreach Committee including Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. Saha and Mrs. Needham.
I'd also like to thank Ms. Walker for organizing the food drive for Second Harvest. The amount of donated food was very generous.
I'd also like to thank Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Ms. Hoffman for preparing the grade 6-8 middle school concert this week and extended thanks to Mrs. Greifenberger for the decorations.
Please continue to read our blog/website and grade parent letter to keep updated on negotiations.
17th-Grade 7 and 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 and 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 and 8
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
12th and 13th-Kindergarten Registration
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
A letter from TDSB has been posted on the main page of our website regarding a potential one day strike. Please keep checking our blog and/or website on a daily basis for updates.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
I'd like to thank Mrs. Beveridge, our parent rep who organized the hot lunch for the children who stay for the lunch program. It was a great success and we really wanted to acknowledge her efforts!
A big thank you to Mr. Kuru, Mr. Bracht, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Ross, Mr. Ellerker and Mr. Littlejohn for coaching our volleyball and basketball teams this past month.
At this time of the year, we often say goodbye to staff and welcome new colleagues. We'd like to thank Mrs. Strucel for taking over many of our physical education classes when Mr. Elias retired. We appreciate her creativity in the classroom. We will be welcoming back Mrs. Shklar who is returning from maternity leave. We will also be welcoming back Mrs. Van Schoor to her grade 2 class. We will miss Mrs. Perrin as she filled in for the entire first term. Thank you for your dedication to the community.
As you know labour negotiations continue throughout the Province. We have no official Board news to share with you. Again, when I receive any official news from the TDSB, I will immediately share it with you via the blog, website and/or grade parent note.
10th-Last Day for Stonegate Donations
12th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 & 8s
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
A big thank you to Mr. Kuru, Mr. Bracht, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Ross, Mr. Ellerker and Mr. Littlejohn for coaching our volleyball and basketball teams this past month.
At this time of the year, we often say goodbye to staff and welcome new colleagues. We'd like to thank Mrs. Strucel for taking over many of our physical education classes when Mr. Elias retired. We appreciate her creativity in the classroom. We will be welcoming back Mrs. Shklar who is returning from maternity leave. We will also be welcoming back Mrs. Van Schoor to her grade 2 class. We will miss Mrs. Perrin as she filled in for the entire first term. Thank you for your dedication to the community.
As you know labour negotiations continue throughout the Province. We have no official Board news to share with you. Again, when I receive any official news from the TDSB, I will immediately share it with you via the blog, website and/or grade parent note.
10th-Last Day for Stonegate Donations
12th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 & 8s
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, November 30, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
This week, our Terry Fox Helpers received a beautiful thank you letter from Martha, the Provincial Director, for their service to the foundation. Congratulations to Daniel, Jacob, Neave, Regan, Johanthan, Lulu (all in grade 2), Eilis, Fox and David (grade 3), David, Veronica and Miranda (grade 5), and a special mention to Annabel, Grace, Frances, Dana and Nicolette, all in grade 7 who have volunteered for the last four years. Special recognition also goes to Jason, a cancer survivor himself!
Mr. Bracht asked me to tell you that the Phys. Ed website is down and the kids have a schedule in their homerooms.
We are very proud of our students' academic achievements thus far. The preliminary DRA ( a reading diagnostic our primary teachers complete) show that in grade one, 42% of our students are approaching level, 32% are at level and 20% are already above level. 25% of our grade 2 students are at level and 69% are above, while are grade three students measure at 5% approaching, 35% at level and 57% above. We are very happy with these results at this point of the year.
Time to say goodbye to November! Have a great weekend!
3rd-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Perrin and Mrs. Wilson
5th-Sr Boys' Vball @ LKS
6th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre; Jr Boys' Vball
7th-PA Day
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning; Kindergarten Holiday Sharing Assembly
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
29th-MADD Canada Presentation with grade 7 & 8s
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I had to finish my blog early this week. It's been a great week at LKS! Staff continued to work on their "inquiry" projects in teams and shared the progress with their colleagues. As many of you know, professional development is instrumental in improving teaching practices and student achievement. We will continue this good work throughout the year.
Staff also had the opportunity to learn about the IXL math program the grade 4 and 5 teachers are using with their students. It's an on-line program the students are using to supplement their math program. I observed one of the classes using the software and it is evident the kids love the program. They can practise their skills by answering questions and there are rewards and incentives also! We will continue to study the correlations between the use of the program and the students' results.
The students had the opportunity to view a short documentary on Internet safety. The grade 1-4 students were taught some simple "do's and don'ts" to follow when using the computer, and the grade 5-8 students delved into a more complex issue; namely cyberbullying. I'll refer you to the following link for more strategies if you want to follow up at home:
I hope you have a great weekend!
Dates to Remember
27th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies at 9:00ish and 12:35ish
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Staff also had the opportunity to learn about the IXL math program the grade 4 and 5 teachers are using with their students. It's an on-line program the students are using to supplement their math program. I observed one of the classes using the software and it is evident the kids love the program. They can practise their skills by answering questions and there are rewards and incentives also! We will continue to study the correlations between the use of the program and the students' results.
The students had the opportunity to view a short documentary on Internet safety. The grade 1-4 students were taught some simple "do's and don'ts" to follow when using the computer, and the grade 5-8 students delved into a more complex issue; namely cyberbullying. I'll refer you to the following link for more strategies if you want to follow up at home:
I hope you have a great weekend!
Dates to Remember
27th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies at 9:00ish and 12:35ish
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert at 1:30 p.m.
14th-Grade 6-8 Dance
17th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization-morning
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly at 10:30 a.m.
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
It's been a busy week with parent/teacher interviews. We've had 727 interviews since Monday.
Just a reminder that if your child will be away, please call 416-394-7897 to leave a message. The line is checked by the office regularly. Thank you.
Next week, you'll see that we have special programs in the school, including Scientist in the School and Author Visits. Both of these programs are funded through fundraising. These types of programs are what make LKS so great. Thank you for providing these special opportunities that enhance the students' academic programs.
Have a great weekend everyone! Please remember there is no school on the 16th.
20th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Hall
21st-Student Assembly-Topic: Bullying
22nd-Author Visit (and 23rd)
23rd-Grade 7 & 8-Musical performance by ECI
27th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies at 9:00ish and 12:35ish
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert
14th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization; Grade 6-8 Dance
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly-morning
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Just a reminder that if your child will be away, please call 416-394-7897 to leave a message. The line is checked by the office regularly. Thank you.
Next week, you'll see that we have special programs in the school, including Scientist in the School and Author Visits. Both of these programs are funded through fundraising. These types of programs are what make LKS so great. Thank you for providing these special opportunities that enhance the students' academic programs.
Have a great weekend everyone! Please remember there is no school on the 16th.
20th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Hall
21st-Student Assembly-Topic: Bullying
22nd-Author Visit (and 23rd)
23rd-Grade 7 & 8-Musical performance by ECI
27th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies at 9:00ish and 12:35ish
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert
14th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization; Grade 6-8 Dance
20th-Pizza Day; Grade 1-5 Musical Sharing Assembly-morning
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
On Friday, we will be holding our Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 a.m. in the gym to honour those who served for Canada. Poppies will be given to all the children. A small donation will be collected for the Royal Canadian Legion until November 15, 2012. If you would like more information to share at home, please visit for resources.
Just a reminder that Progress Reports will be sent home on Monday. A letter from me will be attached to the weekly grade parent email. We look forward to parent/teacher interviews next week.
As you may know, full-day Kindergarten will be available at LKS in 2014. Currently, our kindergarten teachers are preparing by visiting demonstration classes and learning about the "Inquiry-based model of learning" that supports the program. LKS will be invited to implementation workshops starting in 2013. We will make sure the community is kept abreast of new information forthcoming.
Please keep informed of labour negotiations via the TDSB website, the local trustee or your MP's office. Currently, we have some activities that continue at LKS.
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
21st-Student Assembly-Topic: Bullying
22nd-Author Visit
23rd-Grade 7 & 8 Author Visit; ECI visits grade 8 classes
27th-Sharing Assembly: Empathy
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
12th-Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Gibson, Ms. Hall to Young People's Theatre
13th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
14th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization; Grade 6-8 Dance
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, November 2, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
What makes a great community? I think one thing that makes a great community is the willingness to come together at events like Hallowe'en. What could have been a dreary and depressing time turned out to be a great day. The weather wasn't very cooperative, so we hosted the parades inside this year. I loved how our older classes stood in the hallways to create a bigger crowd for our afternoon kindergarten students. It was touching to see how kind they were to the little ones. They really tried to make the day special for the kindies. That's what community is at LKS!
The grade 8 classes also hosted the Haunted House the day before. All proceeds go to cutting costs (i.e. spending money) on the graduation trip. The grade 6-8 Student Council should also be thanked for hosting the first dance of the year. The kids really enjoy the dances. Any extra funds raised at the dances will go to a worthy cause.
Yes, the candy is great at Hallowe'en, but thank you to the Seeds of Hope Club for reminding us that there are less fortunate people who live in our city that need to be shown care and respect. The group organized a food drive over the last week and the Daily Food Bank picked up all the donations today. For those of you who don't know, the Seeds of Hope Club is a group of older students who focus on social justice concerns at local and global levels.
This week was busy for the teachers as they continued working on their team projects. Each year, the teachers usually work in teams to focus on an aspect of their teaching practices to improve student achievement. They learned about a new planning directive through the Board called the "Inquiry Based Planning". The framework basically takes you through an adapted version of a good science experiment starting with formulating a question or hypothesis. For example, "How do graphic organizers affect students' recount of a written passage?" or "How does the amount of time spent using the Khan Academy impact students' achievement levels in math?" We'll continue to work through our questions throughout the year.
We look forward to seeing you at the Remembrance Day Assembly next Friday, November 9th at 10:30 in the gym.
We look forward to seeing you at the Remembrance Day Assembly next Friday, November 9th at 10:30 in the gym.
I hope you have a great weekend. Apparently, we might get a little reprieve from the rain. Don't forget to book your interview on-line next week.
5th-9th-Parents book on-line interviews-Please see Grade Parent email
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
21st-Student Assembly-Topic: Bullying
22nd-Author Visit
21st-Student Assembly-Topic: Bullying
22nd-Author Visit
23rd-Grade 7 & 8 Author Visit
27th-Sharing Assembly: Empathy
27th-Sharing Assembly: Empathy
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
13th-Middle School Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
14th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization; Grade 6-8 Dance
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
1st-Optional Attendance Due date for Secondary Schools; Grade 6 Scientist in the School
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
19th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets due to Secondary Schools
22nd-Pizza Day
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
27th-Grade 8 Grad Photo
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
20th-Victoria Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
24th-Sharing Assembly
28th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Just a reminder not to send any candy that contains nuts to the school please. We just reminded the students at the end of the day. We've picked up a few packages of candy that contained nuts today (i.e. M & M Peanuts). For the safety of our children, please check the candy before coming to school.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Just a reminder that we will have our traditional "Hallowe'en Parade" next Wednesday. If you will be attending, please line up along the fences as we need room for the entire school to move through the front doors and then around the track. The kids are so excited to come in their costumes. The grade 8 students will also be hosting their haunted house again! Please remember that we are a "peanut safe" school, and no sweets should be brought to school containing nuts. Please no gum!
During our October Sharing Assemblies (Grade 1-8 on the 30th and Kindgergarten on the 26th), we will be recognizing the character trait of Empathy.
We received our Fall CTBS scores, and the children did exceptionally well on the assessment. We will have overall results posted on the website next week, along with the Promotion, Transfer, and Retention Guidelines.
I hope you have a great weekend.
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
31st-Hallowe'en Parade; Grade 6-8 Dance
5th-9th-Parents book on-line interviews-Please see Grade Parent email
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
23rd-Grade 7 & 8 Author Visit
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
13th-Middle School Concert
14th-Grade 7 & 8 Immunization; Grade 6-8 Dance
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
8th-Police Visits for Grade 1 and 4
17th-Police Visits for Grade 2 and 5
22nd-Police Visits for Grade 6 & 8
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Friday, October 19th
Congratulations to our finalists who ran in the City Cross Country Race on today. Official results will be in shortly. Mr. Ellerker, Mrs. Wilson and myself are so proud of you. Thanks to all the parents who have supported the team throughout the season!
This week, Mr. Lanis and Mrs. Chandra hosted a training session for our Peer Mediators. Our Peer Mediators come from our grade 6 classes and they play a big part keeping our students safe at recess. They help the younger students resolve conflicts on the playground. We've had this club for a couple of years, and it is very successful. We thank the kids for showing such great leadership.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Council meeting on Monday night. We presented our School Improvement Plan and student achievement results from 2011-2012. We also had a discussion around Bill 115. All of us, including staff, parents and the students, are frustrated and disappointed about the uncertainty of the current situation. These same feelings and thoughts were expressed at the Trustee meeting on Tuesday night. Many of our extra-curricular activities have been cancelled here at LKS and across the system, and we aren't sure what the future will look like. Please make sure you check my blog on a regular basis as I will continue to keep you posted as new information is sent to me.
I do know that Progress Reports will be sent home on November the 12th. We will be using our on-line booking system again this year. You will be able to book your parent-teacher interview from November 5th to November 9th. A detailed message will be sent to you via your grade parent. It will contain the code that you need to access the booking system.
Finally, I'd like to welcome Mrs. Struncel who will be replacing Mr. Elias until the new year. At that point, Mrs. Shklar will be teaching some of our gym classes for the remainder of the year. Congratulations to Ms. Sunde as she has become a permanent teacher with the Board and will continue to teach our 2/3 split. Welcome aboard Mrs. Sunde!
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
This week, Mr. Lanis and Mrs. Chandra hosted a training session for our Peer Mediators. Our Peer Mediators come from our grade 6 classes and they play a big part keeping our students safe at recess. They help the younger students resolve conflicts on the playground. We've had this club for a couple of years, and it is very successful. We thank the kids for showing such great leadership.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Council meeting on Monday night. We presented our School Improvement Plan and student achievement results from 2011-2012. We also had a discussion around Bill 115. All of us, including staff, parents and the students, are frustrated and disappointed about the uncertainty of the current situation. These same feelings and thoughts were expressed at the Trustee meeting on Tuesday night. Many of our extra-curricular activities have been cancelled here at LKS and across the system, and we aren't sure what the future will look like. Please make sure you check my blog on a regular basis as I will continue to keep you posted as new information is sent to me.
I do know that Progress Reports will be sent home on November the 12th. We will be using our on-line booking system again this year. You will be able to book your parent-teacher interview from November 5th to November 9th. A detailed message will be sent to you via your grade parent. It will contain the code that you need to access the booking system.
Finally, I'd like to welcome Mrs. Struncel who will be replacing Mr. Elias until the new year. At that point, Mrs. Shklar will be teaching some of our gym classes for the remainder of the year. Congratulations to Ms. Sunde as she has become a permanent teacher with the Board and will continue to teach our 2/3 split. Welcome aboard Mrs. Sunde!
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Congratulations to all of our cross country runners who participated in our second race on Tuesday. Good luck to the remaining runners who will be heading to our final City meet next week!
On the 16th, IEPs (Individual Education Plans) will be sent home with some students. Currently, we have approximately 70 students who have an IEP. An IEP is a formal document that outlines any accommodations and/or modifications that a student may require beyond what a teacher already implements in daily practice, in order to achieve success. A student who requires an IEP has been discussed at a variety of meetings within the school and/or one provided by the TDSB Special Education Department. Last year, we had a fabulous special education website that provided in-depth knowledge around many special education topics. Currently, we are reconstructing the website and we are hoping to get it up and running in the next couple of months. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your child's classroom teacher, myself, Mr. Lanis, or one of our three special education teachers (Mrs. Dacyshyn-Kindergarten, Grade 4 and 5, Mrs. MacPherson-Grade 1-3 and Mrs. Young-Grade 6-8).
At this point of the year, teachers will be contacting parents of students if they have a concern. We want to provide as much support to our children as possible, and early intervention is an important part of the process.
We'd like to remind parents to give your child's teacher a note if you will be picking up during the day for an appointment. We are trying to keep the disruptions to the classes at a minimum. Last week, in one day, Mrs. Stefanowicz had an enormous amount of request to call children to the office which disrupts learning. Thank you in advance.
At this point of the year, teachers will be contacting parents of students if they have a concern. We want to provide as much support to our children as possible, and early intervention is an important part of the process.
We'd like to remind parents to give your child's teacher a note if you will be picking up during the day for an appointment. We are trying to keep the disruptions to the classes at a minimum. Last week, in one day, Mrs. Stefanowicz had an enormous amount of request to call children to the office which disrupts learning. Thank you in advance.
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, October 5, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Our grade 7 students had a great time on their outdoor trip to Albion this year. They left Monday and returned on Wednesday. Thanks to Mr. Kuru and Mrs. Caligiuri who supervised the experience!
I'd also like to thank Mrs. McGee and Mrs. Dawson, and the volunteers, who held a very successful Book Fair! This is a great initiative to encourage literacy and it also helps put more resources back into the library.
Next Thursday, we will be hosting around 10 visitors who will implementing a District Review in our school. Every school goes through this process. The teams will be visiting the classrooms and seeing all the great things that our children are learning. After the visit, the team will provide feedback on different things our staff can do in the future to make programs even better for our students.
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A very supportive dad! |
Jessie Munro, a Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School graduate, is one of the top 7 contenders for the role of Dorothy in the CBC ‘Over the Rainbow’ reality TV show. The winner will play Dorothy in the Mirvish/Andrew Lloyd Webber production of the “Wizard of OZ”. She needs the help (meaning votes!) of the community to get behind her. Other girls have their communities firmly behind them. Let's do the same for Jessie, the only Toronto (Etobicoke) Dorothy.
Here’s how you can help:
- Go to, register and “like” Jessie
- Answer Feature Challenges to build votes that can be exercised Sun. night from 9 pm to Monday at noon
- Vote by phone 1-888-889-5989 – 10 times or more if you can
- Comment on Facebook
- Twitter at @jessieleith
We'd like to say goodbye to Ms. Moser, our grade 7 teacher, as she will be having her baby soon! We wish her and her family all the best. Mr. Harrison will be replacing Ms. Moser until the end of the school year.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you on Tuesday.
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, September 28, 2012
Friday, September 28th, 2012
I'd like to thank Mrs. Gibson for organizing our wonderful Terry Fox Walk on Thursday. It was a beautiful day for a great community event! So far, around $16, 000 in donations has been raised. Thank you so much for your support!
A big thank you to Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Teti and Mrs. Painting who organized our first Pizza Lunch. It was a great success! Thanks to all the parents who supervised the classrooms.
I'd also like to thank Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Zappi for leading our Seed of Hope Club. Today, the teachers attended the annual, "Me to We" Day downtown with 31 of our students. For those of you who don't know, the Seeds of Hope Club is a club that older students can join and it focuses on social justice issues. They purpose of the club is to help bring awareness to issues and concerns around the globe. This is a wonderful club as it allows the older students leadership opportunities. Discussions tend to develop abstract and higher level thinking skills.
This week, staff had the opportunity to begin analyzing our data from last year, namely our report card summary and EQAO. Although, we will look at it further, it is evident our students do well overall in reading, writing and math, usually achieving above Board and Provincial levels. We will continue to focus on teaching implicit thinking in reading and making connections; two areas that require more direction instruction. We will talk more about this as the year progresses.
Good luck to our grade 1-8 cross-country team as they compete in the first meet next Tuesday and to our grade 7 classes as they are heading off to their three day outdoor trip next week!
Hope to see you at the Book Fair!
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
1st-4th-Book Fair-Library
2nd-Cross Country Meet @ Centennial
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Over the past week, I've spoken to a couple of you regarding the withdrawal of some extra-curricular activities. It is a frustrating process for everyone. Please know that teachers are teaching, planning and learning is happening in the classroom. Thank you.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
It's been a very busy week in the classroom. The students are completing initial reading, writing and math diagnostics and delving into their assignments. I've been in the primary classes this week, and it is amazing how much the kids' learning has improved even in the last two weeks.
The grade 3 and 6 students should be taking home their individual EQAO results this week.
Next week, we will host our first Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies are a time where we get to honour students who have displayed exemplary character traits. The trait for September is Respect. I really love the sharing assemblies because I think it is really important to recognize the good things the students are doing around the school! They also give a leadership opportunty for our grade eight students as they lead the assemblies.
At the end of next week, Mr. Elias will be retiring. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank him for all that he has done at LKS. He began his career in the early Toronto Board and has taught a variety of subjects here including special education, physical education and computers. He has been an active member of many committees and we will miss his expertise, especially in the area of IT! We wish him the best of luck in the future!
Have a nice weekend.
24th-Sharing Assemblies
19th and 20th-Photo Days
26th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies-9:00 and 12:35 (Lunchroom)
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date; Pizza Day
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
1st-4th-Book Fair-Library
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
The grade 3 and 6 students should be taking home their individual EQAO results this week.
Next week, we will host our first Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies are a time where we get to honour students who have displayed exemplary character traits. The trait for September is Respect. I really love the sharing assemblies because I think it is really important to recognize the good things the students are doing around the school! They also give a leadership opportunty for our grade eight students as they lead the assemblies.
At the end of next week, Mr. Elias will be retiring. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank him for all that he has done at LKS. He began his career in the early Toronto Board and has taught a variety of subjects here including special education, physical education and computers. He has been an active member of many committees and we will miss his expertise, especially in the area of IT! We wish him the best of luck in the future!
Have a nice weekend.
24th-Sharing Assemblies
19th and 20th-Photo Days
26th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies-9:00 and 12:35 (Lunchroom)
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date; Pizza Day
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
1st-4th-Book Fair-Library
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
As many of you know already, some sports teams have been cancelled today. We will do our best to inform you if events will be cancelled in the future. We thank you in advance.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
September 13, 2012
I'd like to thank everyone for attending Curriculum Night on Tuesday. The teachers had the opportunity to discuss their programs and routines. If you are interested in reading our team Long Range Plans, please check for them on the website next week. Our website is up and running, but we are still finding "lost" information.
As many of you know, Bill 115 was passed this week. With the passing, comes lots of questions regarding our extra-curricular activities. If there are any changes, I will blog them and communicate with you through our grade parent emails. Thank you in advance.
The past two weeks have been busy within the classrooms. Teachers have begun reviewing and completing language and math diagnostics. The special education staff and teachers are also busy creating Individual Education Plans for some of our students. The IEPs will be completed, with parent consultation, and sent home on October 16th.
I'm including an article on tutoring that I found interesting ( I thought I would send it out, as I've had discussions around tutoring with some of you over the last six years. The article seems to be based from the British Columbia perspective, but I did find it interesting and it gives us a bit more insight into the question, "Does tutoring work?"
Finally, congratulations to Mr. Ross and his wife, as they welcomed their new baby girl!
19th and 20th-Photo Days
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date; Pizza Day
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
As many of you know, Bill 115 was passed this week. With the passing, comes lots of questions regarding our extra-curricular activities. If there are any changes, I will blog them and communicate with you through our grade parent emails. Thank you in advance.
The past two weeks have been busy within the classrooms. Teachers have begun reviewing and completing language and math diagnostics. The special education staff and teachers are also busy creating Individual Education Plans for some of our students. The IEPs will be completed, with parent consultation, and sent home on October 16th.
I'm including an article on tutoring that I found interesting ( I thought I would send it out, as I've had discussions around tutoring with some of you over the last six years. The article seems to be based from the British Columbia perspective, but I did find it interesting and it gives us a bit more insight into the question, "Does tutoring work?"
Finally, congratulations to Mr. Ross and his wife, as they welcomed their new baby girl!
19th and 20th-Photo Days
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date; Pizza Day
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
26th-Pizza Day
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
30th-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
20th-Pizza Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
24th-Pizza Day
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
22nd-Pizza Day
11th-15th-March Break
28th-Pizza Day
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
26th-Pizza Day
24th-Sharing Assembly
31-Pizza Day
7th-PA Day
14th-Grade 8 Graduation
17th-21st-Grade 8 Quebec Trip
18th-Sharing Assembly
26th-Report Cards Go Home
27th-Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Day); Year End Assembly; Last day for students
Friday, September 7, 2012
September 7th, 2012
We are off to a great start! We just received our EQAO results and our students did an exceptional job. Our grade three students scored 87%, 91% and 93% in reading, writing and math, respectively and our grade six students scored 83%, 81% and 83% (percentage indicates our students at Level 3 and 4). These scores are a result of setting high expectations from you, the staff and the students. The students should feel so proud of themselves!
Karen Miller, one of our moms who organizes the Parent Grade Reps is searching for a few more volunteers. We thank you in advance if you can help out!
The following classes require one more volunteer:
Ms. Raymond - PM Kindergarten
Ms. Iafrate - AM Kindergarten
Mrs. Gibson - Grade 1
Mrs. Younger - Grade 1/2
Ms. Shklar/Ms. Sunde - Grade 2/3
Mrs. Bradshaw - Grade 3
Mrs. Adair - Grade 3
Ms. Grant - Grade 3/4
Ms. Chandra - Grade 8
The following classes still require two volunteers:
Ms. Iaftrate - PM Kindergarten
Mrs. Olson - Grade 1
Mrs. Wilson - Grade 2
Mr. Ross - Grade 5
Mrs. Taylor - Grade 6
Mr. Ourique - Grade 6
Ms. Moser - Grade 7
If someone is interested in the role please have them contact me at
We look forward to our Curriculum Night on Tuesday. A notice indicating times/room numbers has been posted on our main page of the website.
Finally, on September 11th, our thoughts will be with the LKS families and friends who lost loved ones during 9/11.
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m; September Forms returned from home
11th-Curriculum Night
19th and 20th-Photo Days
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
11th-15th-March Break
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
Karen Miller, one of our moms who organizes the Parent Grade Reps is searching for a few more volunteers. We thank you in advance if you can help out!
The following classes require one more volunteer:
Ms. Raymond - PM Kindergarten
Ms. Iafrate - AM Kindergarten
Mrs. Gibson - Grade 1
Mrs. Younger - Grade 1/2
Ms. Shklar/Ms. Sunde - Grade 2/3
Mrs. Bradshaw - Grade 3
Mrs. Adair - Grade 3
Ms. Grant - Grade 3/4
Ms. Chandra - Grade 8
The following classes still require two volunteers:
Ms. Iaftrate - PM Kindergarten
Mrs. Olson - Grade 1
Mrs. Wilson - Grade 2
Mr. Ross - Grade 5
Mrs. Taylor - Grade 6
Mr. Ourique - Grade 6
Ms. Moser - Grade 7
If someone is interested in the role please have them contact me at
We look forward to our Curriculum Night on Tuesday. A notice indicating times/room numbers has been posted on our main page of the website.
Finally, on September 11th, our thoughts will be with the LKS families and friends who lost loved ones during 9/11.
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m; September Forms returned from home
11th-Curriculum Night
19th and 20th-Photo Days
27th-Terry Fox Run
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
12th-Report Cards Go Home
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
7th-School Begins
25th-PA Day
11th- Report Cards Go Home!
15th-PA Day
18th-Family Day!
11th-15th-March Break
29th-Good Friday
1st-Easter Monday
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to the new school year everyone! I hope you had a terrific summer. I had a great time visiting with lots of family and friends, and I finally got to see Boston. What a great city! I am really looking forward to a great year. Staff are getting ready for the children to arrive and are finalizing next week's programs.
Over the summer, we had a few staff changes. We'd like to welcome Mr. Goslings, our new head caretaker. The caretakers have worked hard over the last two months to get the building in shape for the school opening. We'd also like to thank Mrs. Perrin who will be taking over for Mrs. VanSchoor as she completes her maternity leave. Mrs. Perrin is an experienced primary teacher and is thrilled to be at LKS!
School begins on the 4th; only a few days away. Feel free to arrive on the playground between 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. The children can stand behind the chair indicating the teacher's name. If you are new to the school, and are unsure of the teacher, please come directly to the office. Teachers will collect the students and you will have a chance to say goodbye. Just a reminder, the day schedule and yearly calendar are on our website. Unfortunately, all school websites had "maintenance" during the summer by a central department and they are busy retrieving lost information. Hopefully, ours will be complete soon.
On the website, you will also find our September forms to read. A short letter will arrive home the first day including a signature page for you to sign again. Please return the forms by the due date as we need to collate the information as quickly as possible. Gym shirts will be sold again this year.
By now, some of you have probably gone shopping, but it might be wise to wait until your child's teacher sends home a list of items that may be beneficial to your child. We don't want you spending a lot of money on start up supplies. I understand the children want their own things like pencil cases etc, but we will supply materials also.
Finally, as we draw nearer to the first day, we know that most of the kids are so happy to come back (even the middle school kids-mostly to see friends), but some may have a little anxiety upon returning. The best thing to do is really listen and validate their concerns; something we all want to happen when we feel anxious. Let the teacher know as he/she can keep watch also. Generally, things tend to settle as routines and expectations are established again.
I will blog every Friday to keep you posted of the great things happening at LKS! Have a great long weekend.
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
7th-All Kindergarten students present
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m; September Forms returned from home
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
As many of you already know, final report cards were sent home today and the students should be proud of their achievements! In September, we will be able to access overall school results and we will communicate those to you. Trustee Gough sent along a year-end letter that you can also access on our website.
Next year our classes are organized in the following way:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Tyndall, Ms. Raymond, Ms. Iafrate, Mrs. Mendrinos
Grade One: Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Olson
Grade One/Two: Mrs. Younger
Grade Two: Ms. Mandel, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Van Schoor
Grade Two/Three: Mrs. Shklar
Grade Three: Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Bradshaw
Grade Three/Four: Ms. Grant
Grade Four: Mrs. Dias, Mr. Littlejohn, Mrs. Zappi
Grade Five: Mrs. Caligiuri, Mr. Ross, Ms. Walker
Grade Six: Mr. Bracht, Mr. Ourique, Mrs. Taylor
Grade Seven: Mr. Kuru, Ms. Moser
Grade Eight: Ms. Chandra, Mr. Ellerker
Resource: Mrs. Dacyshyn, Ms. Young, Mrs. MacPherson
Library-Ms. McGee
Physical Education-Mr. Blais and Mr. Elias
Computers-Mr. Blais
Music: Ms. Hoffman, Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Samotowka
French: Mme Freitas and Mme Pagnotta
Special Needs Assistant: Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Najder
Education Assistants (Resource only): Mrs. Shorter and Mrs. Whale
Lunch Room Supervisors: Mrs. Silva, Mrs. Olabanwo
Office Administrator: Mrs. Stefanowicz
Secretary: Mrs. Shakespeare
Caretaking: Head Caretaker (TBA), Afternoon Caretakers (Mr. Loncar and Mr. Piwowarezyk)
The end of the year brings many staff changes.
The office will be opened until July 6th and again re-opened on August 27th. School begins September 4th.
Have a wonderful summer!
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Next year our classes are organized in the following way:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Tyndall, Ms. Raymond, Ms. Iafrate, Mrs. Mendrinos
Grade One: Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Olson
Grade One/Two: Mrs. Younger
Grade Two: Ms. Mandel, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Van Schoor
Grade Two/Three: Mrs. Shklar
Grade Three: Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Bradshaw
Grade Three/Four: Ms. Grant
Grade Four: Mrs. Dias, Mr. Littlejohn, Mrs. Zappi
Grade Five: Mrs. Caligiuri, Mr. Ross, Ms. Walker
Grade Six: Mr. Bracht, Mr. Ourique, Mrs. Taylor
Grade Seven: Mr. Kuru, Ms. Moser
Grade Eight: Ms. Chandra, Mr. Ellerker
Resource: Mrs. Dacyshyn, Ms. Young, Mrs. MacPherson
Library-Ms. McGee
Physical Education-Mr. Blais and Mr. Elias
Computers-Mr. Blais
Music: Ms. Hoffman, Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Samotowka
French: Mme Freitas and Mme Pagnotta
Special Needs Assistant: Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Najder
Education Assistants (Resource only): Mrs. Shorter and Mrs. Whale
Lunch Room Supervisors: Mrs. Silva, Mrs. Olabanwo
Office Administrator: Mrs. Stefanowicz
Secretary: Mrs. Shakespeare
Caretaking: Head Caretaker (TBA), Afternoon Caretakers (Mr. Loncar and Mr. Piwowarezyk)
The end of the year brings many staff changes.
- We wished Mrs. Seitz warm wishes at her retirement party on Monday night. She will be sadly missed in the community and as a staff member.
- Ms. Van Schoor comes back from maternity leave at the end of first term. We are in the process of hiring a teacher until she comes back. We will be able to share this information in the last week of August.
- Mrs. Shklar will be extending her maternity leave until the end of first term also, and we are pleased to have Ms. Sunde continue on with us in her current position of teaching the two/three split.
- We also welcome Mrs. Mendrinos, our new part-time kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Mendrinos comes with kindergarten experience and we are looking forward to working with her.
- Mrs. Sheppard will also be leaving us as she has been "bumped" from the school in the cut-back process. We will miss her dearly as a staff member and we wish her well. We do welcome Mrs. Shakespeare who has been placed at LKS as secretary from her school.
- Due to TDSB budget cutbacks, Mrs. Silva and Mrs. Mikasinovic, both educational assistants have been terminated. Although Mrs. Mikasinovic has been with us for only a year, she has played a key role in our kindergarten classes. Mrs. Silva has been at LKS for numerous years, and her kindness will be missed by both staff and students. She will be returning in her role as lunch room supervisor.
- We wish Mrs. Heath and Ms. Kim well on their year of absence.
- Finally, we wish Mr. Britton well in his retirment. Mr. Britton has worked as a caretaker in the Board for many years, and has been at LKS for the last few of his career. Have fun with your golf and travel plans!
The office will be opened until July 6th and again re-opened on August 27th. School begins September 4th.
Have a wonderful summer!
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
JUNE 2012
We had a wonderful week in the heat! I understand that we will be getting a little repreive this weekend. The kids have been taking advantage of the air conditioning at recess and lunch, and a few continue to play in the shade outside. They are welcome to water at all times. Please remember to have the kids wear sun block and a hat!
We welcome back the grade 8 students and staff (Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Chandra, Ms. Hoffman, Ms. Dacyshyn and Mr. Kuru) from their Quebec trip. From reading the texts and emails, it seems like they are enjoying their year end trip!
On Wednesday, June 20, sometime between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m., Mrs. Tyndall’s light green Vespa motor scooter was either hit by a car in the lot or was pushed over and was extensively damaged. If anyone has any information regarding this incident please let Mrs. Tyndall know via the school office. Thank you.
Report cards go home on Tuesday. Please read my last blog on Tuesday for year end information, including all staff allocations.
We look forward to our Athletic Assembly and Year End Assembly next week. At the year end assembly, the grade 6-8 students will receive their winits; another way we recognize student achievement. More details about the winit program can be found on our website under "Student Recognition".
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly at 9:00 a.m.
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
We had a wonderful week in the heat! I understand that we will be getting a little repreive this weekend. The kids have been taking advantage of the air conditioning at recess and lunch, and a few continue to play in the shade outside. They are welcome to water at all times. Please remember to have the kids wear sun block and a hat!
We welcome back the grade 8 students and staff (Mr. Ellerker, Ms. Chandra, Ms. Hoffman, Ms. Dacyshyn and Mr. Kuru) from their Quebec trip. From reading the texts and emails, it seems like they are enjoying their year end trip!
On Wednesday, June 20, sometime between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m., Mrs. Tyndall’s light green Vespa motor scooter was either hit by a car in the lot or was pushed over and was extensively damaged. If anyone has any information regarding this incident please let Mrs. Tyndall know via the school office. Thank you.
Report cards go home on Tuesday. Please read my last blog on Tuesday for year end information, including all staff allocations.
We look forward to our Athletic Assembly and Year End Assembly next week. At the year end assembly, the grade 6-8 students will receive their winits; another way we recognize student achievement. More details about the winit program can be found on our website under "Student Recognition".
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly at 9:00 a.m.
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 14, 2012
Grade 6 Girls' Running Club! |
Last Saturday, Mrs. Wilson and my grade 6 girls' running club met at Downsview Park to complete a 5Km Fun Run sponsored by TDSB. We've been running for the last couple of months and we had a really good time together. Hopefully, we'll do it again next year!
We got back our grade 3-8 CTBS results and we posted them on the website. Overall, the students scored very well on the assessment. If you are a parent of a student in grade 3-8, you will receive a letter in your child's report card explaining the assessment in detail.
We hope our grade 8 students and staff have a wonderful year-end trip to Quebec next week and a great time at their Graduation tomorrow night. Both should prove to be a memorable experiences.
JUNE 2012
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
We hope our grade 8 students and staff have a wonderful year-end trip to Quebec next week and a great time at their Graduation tomorrow night. Both should prove to be a memorable experiences.
JUNE 2012
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thank you to Mrs. Younger and Ms. Dacyshyn for hosting our Volunteer Tea on Thursday morning. It was lovely to see so many people come out for coffee and treats. On behalf of all the staff, we thank you for giving your time to the students and teachers. The students truly benefit from your support.
Thank you to Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Ms. Hoffman for organizing our grade 6-8 concert last Monday night. It was an enjoyable evening. It is always a treat for me to see how far along the kids have come in their performance skills over the year.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals; Grade 2s to the Zoo
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Thank you to Mr. Samotowka, Mr. Goldberg and Ms. Hoffman for organizing our grade 6-8 concert last Monday night. It was an enjoyable evening. It is always a treat for me to see how far along the kids have come in their performance skills over the year.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals; Grade 2s to the Zoo
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
As many of you know, the end of the year brings staff changes. We will put all staff changes on the last blog of the year, but I did want you to know that Mrs. Seitz will be retiring at the end of the school year. Mrs. Seitz had a very successful career and she is to be congratulated for her commitment to her students and the community.
The grade 3 and 6 students finished writing EQAO this week, and after talking to them, it seems like most were confident they did the best they could; we are very proud of them for their efforts! Congratulations on a job well done!
P.S. I missed thanking Debbie Steggles and Susan O'Reilly who assisted with the Tomboo
game at Springfest!
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night @ 7:00 p.m.; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conservation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch; Last Day for Instrumental Music (Grade 6-8)
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals; Grade 2s to the Zoo
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
4th-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
5th-Beginning/Safety Assemblies
7th-All Kindergarten students present; September Forms returned from home
10th-Terry Fox Assembly @ 9:00 a.m.
11th-Curriculum Night
28th-Terry Fox Rain Date
1st-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Ed Trip
9th-Remembrance Day Assembly
16th-Individual Education Plans (IEP) go home
24th-Photo Re-take Day (a.m. only)
31st-Hallowe'en Parade
16th-PA Day
7th-PA Day
24th-January 4th-Holidays
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
We'd like to thank Mrs. McGee and the Parent Council Literacy Committee for another successful Book Fair. We love having Book Fairs as the students get so excited! The fairs are a great motivational tool.
Staff are finishing up completing our TDSB reading assessments with the students. The primary teachers use the Developmental Reading Assessment and the junior/intermediate staff implement the Canadian Assessment Strategies Interest. We will publish those results, along with the CTBS results in a couple of weeks. As a staff, we compare the Fall and Spring results to determine overall student growth. It gives us a "snapshot" of student achievement over the year.
We are also busy working on Long Range Plans for 2012/2013. As a staff, we had the opportunity to speak to the plans in grade teams (i.e. the kindergarten teachers collaborated with the grade one teachers). This will allow consistency across the school and provide information to next year's teachers when programming for their students. We will also be completing our School Improvement Plan with the main focus being on professional development. The teachers will continue to collaborate in moderated marking sessions; math will be the focus first term, followed by language in second term.
Good luck to the grade 3 and 6 students as they complete EQAO next week!
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO; Eco-Warriors Executive Meeting
29th- Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament; Mr. Ross goes to the movies!
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night @ 7:00 p.m.; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch; Last Day for Instrumental Music (Grade 6-8)
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals; Grade 2s to the Zoo
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn (Pizza Lunch)
Friday, May 18, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
We had such a great time at Springfest. I'd like to take this time to acknowledge the parents who were on the committees:
LKS Springfest 2012 Committee Members : Silent Auction: Stephen Montano, Alexa Murphy, Dee Shepherd, Jessica Nash, Karen Dockrill, Lisa Jones, Pearse DolanSara Beveridge: Games: Greg Albrecht (co-chair), Greg Cunningham (co-chair), David James, Jeanette Gallagher; Tombola: Jody Greifenberger (chair), Dianne Quintal, Jenn Abbott, Joan Dawson, Jocelyne Johnston, Kristi Karens, Nori Ayer; Food: Leslie Thomas (chair), Barb Busch, Bernadette Saumur, Jill Whelan, Kathryn Owen, Milena Forte; Communication: Sheryl Macdonald; Volunteers: Sarah Olynick (please let me know if I missed anyone)!
Mr. Samotowka would like to remind you of our Grade 6-8 Concert that will be held on Monday, June 4th at 7 p.m. Students are to arrive for warm up and tuning at 6:15 p.m. The students are to dress in "concert dress"; white dress tops and black dress bottoms - no jeans or t-shirts. Thank you.
Our teachers are wrapping up some third term assessments. We have just completed our grade 3-8 Canadian Test of Basic Skills and some reading assessments from K-8. These assessments are one piece that we look at when analyzing our students' achievements. Our grade 3 and 6 students will be writing the Provincial EQAO assessment in a couple of weeks.
We have finalized our year calendar for 2012/2013 indicating the days of the cycle and the grade 6-8 instrumental days. It is on our website (located on the sidebar).
Have a relaxing long weekend!
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th- Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
LKS Springfest 2012 Committee Members : Silent Auction: Stephen Montano, Alexa Murphy, Dee Shepherd, Jessica Nash, Karen Dockrill, Lisa Jones, Pearse DolanSara Beveridge: Games: Greg Albrecht (co-chair), Greg Cunningham (co-chair), David James, Jeanette Gallagher; Tombola: Jody Greifenberger (chair), Dianne Quintal, Jenn Abbott, Joan Dawson, Jocelyne Johnston, Kristi Karens, Nori Ayer; Food: Leslie Thomas (chair), Barb Busch, Bernadette Saumur, Jill Whelan, Kathryn Owen, Milena Forte; Communication: Sheryl Macdonald; Volunteers: Sarah Olynick (please let me know if I missed anyone)!
Mr. Samotowka would like to remind you of our Grade 6-8 Concert that will be held on Monday, June 4th at 7 p.m. Students are to arrive for warm up and tuning at 6:15 p.m. The students are to dress in "concert dress"; white dress tops and black dress bottoms - no jeans or t-shirts. Thank you.
Our teachers are wrapping up some third term assessments. We have just completed our grade 3-8 Canadian Test of Basic Skills and some reading assessments from K-8. These assessments are one piece that we look at when analyzing our students' achievements. Our grade 3 and 6 students will be writing the Provincial EQAO assessment in a couple of weeks.
We have finalized our year calendar for 2012/2013 indicating the days of the cycle and the grade 6-8 instrumental days. It is on our website (located on the sidebar).
Have a relaxing long weekend!
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th- Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night; Author Visit: Hugh Brewster
5th-Senior Cricket; Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals ; Volunteer Tea Breakfast @ 8:00 (Library)-All Volunteers Welcome!
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Yesterday afternoon was an interesting day in the community. Please scan my previous few blogs if you haven't heard about our day. Just as a reminder that we go to Lambton-Kingsway Church in case we really did need to evacuate. Depending on the situation, we'd get the information to you through our blog or grade parents. The police would also be able to give you information, depending on the situation. It's amazing how fast news travels as so many of our older students have cell phones and are able to access home instantly. They do come in handy in emergency situations.
We actually had a scheduled practice lockdown this morning. It went quite well again as the students and staff have practiced these for a few years. During a practice, everyone stays in the classroom until we are finished checking for locked doors. We post a note on the front door stating that we are having a practice and there in no entry at that point. It usually lasts about 10-15 minutes. Again, it is really important that the students experience these simulations, just in case we have to do one for real.
I'd like to thank all of you who came to Springfest. The kids really love it, and they looked like they were having a great time! I'd like to thank Mrs. Needham who chaired the committee this year. It takes a lot of time and energy to co-ordinate the many parent and student volunteers it takes to plan such an event. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to be on the committees or just for the day. You are to be commended.
Mrs. McGee organized a speaker to talk about bullying to our students from kindergarten to grade 5. The presenter acted out a book, Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig. It was a refreshing approach to the topic and the kids were really engaged. You may want to follow up at home.
Congratulations to all the students heading to the second Track and Field Meet.
Happy Mother's Day!
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament; Grade 3s to Black Creek
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee; Artist in 159
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night
5th-Senior Cricket
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
We actually had a scheduled practice lockdown this morning. It went quite well again as the students and staff have practiced these for a few years. During a practice, everyone stays in the classroom until we are finished checking for locked doors. We post a note on the front door stating that we are having a practice and there in no entry at that point. It usually lasts about 10-15 minutes. Again, it is really important that the students experience these simulations, just in case we have to do one for real.
I'd like to thank all of you who came to Springfest. The kids really love it, and they looked like they were having a great time! I'd like to thank Mrs. Needham who chaired the committee this year. It takes a lot of time and energy to co-ordinate the many parent and student volunteers it takes to plan such an event. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to be on the committees or just for the day. You are to be commended.
Mrs. McGee organized a speaker to talk about bullying to our students from kindergarten to grade 5. The presenter acted out a book, Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig. It was a refreshing approach to the topic and the kids were really engaged. You may want to follow up at home.
Congratulations to all the students heading to the second Track and Field Meet.
Happy Mother's Day!
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament; Grade 3s to Black Creek
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee; Artist in 159
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly; Artist visit for Mrs. Hall and Mr. Blais
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night
5th-Senior Cricket
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Lunch Incident Update
Here is an update on the "pipe bomb". Apparently, a robot went in, disrupted the unit and it was found to be a geocaching system ( No danger to the community. Roads reopening. Thank you to all the parents who kept us informed.
Lunch Incident
I just walked down to the church and spoke to a duty officer. Everything seems quite calm and the students I saw made it home alright. I'll let you know if there is anything new later.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Just to let you know we just called 22 Division as we heard they were blocking traffic at Bloor and Prince Edward. Apparently, there was a small "pipe-bomb" attached to a lamp pole. They assured us there was little danger to the community. They did turn students back to the school who were walking home for lunch. If you need further information, please call them at 416-808-2200.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
May 4, 2012
We're awaiting the arrival of the "Annie"cast. They should be here within the hour; it is the last performance. I'd like to congratulate the students on their talent, confidence and commitment to the arts. They have worked so hard over the last few months and they should feel proud of themselves. When talking to some of the kids lately, they didn't even know they liked performing until this opportunity; isn't that why we continue to provide these experiences to the students! As a teacher, those comments are priceless. I'd like to thank Mrs. Stefanowicz, Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. Whale, Mrs. Zappi, Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Adair, Ms. Sunde, Ms. Moser, Mrs. McGee, Mr. Samotowka and finally Ms. Hoffman for making this year's production of Annie a success. Mrs. Finney and Mrs. King also need to be thanked for contributing to props, costumes and music. As parents, we know that you are so busy with your own lives, so we really appreciate your efforts.
It's been a busy week with Annie, track and field, soccer, cricket, dental screening, pizza lunch (Friday) and the much anticipated Springfest on Saturday. I think we are all going to take a deep breath on Sunday.
Hope to see you this weekend!
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
10th-Bullying Sessions for grade K-5 in the library
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament; Bullying Sessions for grade K-5 in the library
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament; Grade 3s to Black Creek
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee; Artist in 159
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night
5th-Senior Cricket
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
It's been a busy week with Annie, track and field, soccer, cricket, dental screening, pizza lunch (Friday) and the much anticipated Springfest on Saturday. I think we are all going to take a deep breath on Sunday.
Hope to see you this weekend!
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
10th-Bullying Sessions for grade K-5 in the library
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament; Bullying Sessions for grade K-5 in the library
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament; Grade 3s to Black Creek
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee; Artist in 159
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 and 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Safety Meeting @ lunch; Grade 1s to Harbourfront
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
4th-Grade 6-8 Music Night
5th-Senior Cricket
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Sr Soccer Finals
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre; Ultimate Frisbee Finals
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
13th-Jr Soccer Finals
14th-Cricket Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home; Athletic Assembly
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
Friday, April 27, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thank you to all the Eco-Warriors, Eco-Buds, staff and parents who organized this week's Earth Week activities. You did an amazing job! A special thanks to the grade 7 and 8 students who ran the Olympics for the student body. You demonstrated amazing leadership skills throughout the day. We have our Eco-Audit in a few weeks and the group is working hard to prepare. We currently have Gold Status and are hoping that we, one day, get Platinum! A special thanks to Ms. Moser and Mrs. Besner who have been advocates for our school!
Now that the nice weather is here, we will be practising our three fire drills and one lockdown. We practice with the students to ensure they know the expectations in case of a real event.
Just a quick reminder that if your child will not be here in September, to please inform your class teacher and the office. Soon we will begin class placements. As in previous years, staff work together in teams to place the students in classes for the following September. Gender, academic achievement, social needs, and ministry caps are among the list of things that we consider when placing children. The goal of student placements is to have 'balanced' classes. As most of you know, we do not take 'teacher' requests from parents and we ask that you honour this part of the process. By the end of the year, teachers have a good understanding of their students and place the children accordingly. In most cases, staffing hasn't fully been completed until the end of the year, and as most of you know, changes happen all the way into September. We thank you in advance.
1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; May 1-9th-Public Health Dental Screening
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
3rd-Annie Evening Performance;Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
4th-Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; Pizza Lunch
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament;
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch; Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope; Safety Meeting @ lunch
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
Now that the nice weather is here, we will be practising our three fire drills and one lockdown. We practice with the students to ensure they know the expectations in case of a real event.
Just a quick reminder that if your child will not be here in September, to please inform your class teacher and the office. Soon we will begin class placements. As in previous years, staff work together in teams to place the students in classes for the following September. Gender, academic achievement, social needs, and ministry caps are among the list of things that we consider when placing children. The goal of student placements is to have 'balanced' classes. As most of you know, we do not take 'teacher' requests from parents and we ask that you honour this part of the process. By the end of the year, teachers have a good understanding of their students and place the children accordingly. In most cases, staffing hasn't fully been completed until the end of the year, and as most of you know, changes happen all the way into September. We thank you in advance.
1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; May 1-9th-Public Health Dental Screening
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
3rd-Annie Evening Performance;Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
4th-Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; Pizza Lunch
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament;
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch; Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope; Safety Meeting @ lunch
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Friday, Aprl 20th
I really want to sincerely say thank you to the community and Parent Council for supporting the many enriched opportunities that have been given to the school. This week alone, we had another author visit fully funded by parent council and the pizza lunch on Friday is completely organized by Mrs. Laco and supported by the many classroom volunteers. I really appreciate your efforts, and the commitment of the Parent Council as they endeavour to continue to support community.
As we begin planning for next week, please make sure you tell your classroom teacher and the office if you will not be here next year. It is important we have this information as soon as possible. If you move outside the catchment area, please make sure you register at your new school. If you need assistance in this area, please call the office. Thank you in advance.
April Dates
23rd-Happy Earth Week!
24th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies (grade 1-8); Kindergarten Eco-Olympics
26th-Eco-Olympics-Assembly in the morning and the students rotate through activities; Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies-postponed until May 8th
27th-Primary Track and Field Day-afternoon; Forest of Reading Breakfast @ 8:15 a.m.; Earth Day Clean Up
1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; May 1-9th-Public Health Dental Screening
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
3rd-Annie Evening Performance;Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
4th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch; Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
As we begin planning for next week, please make sure you tell your classroom teacher and the office if you will not be here next year. It is important we have this information as soon as possible. If you move outside the catchment area, please make sure you register at your new school. If you need assistance in this area, please call the office. Thank you in advance.
April Dates
23rd-Happy Earth Week!
24th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assemblies (grade 1-8); Kindergarten Eco-Olympics
26th-Eco-Olympics-Assembly in the morning and the students rotate through activities; Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies-postponed until May 8th
27th-Primary Track and Field Day-afternoon; Forest of Reading Breakfast @ 8:15 a.m.; Earth Day Clean Up
1st-"Annie" Performance for student body-afternoon; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school; May 1-9th-Public Health Dental Screening
2nd-Eco-Warriors Meeting; Annie Matinee and Evening Performance; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
3rd-Annie Evening Performance;Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
4th-Pizza Lunch; Grade 4-8 Track Tryouts at ECI before school
7th-First Track and Field Meet @ Centennial
8th-Kindergarten Sharing Assemblies
11th-Grade 6 Soccer Tournament
14th-Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
15th-Scientist in the School-Mrs. Raymond; Forest of Reading Lunch
16th-Seeds of Hope at lunch; Jr and Sr Boys Soccer Tournament
17th-Sr Ultimate Frisbee; Jr Girls Soccer Tournament
18th-Jr Ultimate Frisbee
21st-Victoria Day
22nd-Track Meet #2 at Centennial; Book Fair until Friday
24th-Grade 8 Hep B/HPV; Author visit
28th-30th-Grade 3 & 6 EQAO
29th-Grade 1-8 Sharing Assembly
30th-Seeds of Hope
31st-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly; Sr Ultimate #1 Tournament
1st-PA Day
6th-Eco-Warriors Meeting
7th-Grade 3s to Kortright Conversation Centre
8th-Pizza Lunch
12th-Track and Field Finals
15th-Grade 8 Graduation
18th-22nd-Grade 8 Quebec Trip; Kindergarten Sharing Assembly
20th-Grade 1-7 Sharing Assembly
26th-Reports Go Home
28th-Year End Assembly and Lunch on the Lawn
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