Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mediacs Presentaion

Thank you to all the parents who came for our parent night on Monday. Debbie Gordon presented some great tips for dealing with tweens and the web! Just a few points of interest that came from the presentation that might be useful fo all of us:
-Remember that dealing with the internet is still 80% parenting and 20% being a techie
-#1 issue today is time management-how do you get your child off the computer?
-reminding kids to think before they click-it's so immediate they forget to think first
-the new term being used is the "Digital Footprint"-a new term being used in the marketing/technological world -"Scrubbing"-parents are now paying companies to scrub their child's past inappropriate "on-line" activities as more and more companies, universities, scholarship funds are doing searches on candidates
-as parents, we need to learn about "privacy" settings on Facebook etc.-our children can be "default junkies" and tend not to even look at the above

She also fowarded a couple of links that may be useful for you:

Look forward to another daytime presentation for parents and also a hands-on workshop for those of you who want to know how to open up a Facebook account.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week Ahead

It was great seeing everyone at Curriculum Night last night. If you weren't able to make it, you can view your teacher's long range plans on our website shortly.

We'd like to invite all of grade 4-8 parents to a special presentation on the Wild Wild Web on Monday night @ 6:15 p.m.- 7:30. Debbie Gordon will be presenting on social networking sites and new things the tweens are exploring on the web! Please feel free to stay for our Parent Council meeting @ 7:30.

School Photo Days are on the 24th and 25th. Please watch for communication from your teacher.

Please remember that Friday is a PA Day. The teachers will be working on finalizing team goals for our School Improvement Plan and short-range planning.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Terry Fox

We just had our Terry Fox Kick-Off Assembly and the students seem really ready to go. I'd like to thank you in advance for supporting the kids as they begin their fundraising. Judging from their responses, they seem very passionate about this very worthy cause. Good Luck everyone!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week Ahead

I hope everyone had a great weekend! What a dreary looking day. Hopefully it doesn't least not at recess and lunch!

Just a reminder that we will be hosting Curriculum Night on Thursday. We have a variety of times and rooms scheduled, so please read your teacher's communcation around your particular one. Also, the times are posted on a previous blog.

On Tuesday, the students will attend our Terry Fox Kick-Off Assembly in the afternoon. We look foward to the walk on October 1st.

This year the grade 4-8 Student Safety Reps will launching the TDSB's Character Development initiative. Every month they will be promoting one of the 10 character traits that TDSB encourages all students to possess. September's trait...RESPECT. All students were invited to demonstrate how they show respect at LKS through either a drawing (grade 1-3) or a short essay (grade 4-8). All entries are due this Friday.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week of Septebmer 9th

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm sure just like in my household, you are still trying to figure out the new Fall routines. We really hope all the kids had a great week! It was good to catch up with them.

I'd like to give you an update on our playground/yard. Last year the Board was going to create a partnership with the city to allow us to use the small parkette East of the school. After a community meeting in late August it was decided that this venture would be put on hold. As a result, the Board will be installing artificial turf on our playground to help alleviate our "mud pit" issues. We will keep you updated on this new venture. We are very excited to have a solution to our problem!

September is also a time of restructuring some classes. Currently, we have 755 full-time students. The Board will be looking at the number of students in our primary classes to see if we are over our exemptions and then decide staffing accordingly. This will take place over the next couple of weeks. We have adjusted some of the kindergarten classes to reflect the caps/exemptions, and we are over only by a few students. We are not sure what the staffing result will be at this time, but we will keep you posted. September 26th is the day that all classes should be restructured across the system.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be saying good-bye to Mr. Mahendran, our day caretaker, as he will be retiring to spend some quality time with his family. We thank him for his service in TDSB.

Hope to see you all out for Curriculum Night. The following may help you plan your evening:
6:00-Kindergartens (Gym)
6:30-Primary Presentations (Grade 1-non-stage side of gym; Grade 3-stage side of gym; Grade 2-lunchroom; Grade 1/2 Splits-Library; Mrs. Heath-Room 234
7:00-Staff Presentations
7:15-Junior Intermediate Presentations and Mr. Littlejohn (Grade 3/4)- (Grade 6-stage side gym; Grade 7-Library; Grade 8-stage side gym; Mrs. Gibson-Room 242)
Throughout the Evening: Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. Page, Special Education Teachers, Mrs. McGee and French Teachers will be available
7:00-Staff Introductions-Gym

We have lots going on over the next couple of weeks:
18th-Curriculum Night
22nd-Mediacs Presentation (Grades 4-8)@ 6:15 (we changed to accommodate the Parent Council Evening); Parent Council Meeting @ 7:30
24th and 25th-Photo Day (changed from the 26th)
26th-Professional Development Day-no school

1-3rd-Grade 7 Outdoor Trip
1st-Terry Fox Walk
6th, 7th, 15-Cross Country Meets
13th-Happy Turkey Day!
16th-Parent Council Family Night
20th-Grade 7 Hep B and Grade 8 Girls HPV shots

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Brain Research

Mrs. Ayer, one of our LKS parents, asked me to put this on my blog regarding the Scotia Bank Marathon. She will be running on September 28th to help raise funds for Sick Kids Hospital. I'm sure many of you remember their family was affected last year with news of their son having a brain tumor. If you are interested in participating in running (even partially), please check out the website.

First Day!

It's great to be back! The weather was absolutely beautiful and the kids are really excited about returning; I have a strange feeling more for meeting their friends and new teacher, rather than for the academics.

Your child's teacher will be sending home a package of forms for you to sign and return to the school. We are asking that all forms be back by the 12th.

Just a few dates to keep in mind:
4th-Grades 4-8-Motivational Speaker visits
5th-Grade Safety Assemblies
8th-All Kindergarten Students are here
12th-All parent forms are due!
16th-Terry Fox Assembly!
18th-Curriculum Night (details to follow)
22nd-Parent Presentation @ 7:00 p.m. -Wild Wild Web (All Parents from grades 4-8 are welcome)
26th-Professional Development Day-no school

October 1-3-Grade 7 students on Outdoor Trip!