Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ski Trip

Just a reminder to those skiing, to arrive at the school at 6:30 a.m. as the bus leaves @ 7:00 a.m.

I found a website for our older children that talks about bullying. In a kid-friendly way, it gives basic tips about this very important topic that we have worked on this year through our Power of One initiative. They can even share their own stories and poems. The site is Our student safety reps will be choosing the winners of our anti-bullying poster contest soon!

Wild, Wild West

Just a reminder that the presentation tonight was cancelled last week due to an illness in the speaker's family. We will reschedule for third term.

Thank you to all the parents who helped us with Kindergarten registration last week. A warm welcome is special to our new students and parents.

We hope the grade 6-8 students have a great time at the ski hill this Thursday.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Community Alert, Mediacs Presentation

Please be advised that another media alert was issued today. Please read the release under "Safe School" on our website. Thank you to the parents who came by yesterday to meet with Officer McCann regarding our letter that went home last week. He gave us some reassurance and suggested we all continue doing what were doing to keep the kids safe.

Also to let you know that we have to cancel our Wild, Wild Web presentation on February 26th. There was an illness in the presenter's family. We will reschedule when she is available.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Question and Answer Period

On Wednesday, February 20th at 12:00, Officer Keith, our community officer will be answering any questions that you may have around the sex offender that was talked about in last Thursday's letter. He is in some of our classes over the next two days presenting on a variety of topics, so we thank him for doing this for our community. Please join us stage side of the gym.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

We had such a great Valentine's Day! It is so great to see the little ones (and big ones) enjoy this wonderful day. I love seeing everyone dressed in red or pink and celebrating love and friendship. A big thank you goes to the grade 8 students who organized the "Crush" Valentine. You put a lot of time into making it a successful day! Also, thank you to all staff and parents for making this day special for the students. We know it takes a concerted effort when creating something great!

Unfortunately, we also had to send home a form letter from the Board indicating some bad news. Apparently, there will be a media release from Toronto Police indicating a potential sex offender living in the community. This news is very disturbing to all of us at LKS! As we just got this news at the end of the day, we will be discussing this in great detail next week. Safety is of the upmost importance and we will continue to teach the kids the Streetproofing Tips and using the buddy system to go to the washroom or other rooms. We will also be working with the lunchroom staff so they are aware and even more diligent on outside duty at lunch. All staff, will continue to provide supervision at the regular times. Mr. McLean and I will continue to be outside also.

Please remember that students and parents must enter by the front door only. Sometimes parents want to bring their kids in another door and knock for the students to open the doors. We ask that you do not do this, but instead use the front door. The kids do not know who the parents are and it is not really their responsibility to open the doors; they do it because they are great, kind kids. By continuing this, we are putting them in a tough situation. Also, please do not enter the building before school hours. On cold days (or rainy, please feel free to stand in the stairwells until we ring an early bell, but we ask again not to enter the hallways or go to the classrooms. Finally, please report to the office upon beginning your visit. We will give all volunteers indentification badges.

Our community police officer, Officer McCann was scheduled to come to the school next week, so we will be asking him to reiterate streetproofing tips to the classes he visits.

We thank you for your support in our efforts to keep the students safe and we will keep you posted if we receive anything else from the Board or Toronto Police. Please visit their website for further information. I'll be doing this when finished writing this post.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Week Ahead

This was a very busy week as we continued with our studies and experienced more heavy snowfalls. It really has been great to see the kids have such a fun time outside at lunch and recess. Many of our staff have skated with the kids and enjoyed some winter fun in the Shalepit.The 100th day was celebrated in our primary division and the kids really had fun with these learning acitivities!

On the 26th, from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Debbie Gordon, will be presenting a parent workshop on the "Wild, Wild, Web"! Her workshop will explore the world of the internet seen through the eyes of a teenager and preteen. We sent a flyer home with the kids in grades 4-8. If you think you are going to attend, please tell your classroom teacher so we get a sense of the number of parents coming. If we have room, we will open it up to the younger grades also, although the content is probably more applicable to the parents with older children.

We have a great week ahead:
11th-Grade 8 classes have a presentation from Debbie Gordon, from Mediacs, on the internet, body image and self-esteem; Parent Council @ 7:30 p.m.
12th-Student Council presents "Free the Children" to students in grades 1-8 @ 10:30; Mrs. Adair's class participates in an art workshop and we continue with our Grade 3 and 5 Special Education Reviews
13th-Valentine's Dance for grades 6-8
14th-Happy Valentine's Day
15th-PA Day-Teachers involved with professional workshops outside the school
18th-Family Day!
19th-DAY 1-Instrumental for grades 6-8

Next Week:
20th-Officer Keith begins his visits to the classes
20th-21st-Kindergarten Registration; Grade 4 classes visit Medieval Times; Grade 7 & 8 Orchestra attend Kiwanis
22nd-Grade 3 classes have Scientists in the School visit
26th-Debbie Gordon returns to give a parent presentation (grades 4-8) on the Wild, Wild Web @ 7:00
28th-Grades 6-8 Ski Day
29th-Sharing Assemblies

P.S. There was a spelling mistake on our printed Newsletter. We apologize as our editing team, consisting of three people, didn't catch it! Just a reminder that future Newsletters will be posted on the LKS website only. There will be a few hard copies in the office if you need them. Being an EcoSchool, we are trying to cut down on paper.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Junior Extended French Program

Just a reminder that the grade 4 Junior Extended French Program application is due on February 11, 2008. Applications can be located at We also have a few hard copies in the office.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

News for the Week

It's a very dreary day out there, but thoughts of the upcoming Dinner Dance should get you excited. The following is a message from Karen Miller, one of our parent reps organizing this event: "Get Creative with your Cocktail Attire" at the Diamonds & Denim LKS Dinner Dance on April 11, 2008! Once again at the elegant Palais Royale Ballroom nestled on the shore of beautiful Lake Ontario. Be prepared to dance the night away with Gordon Deppe and The Lost Boys all while supporting LKS. This year we will be hosting a Silent Auction and if you wish to make a donation please contact Linda Scapillati (416) 233-7942 or Allison Brady (416) 233-8558.

Just a few more items to remember this week:
5th-Sr Hockey @ 7:00; Mrs. Younger and Ms. Malobabic's classes visit Science Centre; Happy Pancake Tuesday!
6th-Grade 8 Course Selection Sheets are due; Jr. Hockey game @ Humbercrest @ lunch
7th-Special Education Reviews; Sr Hockey @ George Bell in the morning; John G. @ LKS for Jr Girls Vball and finally Swim Practice @ 7:00
8th-100th Dat!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Schools On!

It's snowy out there, but we are still open! See you at school boys and girls!

We are very excited that our classes will be skating this year. Teachers will be sending home notices to you. Please remember that all students from K-3 must wear a CSA approved helmet, and all other kids are strongly encouraged to do the same.

Just a reminder that our Newsletter has been published. We sent home our final print versions of the year. As part of our EcoSchools plan, we are trying to cut down on paper, therefore our newsletters will be on our website on the first of each month. A few print copies will be in the office if you want to pick one up also! Thank you to our parents,students and staff who have worked hard on our Environment Club this year!

Friday, February 1, 2008

School Closed

As of 11:15 this morning, the Board closed the schools due to the weather. We are still in the process of dismissing, with a few students left. Thank you for the quick response.