Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

On Tuesday night, I attended a meeting with the Councillor's office, the owner and the builder of 501 Prince Edward Drive. If you can remember, we attended a Public Hearing a couple of months ago to ask for a redesign of the garage as it created safety issues for our community.  The traffic department and builder have  redesigned the driveway to create a much safer environment. There will be another Public Hearing on June 9th at 5:00 in Council Chambers to discuss a variety of other variances. 

We continue to work our way through the staffing process and the  final round of teacher interviews has officially been completed. Some of our teachers will be leaving the school and new ones arriving. We will blog this officially near the end of the year. 

Currently, we have been staffed for two grade 6 classes. We have informed our staffing officer that those classes are high in numbers, so we will likely get another grade 6 class for the first day of September. I will have to hire a new teacher in the summer. We will keep you posted. 

I had the pleasure of working out the final details of our Parent Council budget with Ms. Riach, our treasurer, and Mrs. Kidd, our Chair, to prepare for our upcoming Parent Council meeting on Monday night. We have an exciting year ahead of us as we are able to continue to focus on purchasing more technology. We will provide more details at the meeting. 

Please make sure to attend the presentation by Debbie Gordon before the meeting. Her information is current and will focus on our children as social media consumers. Debbie is always a terrific source of information to parents. 

Thank you to all the grade 6-8 students who entertained us tonight at the concert. You have come along way in your skill level since September and you should be proud. We appreciate you. 

If your child is attending the Folk Dance Club Festival, please bring a lawn chair as we are outside. 

I hope you have a terrific weekend. 

May 2016 

30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Parent Guest Speaker at 6:00: Debbie Gordon on Internet Safety; Artist in School visit Mrs. Burn ; Grade 3 and 6 EQAO begins 

31-Primary Sharing Assembly; Grade 7 Trip; Artist in School visit Ms. Tyndall and Ms. Iafrate 

June 2016

1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Rain date) 
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assembly 
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation 
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
27-Report Cards Go Home! 

29-Pizza Lunch ; Last Day for Students 

September 2016
6-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
26th – Picture Day
29th – Terry Fox Run

October 2016
7-PA Day
18th – Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
27th – Picture Retakes

November 2016
11-Remembrance Day
18-PA Day
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week

December 2016
2-PA Day
23-Last Day to Work Before Holidays

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day
29-Last Day for Students

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Safety Concern

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We wanted to let you know that one of our senior students was approached by a man in a white van today as she made her way to school.  The man may be in his late thirties with grayish and black hair, a front tooth missing and generally unkempt.  The young lady is okay and the police will be investigating. We have shared information with staff who will review street proofing strategies with the students. We encourage you to have those discussions at home too. Tips can be found on our website and the following may be helpful. Please call the police directly if this occurs to you or your family.

The Toronto Police street proofing program encourages you to teach your child:

1.                  his/her name, address, phone number 
2.                  to Dial 9-1-1 in an emergency 
3.                  to communicate with you when they feel unsafe or afraid 
4.                  to keep you informed as to his/her whereabouts at all times 
5.                  never to admit to being alone in the home when answering the telephone 
6.                  never to invite strangers into the house or answer the door when alone 
7.                  never to approach or enter a stranger's car or hitchhike 
8.                  never to travel or play alone -- always be with friends to trust their feelings and say "NO" to an adult if that adult wants them to do something that is wrong 
9.                  not to accept gifts from strangers 
10.              to tell you if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you 
11.              that no one has the right to touch any part of his/ her body that a bathing suit would cover 
12.              that if he/she is being followed, or approached too closely, to run home or go to the nearest public place and yell for help 
13.              to report to your school authorities or a police officer, anyone who act suspiciously towards him/her 
14.              never to play in deserted buildings or isolated areas 
15.              never to enter anyone's home without your permission 
16.              to avoid taking shortcuts through parks and fields 
17.              never to show his/her money and if attacked to give it up rather than risk injury. 

18.              that a police officer is a friend who can always be relied upon when he/she is lost or needs assistance. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

This week, our science committee consisting of Mr. Littlejohn, Mr. Iceton, Ms. Chandra and myself had the pleasure of hosting a group of teachers in nearby schools that are very much interested in running a Family of Schools Science Fair next year. It was a productive meeting and good opportunity for the teachers to network; something we don't always have enough time to do in our profession. Our grade 6-8 science fair will be February 1, 2017 with all classes visiting during the day and an open house at night for parents.  We are really looking forward to it and more details will follow next year. 

As the warm weather approaches, please remind your children that the school has a dress code. Bascially, we don't want to see any undergarments and body parts should be covered. This generally applies more to the older grades. We will have a discussion about this at school too. 

We are pleased to tell you that the Student Council will be raising funds for Fort McMurray through a Dance-a-thon in June. Details will follow shortly. 

By the way, there will be construction on Prince Edward starting on Friday. Please be extra mindful when driving around the school. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

May 2016 

18-Primary Play Date (afternoon) 
19-Grade 2 to Zoo 
20-Jr Girls' Soccer Tournament 
 23-Victoria Day 
24-27-Book Fair in Library 
25-Grade 6-8 Music Night at 6:30 
26-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Folk Dance; Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event 
30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Parent Guest Speaker at 6:00: Debbie Gordon on Internet Safety; Artist in School visit Mrs. Burn  
31-Primary Sharing Assembly; Grade 7 Trip; Artist in School visit Ms. Tyndall and Ms. Iafrate 

June 2016

1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Rain date) 
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assembly 
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation 
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
27-Report Cards Go Home! 

29-Pizza Lunch ; Last Day for Students 

September 2016
6-School Begins; Kindergarten Open House
26th – Picture Day
29th – Terry Fox Run

October 2016
7-PA Day
18th – Power of One presentation (9:15 k-3, 10:15 4-6)
27th – Picture Retakes

November 2016
11-Remembrance Day
18-PA Day
13-18-Bullying Awareness Week

December 2016
2-PA Day
23-Last Day to Work Before Holidays

January 2017
9-School Begins
20-PA Day

February 2017
17-PA Day
20-Family Day

March 2017
13-17-March Break

April 2017
14-17 Good Friday/Easter Monday
22-Earth Day

May 2017
8-12-Children’s Mental Health Week
22-Victoria Day

June 2017
9-PA Day

29-Last Day for Students

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Congratulations to our grade 8 Badminton team as they advanced to the semi's at Humber College this week. Unfortunately, they will not be moving on, but they demonstrated superb skill and sportsmanship. A big thank you to Mr. Ross for coaching this year, along with the dedicated parents who have driven throughout the season. 

On Tuesday, Ms. Kim's class participated in the First Lego Competition at Westmount Junior Public School. The students completed an inquiry project on waste management at school and then presented their final projects, including a lego model, for review. We are so proud of their work and presentation skills! A big thank you to Ms. Kim and Ms. DeCaria for prepping the students throughout the last few months. 

The Track and Field Team also had a great day yesterday at their meet at Centennial Park. Many of our students will be moving to the next meet in June. A big congratulations goes to all of our grade 3-8 students for a great performance! 

As you know, work has begun on two of our staircases. The cement needs to cure for a few weeks before final completion. 

I hope to see you all at Springfest this weekend and Happy Mother's Day! 

May 2016
9-13-Dental Screening
9-Ms. Moser to Outdoor Education Center; Grade 3s to Pioneer Village 
11-Junior Boys' Soccer Tourney 
12-Folk Dance Club; Grade 7 Frisbee Tournament at LKS 
18-Primary Play Date (afternoon) 
19-Grade 2 to Zoo 
20-Jr Girls' Soccer Tournament 
 23-Victoria Day 
24-27-Book Fair in Library 
25-Grade 1-3 Track and Field Day 
26-Kindie Sharing Assembly; Folk Dance; Pizza Lunch; Grade 6-8 House Event 
30-Junior/Intermediate Assembly; Parent Council at 7:00 p.m.; Parent Guest Speaker at 6:00: Debbie Gordon on Internet Safety 
31-Primary Sharing Assembly 

June 2016
6-School Begins 
15-Curriculum Night
26-School Photos
29-Terry Fox Run 

1-Folk Dance Festival (7-Rain date) 
10-PA Day
14-Primary Assembly 
15-Junior Assembly
17-Grade 8 Graduation 
20-Grade 8 Quebec Trip 
23-Kindergarten Sharing Assembly 
27-Report Cards Go Home! 

September 2016 
6-School Begins
15-Curriculum Night
26-Photo Day
29-Terry Fox Run