Wednesday, June 23, 2010

G20 Summit

Just a reminder that all TDSB transportation is cancelled for Friday, June 25th.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last Week

Thank you to all the staff and families who attended last night's graduation. We are going to miss this year's graduates as they have brought us much joy over the last few years. Thank you again to all the parents on the graduation committees as the decorations and food were fabulous. It was a special send off!

As the year end approaches, I do want to express my gratitude to the LKS community. Thank you for supporting myself, Mr. Lanis and all the staff. Your support allows us to continue to grow as educators and gives us the opportunity to be the best that we can be for your children.

We’d like to thank all staff for their commitment to the students of LKS and the community. I congratulate them as we continue to work together as teams to prepare and deliver the best programs that we can. The following teachers will be here for the 2010/2011 school year. Kindergarten-Mr. Blais, Ms. Raymond, Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. MacPherson; Grade 1/2- Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Olson; Grade 1-Mrs. Younger, Mrs. Hall ; Grade 2 – Ms. Mandel, Ms. VanSchoor, Mrs. Seitz; Grade 2/3-Mr. Ross and Mrs. Bradshaw; Grade 3-Mrs. Zappi, Ms. Shklar, Mrs. Adair; Grade 4- Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Littlejohn, Ms. Kim, Grade 5-Ms. Iafrate, Mrs. Young (5/6 Split), Ms. Walker; Grade 6-Mrs. Caligiuri, Mr. Ourique; Grade 7- Ms. Moser, Mr. Kuru; Grade 8-Mr. Ellerker, TBA; Special Education-Mrs. Dacyshyn, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. Caligiuri ; Physical Education-Mr. Bracht; Physical Education/Computers-Mr. Elias; French-Mme Locicero, Mme Freitas; Library-Mrs. McGee; Music-Ms. Hoffman

We do wish Ms. Buksner, Mrs. Perry and Dr. deBraga best wishes with their future plans. We will miss them terribly as each has contributed to many students’ lives. During her one year with us, Ms. Buksner has contributed to many extra-curricular activities, especially coaching and EcoSchools. Ms. Perry will be remembered for her outstanding work with our ECOSchools; her efforts played an integral part in LKS being awarded the Gold standard. Her leadership on staff will be missed. Finally Dr. deBraga has been with us for the past 13 years. His commitment to extracurricular activities including the arts and sports will be missed. Furthermore, his ability to inspire students, especially in intermediate mathematics and science, is to be highly commended. Best wishes to Mme Alam who has accepted a permanent teaching position for September. Thank you for filling in for Mme Freitas.

Report Cards will go home on Monday. If you are absent, they will be mailed home during the summer. Please remember the last day will be busy with the Year End Assembly starting around 9:20 and Lunch on the Lawn. Thank you to Mrs. Laco and her volunteers for arranging another Pizza Lunch. We are hoping for a nice day!

There are spaces available for the B & A Summer Camp. If you are interested, please call 416-394-6400.

We hope you have a wonderful summer and we will see you on September 7th. The office will reopen on August 30th for new registrations.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Last Full Week!

Thank you to all the parents who came to our final Sharing Assemblies last week. The students were recognized for the character trait "Perseverance".

We also welcomed back our grade 8 staff and students from Quebec. They had a wonderful time together. We are looking forward to their graduation next Friday.

At this time of the year, the students have been completing a variety of summative assessments and evaluations. We just received the results back for our grade 3-8 CTBS-Canadian Test of Basic Skills. The students showed quite an improvement from the Fall compared to the Spring. Congratulations! (The results will be posted our the web under the data section).

Remember, final report cards will be sent home on June 28th. The 2010 staff will be listed on my blog next Friday in case you are interested.

Recently there has been another outbreak of lice. Even though we have a professional check the kids at the school on a regular basis, we still get cases. If your child gets lice, please remember to tell the school, shampoo and pick out all the nits. When your child returns, we recheck on a regular basis to make sure all the nits are gone. The kids cannot return with any nits. It may be a good idea to keep looking at home. Thank you.

25th-Grade 8 Grad @ 6:30 p.m.
28th-Report Cards go home!
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dental Screening

Just a reminder that Public Health will be screening the children from Kindergarten to grade 8 from June 7th-15th. The dental hygienist screens for oral health problems and contacts the parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services. This free screening is the same annual screening as in the past. The actual parent letter from Public Health is on our website under Notices.

Thank you to all the relatives who attended our Middle School Concert on Thursday night. The students never cease to amaze me. The chosen pieces really reflected the talents of our students. Thank you for supporting the Arts at LKS-a good portion of your financial contributions to the school are delegated to the instrumental program; it takes a lot of money to actual purchase and maintain the instruments and sound systems. Both are used extensively at the school. Thank you!

Good Luck to all the athletes at Track and Field on Monday and to the grade 8 staff and students going to Quebec! Have fun!

Dental Screening throughout June
6th-Track and Field
9th-Grade 4 White Elephant Sale
11th-Sharing Assemblies
14th-Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
22nd-Junior Soccer
25th-Grade 8 Grad @ 6:30 p.m.
28th-Report Cards go home!
29th-Last Day for Students; Lunch on the Lawn; Year End Assembly